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Beetle Suggestion - Boosting With Less Endurance

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Beetle is awesome, but there are very few maps and/or portions of those maps, where the beetle is truly better than a raptor for the purpose of it's traversing qualities. I kind of feel like, since the beetle can't actually jump without a ramp, it should be able to do its boost with any amount of current endurance built up, in the same way that a raptor could jump with only 25% endurance, but it would be a shorter jump than normal. The beetle would just have a shorter boost if he boosted at only 25%, as example.


I really want to use this beetle more often during map completions but it needs to be a bit more practical. The wait for the full endurance bar before boost is a bit too much of a down time. As it stands, when it comes to relatively flat ground travel, the raptor is better than the beetle.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Beetle is awesome, but there are very few maps and/or portions of those maps, where the beetle is truly better than a raptor for the purpose of it's traversing qualities. I kind of feel like, since the beetle can't actually jump without a ramp, it should be able to do its boost with any amount of current endurance built up, in the same way that a raptor could jump with only 25% endurance, but it would be a shorter jump than normal. The beetle would just have a shorter boost if he boosted at only 25%, as example.


> I really want to use this beetle more often during map completions but it needs to be a bit more practical. The wait for the full endurance bar before boost is a bit too much of a down time. As it stands, when it comes to relatively flat ground travel, the raptor is better than the beetle.


This would definetly be a better application. Beetle just takes too long to "wind up".

Basically they should handle endurance in the beetle kinda like "Burnout" in the Burnout Series, or Nitro in the more recent NFS games.

It boosts while it lasts, and recharges faster when you do certain actions like drifting (can apply), driving on the wrong lane (can be transmuted to moving at max speed for over x seconds), and jumping (tricks in our case). If this was the case, beetle would be a much more entertaining mount to use.

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