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Satisfaction with Downloadable Contents.

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Hi there,

I'm a student working on a dissertation that studies the relationship between the satisfaction of additional contents (DLCs) and in-game playstyle/behaviour.

During the survey (you may keep in mind GW2 as a game of choice or any other MMORPG game that you have previously played).

I've provided a link below for the survey, your participation is greatly appreciated.


This survey is for academic purpose only.




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I answered for Elder Scrolls Online since I can't remember which Living Story episodes I've purchased and I thought getting most of them for free might affect my answers.


I found some of the questions hard to understand. I don't know what you mean by things like 'being socially acceptable' as a result of playing DLC. Does it mean other people will be happy I've played it too and it will give us something to talk about? Maybe it shows I'm 'committed' enough to buy extra content for the game and so I'm a serious player they want to spend time with? Or is it that some people will only accept other players with equally good (or better) skills and equipment and I'm hoping that if I complete the DLC I will meet their standards for my character? Because my answer would be very different depending on which it is.


I also feel like being asked to focus on one specific DLC risks biased answers (although I understand why you did it). My immediate thought was to pick Orsinimum, since that's my favourite and the one I've played most. But if I answer based on my favourite DLC in one of my favourite games is that really a balanced answer?

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@"Danikat.8537" Hi Thanks for spending time on the survey! Really appreciate it.


Yes, Living world is slightly in the grey area as it free and cost-less for some while some that missed the season would have to purchase them.


As for 'being socially acceptable' as a result of playing DLC, Studies in motivations to play games elaborates that gamers are naturally influenced by peers and guilds, which is known as "social norms". As you have mentioned, both points refer to being socially accepted. However, in this case, being socially accepted refers to the "social status" that you will gain by playing or purchasing the DLC and not necessarily the functional aspects of the game (meeting standards). This may refer to peer pressure to purchase or the rash decision to purchase just so one could join friends that already have the DLC (social need).


The biased answers is a limitation of my study, unfortunately, and in any scenario, I would not be able to escape that. However, picking a choice of your favourite DLCs or least favourite DLC will only change your respond accordingly and therefore answers would be expected to be balanced. (i.e. satisfaction is high with favourite DLC and the opposite for the least favourite DLC). And may possibly affect your future perception of DLCs in general.


I hope that Clarifies your questions. Thanks again for dropping questions. It did help me aswell assess the difficulty of understanding the questions.



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