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Feed From Corruption... Why is it not a Core trait?


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Because if it was, the title of your thread would probably be:

"_Freed from corruption_... Why is it not baseline?"


Anet chose to make boon corruption a core component of scourge, there is no such thing into the core necromancer (It's part of the tools but there is no real focus on it outside of the scourge e-spec).

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Would argue the Curses line is much more centralized around corruption than Scourge is supposed to be.


That's difficult to argue though. Scourge have a whole traitline dedicated and all it's specific utility skills corrupt boons. Whereas curse house 1 trait, maybe 1 and half. Curse is more focused on condition manipulation than boon corruption. If we had an e-spec that focus on granting bonus each time we self inflict condition applying your logic, curse would also be much more centralized around this effect I guess.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > Would argue the Curses line is much more centralized around corruption than Scourge is supposed to be.


> That's difficult to argue though. Scourge have a whole traitline dedicated and all it's specific utility skills corrupt boons. Whereas curse house 1 trait, maybe 1 and half. Curse is more focused on condition manipulation than boon corruption. If we had an e-spec that focus on granting bonus each time we self inflict condition applying your logic, curse would also be much more centralized around this effect I guess.


At the same time the whole scourge trait line by itself is almost a whole profession in itself being far to heavily weighted in relation to any other trait lines.


But..... boon corruption is spread throughout all of core necormancer, axe, scepter, main hand and off hand dagger, as well has sills like corrupt boon, well of corruption, traits like spiteful sprit, weakening shroud, path of corruption. It could be argued rather easily that this trait deserves a proper place within core more than scourge.


While curses might not be the place to put such a trait, its no doubt fits more into the core perspective than scourge. Even if scourge has 2 traits and a whole set of utilities that happen to have the boon corrupt mechanic.

Not to mention scourge cannot use it properly and still be played effectively. While you can argue that yes it can still be "Played" its nothing you will succeed several times over with. As a core trait scourge could use it more properly as well as every other spec.


Despite all of what i just said its probably not going to move unless anet suddenly decides to rework necro overall but yeah...

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> @"killfil.3472" said:

> As the tittle says.

> It seems like a trait tat should've been implimented to a core traitline a long time ago, but is instead locked behind a specilization :pensive:


you, me, and like dozens of other people have been asking this for a long time.

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Scourge is a damage via torment and corruption focused spec. Reason is: Every scourge specific skill corrupts into torment. Additionally cripple is added to torment to increase the impact of torment (you have to move for a longer period to reach the same distance).


**Source:** ANet explanation of the spec in some thread here in the forum a few months ago.


Curses is a debuff and condi traitline. It focusses on

- corrupts (in terms of debuffing, not damage)

- weakness application (debuffing)

- bleeding application via crits (minor trait and fury)

- scepter damage buff


Feed From Corruption is the sustain gm-trait in the Scourge traitline (like Blighter's Boon is in the Reaper traitline). Every elite spec has options for damage, sustain and utility. Feed From Corruption is designed around that purpose. It does not fit into one of the base traitlines because Necro was never designed as a "sustain via boons" class. In its core design it has just access to Swiftness, strong Might generation to increase damage (instead of damage multipliers) and some very limited acces to protection (instead of blocks and invuln.) to support the sustain via shroud.


As Scourge drops shroud it is more "open" to boons than Core and Reaper.


Imagine a Feed From Corruption Power Reaper fighting a Spellbreaker or Guardian and "stealing" Aegis, Stability, Protection, Fury, Retaliation, Resistance every few seconds (on top of the corruptions on the target!). Pretty funny for the Reaper, but beyond broken.

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