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Skritt spirits, their afterlife


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Okay, so bear with me. During a RolePlay session with my necro and another necromancer player, we went on a discussion about skritt spirits and their afterlives. It was a fun topic, and wanted to share it, see if it sparks some more fun. Bear in mind, it is all speculation and random head-canon that may or may not be even valid.


The original idea was this: Skritt souls cannot be called back to be questioned. Calling souls back for questioning is established lore, Alastia Crow (human personal story, Priory route), and that kid Marjorey questioned in a short story, King Razah of Orr. There may be more with other races I dont know about, norn possibly? At this point I would think that any necromancer working for law-enforcement would have some capability and training to do such a thing.

So why would skritt be impossible to call back this way? My idea was that the recalled skritt spirits would be a fuzzy non-responsive soul energy that doesnt do anything and dissipates after a time. The reason for this, I figured, was that skritt intelligence changes with their number, and while intellect =/= soul, the ability to comprehend things effects how we feel about stuff, which in turn affects behavior and eventually the soul itself. So what could a lone skritt spirit be like? Barely functioning, I imagined. (another good point was that we dont know of any skritt that uses magic)


The better side of the conversation regarded the possibility of a skritt afterlife, specifically something we got to call "Mega-skritt" jokingly. The idea that every skritt ever dying would eventually find their way to a single collective of skritt spirits, an intelligence beyond any other in any sense of afterlife. Unbound by time and space restrains, ever growing, evolving, thinking. What would this Mega-skritt think of us, more commonly killing living skritt than helping them (and feeding this entity unwittingly)? Would it know solutions to pressing matters here on Tyria? Would it even care to ponder such, share such with us? Would it potentially be considered a threat by some (Inquest would be my first guess) to the point that they would want to manipulate living skritt to somehow sever ties with the Mega-skritt?


In conclusion we agreed that we shall never think of skritt the same way again. :)

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I've always seen the Skritt as very similar to the [Nezumi](http://l5r.wikia.com/wiki/Nezumi "Nezumi") from legend of the Five Rings, specially on their approach to the culture of other races, their values around survival and shinies, etc. Is also not hard to imagine the skritt afterlife as something alike the "dreamtime" the Nezumi have. BUT, your idea of the skritt superentity that grows with each new skritt spirit is also super compelling. I would use it on my roleplaying, no doubt.

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