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Deadeye is broken OP

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It’s worth mentioning that given ANet’s new trend of making HoT less competitive, it’s likely that DD will get gutted in some way, uuugh sorry I meant to say it will get balanced the way Chrono and Condi Reaper got balanced.


Inc 50% dmg reduction across the board.


Edit: The only thing I'd like to see gone from thief across the board is the stupid 3333333 builds in all their variations. Continuously pressing the same button over and over should not be as rewarding as it is. Maybe a revision to the poisons to scale them with the new reality that is PoF.

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> @"Gretzel.6790" said:

> Too many people taking this at face value; its obviously a joke.


Hahaha but the thing is he's not joking. I see threads about thief build QQ every single day and most of them are about terrible builds that killed some other shitty build piloted by a new player who doesn't know that he has 6 button on his bar that instantly win the fight against these thief builds.


It's honestly a daily event, I think anet has it built into the daily system. Daily "QQ about thief builds on the forums" 1 of 3

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The annoying thing about thief is the stupid stealth port crap so it's just a guessing game where they are. First thing they should do is nerf the hell out of all the stealth on thief and mesmer. That's the biggest problem right there.

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Unpopular opinion : RIFLE deadeye should never be competitive at high level PvP. Given its nature of skills, it's still insanely oppressive where it either shuts down people completely or is borderline useless. It's hard to find a middle ground in between. And if it can do this competitively at high level pvp; then it'll be beyond oppresive at lower ratings.


I fail to see how it provides healthy playmaking and counterplay. It's either bursty enough to near one shot players with high stealth and mobility; or it fails at killing players and can never outrotate more mobile thief builds. There's little in between. At least for rifle DPS / +1 / spike builds.

I'd rather deal with thieves which have a little more counterplay; d/p s/d even P/P has less burst.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:



> Core guardian can't really do anything against a competent deadeye. If the deadeye stays on no-ports, you can't really do anything other than disengage. The lack of viable ranged options really hurts guardians in this scenario, but counters are good for the game.


> However, that being said. I don't think deadeye (rifle specifically) should ever be a viable build in PvP. The play style isn't good for the game, the damage it pumps out is unreal. It does suffer a lot from blocks and reflects though.


Duck Tier Guardian is right(for the first time), deadeye now seems a formidable thing to face against. Also most players are still not aware how dangerous it is if you let him/her freeshoot you. Seems so easy to play as well, just mark your enemy go in stealth, wait in stealth, wait and burst! I dont see any relevant personal skill required for this. Also I would say big radius reveal builds like gyro scrappers could easily lead them to suffer but remember deadeye got a elite skill which removes reveal and go in stealth again. Oh yes, seems like a total troublemaker. If it will go like this (and I highly doubt the opposite) deadeye will get the first target priority in teamfights from now on. At least they can't sustain this way.

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> @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:


> >

> > Core guardian can't really do anything against a competent deadeye. If the deadeye stays on no-ports, you can't really do anything other than disengage. The lack of viable ranged options really hurts guardians in this scenario, but counters are good for the game.

> >

> > However, that being said. I don't think deadeye (rifle specifically) should ever be a viable build in PvP. The play style isn't good for the game, the damage it pumps out is unreal. It does suffer a lot from blocks and reflects though.


> Duck Tier Guardian is right(for the first time), deadeye now seems a formidable thing to face against. Also most players are still not aware how dangerous it is if you let him/her freeshoot you. Seems so easy to play as well, just mark your enemy go in stealth, wait in stealth, wait and burst!


That isn't how malice works bro

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> Unpopular opinion : RIFLE deadeye should never be competitive at high level PvP. Given its nature of skills, it's still insanely oppressive where it either shuts down people completely or is borderline useless. It's hard to find a middle ground in between. And if it can do this competitively at high level pvp; then it'll be beyond oppresive at lower ratings.


> I fail to see how it provides healthy playmaking and counterplay. It's either bursty enough to near one shot players with high stealth and mobility; or it fails at killing players and can never outrotate more mobile thief builds. There's little in between. At least for rifle DPS / +1 / spike builds.

> I'd rather deal with thieves which have a little more counterplay; d/p s/d even P/P has less burst.


