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The Herald's Identity [SPOILERS] [Obviously]


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I just finished 'The Sacrifice' and I find the Herald very interesting. I looked her up on the wiki and it says both that "She fought in the Guild War" and that burning scrolls in 'Night of Fires' indicate through mention of her deeds and personality that she was Devona, who GW players should recognize. It makes sense, she wields a hammer like Devona, she was a warrior and would have worshiped Balthazar, etc. etc.

But one thing on the wiki is contradictory: Devona's father died in the last Guild War when she was five. The wiki also says that she fought in the Guild Wars. So someone has screwed up here... Does anyone have a direct quote from the game that can back the wiki up?

( I personally really hope that this is a thing, it'd be insanely cool. )

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Did it? Hm... I suppose it did pretty much end with the Searing, and she was around 21 or 22... But that would mean she only would have fought for 4 or so years, so it's a bit odd it's mentioned specifically that she 'fought in the Guild War' and not that she did everything else that she did.

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The Third Guild War lasted for over 70 years. It ended during the pre-Searing tutorial area of Prophecies, in 1070 AE, when Devona was 21. We do not know how early she was conscripted (she could have been a child soldier for all we really know, but at age 16-18 makes more sense given the type of story Anet tends to do). She did fight in the Guild Wars, even if not for very long.


The scroll in question:



From you, I learned of loyalty and duty. I lived my life in serv----ealistic men and women. I called myself a hero, never knowing tha---asn't true. It wasn't until I found myself in the Fissu-

---sen, and the Guild Wars. That was when I understood you, and what I believ---azar came to us, and showed us the way. He showed me how foolish and naive I had been to ma-

-ow I will be the champion of his Forged, the one who speaks for him and leading his campa---pon is being prepared, and I hope that wherever you--proud of me. Balthazar comes. Farewe--er.



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  • 4 weeks later...

A Little bit of a thread necro but I wanted to close this up - the Herald of Balthazar is 100% Devona, as we have already well suspected here and in a few other threads.


Watching the [GuildChat from the 13th](

"GuildChatfrom the 13th") at work today, Bobby states that there's an NPC of interest that we meet periodically through the story that was a GW1 character (basically saying it was the Herald without being spoiler-y and naming her) and people have started to theorize about their identity. He said that there is a line that, if not verbatim, is very very close to their dialogue from GW1.


After a bit of rereading the Herald's dialogue, the line he is referring to is "There is little I hold in higher regard than loyalty". The Herald says this in Sparking the Flame and Devona gives this line whilst in outposts/cities in Prophecies.


With the burning scroll clues we already have, that line seems to be the theory confirmation here. This is probably news to no one but I wanted to get this in the thread anyway, if for no other reason than any future forum browsers.


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> @Maethor.2810 said:

> A Little bit of a thread necro but I wanted to close this up - the Herald of Balthazar is 100% Devona, as we have already well suspected here and in a few other threads.


> Watching the [GuildChat from the 13th](

"GuildChatfrom the 13th") at work today, Bobby states that there's an NPC of interest that we meet periodically through the story that was a GW1 character (basically saying it was the Herald without being spoiler-y and naming her) and people have started to theorize about their identity. He said that there is a line that, if not verbatim, is very very close to their dialogue from GW1.


> After a bit of rereading the Herald's dialogue, the line he is referring to is "There is little I hold in higher regard than loyalty". The Herald says this in Sparking the Flame and Devona gives this line whilst in outposts/cities in Prophecies.


> With the burning scroll clues we already have, that line seems to be the theory confirmation here. This is probably news to no one but I wanted to get this in the thread anyway, if for no other reason than any future forum browsers.



Given I don't watch Guild Chat, that's nice to see. Adding it to the wiki.

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