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A Huge THANK YOU to the Team

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I should have thought about this way sooner. Better late than never right?


Anyway, Between 14 and 16 I was diagnosed with cancer three times currently 11 years in remission. The first game that I played in this franchise was Guild Wars: Factions, while still fighting. Luxons rule, and within a few months I got into Prophecies, NF, and EotN. I also got GW2 a couple months after it's release had to put it on hold for a couple of years due to the PC I had at the time being unable to keep up with the game.


To the Devs, I truely thank you from the bottom of my heart. Had it not been for you guys, including Colin Johnson(even though I blame him for how impossible it is for me to get a perfect drop) I'd have probably given up on my fight all those years ago.


@"Gaile Gray.6029"

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Some people say games are _“just games”_ or movies are _“just movies”_ and so on. But they dismiss the purpose of entertainment and the way it can help someone in ways that medicine can’t. In a world where depression and other conditions are widespread, things like games have been incredibly useful for many as you can attest to.


It’s great to hear how GW has helped you as well as gave you years of just having fun. I’m glad you’re here.

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You should direct that to Gaile over the forums mail or something, she is surely happy to forward it to the right people. No one of the guys is reading it on the forums and we users - I speak for me now at least - don't even know you, so I really can't give you any meaningful good wishes that are not hypocrisy*. The gameplay boards is not the right place and it's most probably getting lost in here. Strongly suggesting it to send it directly where it matters, maybe even with a handwritten letter :-)


(* since I don't know who you are and we have and never will meet anyways; internet conversations like that are super shallow)



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Firstly, I love that it's someone with the user name Killjoy saying this. :)


Secondly I'm really glad you found something which helped you get through such a difficult time. Like @"Cyrin.1035" said people are sometimes too quick to dismiss entertainment, when it can have a really positive effect on people. I'm not saying that because it's Guild Wars and I love it too (ok, I _kind of_ am), but I'm in favour of anything which helps someone make a horrible time that much more bearable.

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> You should direct that to Gaile over the forums mail or something, she is surely happy to forward it to the right people. No one of the guys is reading it on the forums and we users - I speak for me now at least - don't even know you, so I really can't give you any meaningful good wishes that are not hypocrisy*. The gameplay boards is not the right place and it's most probably getting lost in here. Strongly suggesting it to send it directly where it matters, maybe even with a handwritten letter :-)


> (* since I don't know who you are and we have and never will meet anyways; internet conversations like that are super shallow)


> Excelsior.


I don't know how long you've been in the community but, you and the rest of the community also count as a piece of the GW/GW2 that also played a roll in my recovery.

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I am so glad to hear that you didn't give up! GW2 is truly a beautiful game. :)


And I know, it's not the same as your struggle. But I had a miscarriage and was really devastated(we tried to get pregnant many many years before this with no luck). GW2 helped me a lot in this difficult time too. I didn't even want to leave the bed. I started to get depressive. But GW2 distracted me and I got better. My guild helped a lot and I had a lot of nice conversations with others in the community who made me laugh again.


Now I am pregnant again and hopefully this time everything goes well. I am glad this game exists. It makes me happy.

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The Guild Wars franchise being affordable and not require a powerful computer helped me with my dyslexia problem more than my school did.


I wouldn't even be any form of successful in life if it wasn't for Guild Wars 1 (not long had 2x companies fighting for me with pay offers).


Stories like OP should be heard by all anet staff to show them that there are people who do appreciate everything they stand for, the service/entertainment they provided us and positive impact on that person's life.


Most of the forum posts are just want want and want or am leaving.


Anet do read the forums but they don't usually post anything otherwise the topic will get flooded with questions lol.

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