1 shot builds/builds that kill you from stealth in under a second/builds that kill you in a second are never fun to face. It may be fun for the other user, but it makes the player taking the damage frustrated. I think the same, there's a place for builds like this, in WvW and Pve, but sPvP needs lower damage over all I think. It is the unpopular opinion on the forums though


People always defend builds like these saying they are glassy. It's not a real defense, but what can you do

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> >

> > >

> > > Core guardian can't really do anything against a competent deadeye. If the deadeye stays on no-ports, you can't really do anything other than disengage. The lack of viable ranged options really hurts guardians in this scenario, but counters are good for the game.

> > >

> > > However, that being said. I don't think deadeye (rifle specifically) should ever be a viable build in PvP. The play style isn't good for the game, the damage it pumps out is unreal. It does suffer a lot from blocks and reflects though.

> >

> > Duck Tier Guardian is right(for the first time), deadeye now seems a formidable thing to face against. Also most players are still not aware how dangerous it is if you let him/her freeshoot you. Seems so easy to play as well, just mark your enemy go in stealth, wait in stealth, wait and burst!


> That isn't how malice works bro


who did talk about malice? Not me.

Deadeye doesnt even need malice stacks now to ruin ppl's lives.

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> @"Babylonn.5027" said:

> Deadeye is broken OP. No spec should be allowed to have 30k burst in 2 seconds, stealth, teleports and unblockable 20k hitting 1 shot skill. This class is most broken thing in PvP and needs seriously toned down. I guess that everyone who have faced this boosted class, will agree that Deadeye is most broken OP thing atm and needs nerfed ASAP.

> Guy called "Fat Boi Thief" is shameless abusing this build and he 1 shotted me as FB, i reported him after match but hes still at ranked..






Mesmer has all of these and more :dizzy:

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The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:


1st gw006


2nd gw007


Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.


**I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**


**Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**


Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

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> @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Core guardian can't really do anything against a competent deadeye. If the deadeye stays on no-ports, you can't really do anything other than disengage. The lack of viable ranged options really hurts guardians in this scenario, but counters are good for the game.

> > > >

> > > > However, that being said. I don't think deadeye (rifle specifically) should ever be a viable build in PvP. The play style isn't good for the game, the damage it pumps out is unreal. It does suffer a lot from blocks and reflects though.

> > >

> > > Duck Tier Guardian is right(for the first time), deadeye now seems a formidable thing to face against. Also most players are still not aware how dangerous it is if you let him/her freeshoot you. Seems so easy to play as well, just mark your enemy go in stealth, wait in stealth, wait and burst!

> >

> > That isn't how malice works bro


> who did talk about malice? Not me.

> Deadeye doesnt even need malice stacks now to ruin ppl's lives.


There is no version of deaths judgement that does 30k on its own without malice


Sorry bout that, I was assuming you knew that since you are complaining about it, my mistake

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:


> 1st gw006


> 2nd gw007


> Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.


> **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**


> **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**


> Apparently this is okay now in PvP.


Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.


Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".


The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS




Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this shit 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this shit


This is not how pvp works people, stop with the fucking obvious misinformation

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> >

> > 1st gw006

> >

> > 2nd gw007

> >

> > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> >

> > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> >

> > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> >

> > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.


> Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.


> Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".


> The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS




> Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten


> This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation


> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> >

> > 1st gw006

> >

> > 2nd gw007

> >

> > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> >

> > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> >

> > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> >

> > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.


> Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.


> Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".


> The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS




> Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten


> This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation


I'm saying one attack as in in being attacked from stealth and being downed in about 2secs, maybe slightly less. The fact I said 2secs was the clue. The pic was taken in PvP in Battle of Kyhlo during a match as I already said. He wasn't buffed by anyone.


Lol, oh I should mention that those are cropped pics. Here are the originals (full sized) proving I was on the Battle of Khylo:


1st Pic: https://ibb.co/fBgFp8


2nd Pic: https://ibb.co/bJR4hT


**So before accusing people of lying with no evidence maybe you should think first. In fact you are the one spreading misinformation. EAT CROW buddy .**


Feel free to apologise....I'm waiting.

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:


> 1st gw006


> 2nd gw007


> Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.


> **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**


> **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**


> Apparently this is okay now in PvP.


one shot from stealth everywhere .What's the fun of this? Excess power damage must turned into condi damage

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