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60,000 damage from 1 ability, is that normal?


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Some people missing the point....30K to 60K damage on a single skill is a huge joke, no matter how much prep time you need or the kinds of mix between traits+sigils+runes+utility skill+etc...people defending this is the reason the game is in such bad state.

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41030/longbow-aa-hack-or-legit#latest


> If you use that SB build you can one shot people with Worldly Impact easily but, you are squishy as hell and the skill itself have a really obvious animation plus 1sec cast. you must enter melee range and any Ranger with berserker/squishy build in melee range should die in less than 2 sec, if people dont focus him the second time you see him is your team fault.


> was you using Berserk?? to hit for more than 50k im sure you was glass cannon too.


If i did 50k every 25 seconds, i would'nt care at all how glassy i am.

I can hit 5 target at a 240 radius at 50k.. Hell yeah. Gimme gimme.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41030/longbow-aa-hack-or-legit#latest

> >

> > If you use that SB build you can one shot people with Worldly Impact easily but, you are squishy as hell and the skill itself have a really obvious animation plus 1sec cast. you must enter melee range and any Ranger with berserker/squishy build in melee range should die in less than 2 sec, if people dont focus him the second time you see him is your team fault.

> >

> > was you using Berserk?? to hit for more than 50k im sure you was glass cannon too.


> If i did 50k every 25 seconds, i would'nt care at all how glassy i am.

> I can hit 5 target at a 240 radius at 50k.. Hell yeah. Gimme gimme.


in a Spvp with people plat more , you should be dead in 1 sec, Ranger cant teleport while casting the skill like almost any other class in this game, but ok.


To hit for that amount of damage you must have:

full berserker

all offensive traits

offensive rune like scholar

25 might stack

use maul to have oportunity attack

meld with your pet

use sic,em

land the worldly impact that have a obvious 1 sec animation , with light effects included.


all of that in middle of a fight in melee range with a berserker ranger.


first time he kill you shame on him, second time, shame on you.


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Its not normal. Thats some EXTREME scaling on that skill. I run a build using wordly impact in pvp with marauder amulet and leadership. The damage i can reach when buffed ranges from 15k(on a squishy target with no defensives up) to around 400( not uncommon for wordly impact to do minimum damage on lets say a holosmith with its cooldowns active.


Thats not to say its impossible though. I dont fully commit everything to damage. if I did I could probably reach one shot levels of damage. I just feel the tradeoff wouldnt be worth it to invest on two burst sources (maul and wordly impact) yes you could farm some people with it. But all its gonna do is make you the focus target for the enemy team. Even just having one guy following you around is gonna make setting up your burst hard.


Thats not to say its okay. Its not. I have always disagreed with this style of build. Not necessarily the people who play them because lets face it it has to be FUN to nuke someone like that. And mad props to them for doing the math and getting it to work. Seriously.


I would say be very careful at where you aim the nerf though. What were looking at is an extreme case here. If you nerf the base skill you hurt every soulbeast in the game for one guys build. If you nerf some of the cooldowns he uses you nerf every single soulbeast in the game for one guys build. If you nerf the runes etc...hes using to further scale his damage you nerf EVERYONE in the game for one guys build.


So just be cautious and think about what to nerf very carefully before you start pointing at anything please. Because I for one dont want to get nuked for someone elses setup. And odds are I will. Just my 2 cents though.


Edit: One other thing to keep in mind. Any damage after your health doesnt matter. Yeah the number looks bigger. But it doesnt actually do anything. If your squishy 15k hits kill you the same as 30k. So dont be suckered in by the raw numbers so much. Note im not saying this isn't too high. My question is what really makes this different form being one shot by any OTHER one shot build in the game.


Again Im not trying to downplay it. This needs to be looked at.

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> @"Shadelang.3012" said:

> Its not normal. Thats some EXTREME scaling on that skill. I run a build using wordly impact in pvp with marauder amulet and leadership. The damage i can reach when buffed ranges from 15k(on a squishy target with no defensives up) to around 400( not uncommon for wordly impact to do minimum damage on lets say a holosmith with its cooldowns active.


> Thats not to say its impossible though. I dont fully commit everything to damage. if I did I could probably reach one shot levels of damage. I just feel the tradeoff wouldnt be worth it to invest on two burst sources (maul and wordly impact) yes you could farm some people with it. But all its gonna do is make you the focus target for the enemy team. Even just having one guy following you around is gonna make setting up your burst hard.


> Thats not to say its okay. Its not. I have always disagreed with this style of build. Not necessarily the people who play them because lets face it it has to be FUN to nuke someone like that. And mad props to them for doing the math and getting it to work. Seriously.


> I would say be very careful at where you aim the nerf though. What were looking at is an extreme case here. If you nerf the base skill you hurt every soulbeast in the game for one guys build. If you nerf some of the cooldowns he uses you nerf every single soulbeast in the game for one guys build. If you nerf the runes etc...hes using to further scale his damage you nerf EVERYONE in the game for one guys build.


> So just be cautious and think about what to nerf very carefully before you start pointing at anything please. Because I for one dont want to get nuked for someone elses setup. And odds are I will. Just my 2 cents though.


> Edit: One other thing to keep in mind. Any damage after your health doesnt matter. Yeah the number looks bigger. But it doesnt actually do anything. If your squishy 15k hits kill you the same as 30k. So dont be suckered in by the raw numbers so much. Note im not saying this isn't too high. My question is what really makes this different form being one shot by any OTHER one shot build in the game.


> Again Im not trying to downplay it. This needs to be looked at.


Damage greater than your health does matter now a days. There's barriers now and that's not the point. I think it's a bug with a multiplier somewhere.

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41030/longbow-aa-hack-or-legit#latest

> > >

> > > If you use that SB build you can one shot people with Worldly Impact easily but, you are squishy as hell and the skill itself have a really obvious animation plus 1sec cast. you must enter melee range and any Ranger with berserker/squishy build in melee range should die in less than 2 sec, if people dont focus him the second time you see him is your team fault.

> > >

> > > was you using Berserk?? to hit for more than 50k im sure you was glass cannon too.

> >

> > If i did 50k every 25 seconds, i would'nt care at all how glassy i am.

> > I can hit 5 target at a 240 radius at 50k.. Hell yeah. Gimme gimme.


> in a Spvp with people plat more , you should be dead in 1 sec, Ranger cant teleport while casting the skill like almost any other class in this game, but ok.


> To hit for that amount of damage you must have:

> full berserker

> all offensive traits

> offensive rune like scholar

> 25 might stack

> use maul to have oportunity attack

> meld with your pet

> use sic,em

> land the worldly impact that have a obvious 1 sec animation , with light effects included.


> all of that in middle of a fight in melee range with a berserker ranger.


> **first time he kill you shame on him, second time, shame on you.**


Really? that's your argument?

Listen anything doing that much damage aint no shame to die. Cuz when it's broken, it's broken.


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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > Ranger for some reason has always attracted the worst players. The same way revenant attracts the best.


> Wait, isn't thieves that attract the best?! At least is what I read on thieves forums...

> Anywayyyy Asuras attract the best players and other races the worst. B)


But... but... ele! Oh, wait, we had Tempest...

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41030/longbow-aa-hack-or-legit#latest

> > > >

> > > > If you use that SB build you can one shot people with Worldly Impact easily but, you are squishy as hell and the skill itself have a really obvious animation plus 1sec cast. you must enter melee range and any Ranger with berserker/squishy build in melee range should die in less than 2 sec, if people dont focus him the second time you see him is your team fault.

> > > >

> > > > was you using Berserk?? to hit for more than 50k im sure you was glass cannon too.

> > >

> > > If i did 50k every 25 seconds, i would'nt care at all how glassy i am.

> > > I can hit 5 target at a 240 radius at 50k.. Hell yeah. Gimme gimme.

> >

> > in a Spvp with people plat more , you should be dead in 1 sec, Ranger cant teleport while casting the skill like almost any other class in this game, but ok.

> >

> > To hit for that amount of damage you must have:

> > full berserker

> > all offensive traits

> > offensive rune like scholar

> > 25 might stack

> > use maul to have oportunity attack

> > meld with your pet

> > use sic,em

> > land the worldly impact that have a obvious 1 sec animation , with light effects included.

> >

> > all of that in middle of a fight in melee range with a berserker ranger.

> >

> > **first time he kill you shame on him, second time, shame on you.**

> >

> Really? that's your argument?

> Listen anything doing that much damage aint no shame to die. Cuz when it's broken, it's broken.


That kind of ranger is the very definition of glass cannon, any warrior/mesmer/holo/reve/thief/necro/hammerguardian/hardcc/block/evade/invul could kill him in 2 secs or make him useless, he sacrified all to have that oneshot, 15922 hp with full berserker is a free kill for almost any class on this game......


I have see 30k+ Worldly impact Damage in WvW , 1 on a million you can land all i have write above and PAM, 1 shot 1 dead.


we didnt even know if that 60k damage was while he was downed......


the next formula is the max damage you could reach with the ranger Class.

Power * 1.05(minor) * 1.07(minor) * 1.25(remorseless) * 1.25(sickem) * 1*25(oportAttack) * 1.1(Oppesive sup) * 1.1(minor BM) * 1.1 (scholar)*2.7 (base ferocity + reventant buff )


Is a troll build.

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Hmm as rev i can deal up to 6k per hammer swing to downed targets. Here some clues:

You take dmg from downed state.

I've focused on power dmg. 3.2k it's pretty decent dmg you know. But 32k crith with 2.45-2.62 multiplier no no no)) Ok screw crit dmg, what if sick em adds dmg to your skills. Since you have absorbed pet's soul, mb 40% bonus dmg works for your abilities. Or anet just messed with dmg formula and added power multiplier. In this case 3.22 * 3.40 * 2.45=26.8k. Then you cast sick em 26.8*0.4 = 10.7k bonus dmg Then 26.8+10.7= 37.5k

I don't give a thing how dmg is calculated. Just trying to help TS :)

![](https://i.imgur.com/nb9I139.jpg "")



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This damage shouldn't exist even if this was a 3sec casting time skill. Can be done from stealth, SB has a lot of cc's that can be comboed into it as well. Rock Gazelle was broken af, and this does even more damage.


People say the usual 'LOLz you got hit by a skill that is easy to dodge' as if he/she knows the situation the person was in. Maybe it was done from stealth? Maybe there was a ******* of clutter on point and it was hard to see the animation? Maybe he was already 1v1 someone and SB +1'd??? Do you prefer getting hit for, say, 4.5k by Maul or 60k that would delete everyone on point? Peeps defending this kind of damage live in their own bubble.

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His screenshots are suspiciously cut and mean nothing without telling us his build and what was going on before. For all we know, he could be just another troll doing 1v1 with his friend trying to get the highest possible damage from WI.


I'm not denying high damage from WI can't happen, but over 30k and then 60k, it's crazy.





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I cut stuff out because posting anything with names isn't allowed on here I thought. I have the full screen shot and I wasn't the only one getting 1 shot. I can tell my ele friend later to post as well, he also met that same person.


The other people who got hit by it, I didn't record their names, but they said they screen shot it as well.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Some people missing the point....30K to 60K damage on a single skill is a huge joke, no matter how much prep time you need or the kinds of mix between traits+sigils+runes+utility skill+etc...people defending this is the reason the game is in such bad state.


This so much. At some point u gotta say enough is enough with the damage.


Worldy impact is not even single target.


If the punishment for " fucking up " is taking 3 times worth base warrior hp damage. Then something is wrong here.


And lets be real here at this point its not getting hit

That is an absurd standard.

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It's funny seeing people justify this on the basis of "glass cannon". If that's your logic, then I guess some1 doing 100,000 damage per hit in sPvP is fine as long as they are glass cannon right?


Also, if this build is worthless, then why defend it and keep it in the game? You're only supporting the argument that it needs to be fixed. One-shot builds should NEVER be in the game. It makes it far too easy to exploit and difficult to balance.

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> @"Krispera.5087" said:

> His screenshots are suspiciously cut and mean nothing without telling us his build and what was going on before. For all we know, he could be just another troll doing 1v1 with his friend trying to get the highest possible damage from WI.


> I'm not denying high damage from WI can't happen, but over 30k and then 60k, it's crazy.






I have no idea why you would think I am trolling, even if I was, 60,000 damage is fine? I posted the uncropped pictures up there. I covered the peoples names and you can see my team is literally complaining about getting hit over 30,000 damage. Even his maul hit me for 20,000 damage.


You can see I was not in downed state in both screen shots because in the first one, you can see I bled out on the right hand side


The second one maul killed me, hitting me for 20,000 damage

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> I have no idea why you would think I am trolling, even if I was, 60,000 damage is fine?


Because you clearly cropped it in a way to hide everything around it and only showing the damage. How do I know you weren't ?

No, 60k damage is not fine and I never said it was.


> @"ceces.9368" said:

> I posted the uncropped pictures up there. I covered the peoples names and you can see my team is literally complaining about getting hit over 30,000 damage. Even his maul hit me for 20,000 damage.


Thank you for the detailed screenshots. Yes, now I agree that there must be something really wrong going on with the % mutiplication of damage. I knew WI was doing absurd damage, but 60k is clearly broken.

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> @"Volrath.1473" said:



> ... just thought i'd drop this here, no reason.


yeah, and people used to complain about back stab...a single target skill and are defending a skill that does AoE damage and can hit up to 60K damage under the right setup...

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> @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > I have no idea why you would think I am trolling, even if I was, 60,000 damage is fine?


> Because you clearly cropped it in a way to hide everything around it and only showing the damage. How do I know you weren't ?

> No, 60k damage is not fine and I never said it was.


> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > I posted the uncropped pictures up there. I covered the peoples names and you can see my team is literally complaining about getting hit over 30,000 damage. Even his maul hit me for 20,000 damage.


> Thank you for the detailed screenshots. Yes, now I agree that there must be something really wrong going on with the % mutiplication of damage. I knew WI was doing absurd damage, but 60k is clearly broken.


the problem is to much damage multipliers being throw away in this game...."Here take this skill that give you 40% more damage, and this other one that gives 20% and another that gives 10%, plus this sigil and rune taht can add up to 10~20% more damage"...yeah nothing can go wrong with something like that...

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:

> second image, he killed you "twice",first one you wasnt in downed state, and second one you was in downed. and in downed you receive more damage.


No, I wasn't in downed state. Reason you think he killed me twice is because that log on the right hand side will tell you when you kill someone(Not in downed state) and then when you kill them in downed state.


If you'd like, you can use a dueling map with a friend and test it.


And even if I was in downed state, that was maul, which still hit me for a silly amount(20,000)

What got me in downed state was that 60,000 damage world impact

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > second image, he killed you "twice",first one you wasnt in downed state, and second one you was in downed. and in downed you receive more damage.


> No, I wasn't in downed state. Reason you think he killed me twice is because that log on the right hand side will tell you when you kill someone(Not in downed state) and then when you kill them in downed state.


> If you'd like, you can use a dueling map with a friend and test it.


> And even if I was in downed state, that was maul, which still hit me for a silly amount(20,000)

> What got me in downed state was that 60,000 damage world impact


actually the log show when someone enter downed and when someone die .

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