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60,000 damage from 1 ability, is that normal?


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I don't really think it's healthy for the game for this to be possible on any profession. Absolutely no one plays perfectly and (here is the REALLY important part) **we are all in various states of learning this game**. So, someone who is not as experienced should have a way to at least survive another player engaging them long enough to fight back and learn from the encounter. Dying in 1 shot (or even a 2 shot combo for that matter) doesn't allow them to learn much of anything. That's not fun, that's how you lose players. PvP is about learning from your mistakes and how to overcome new challenges other players present to you. There is no really overcoming a 1-shot though, either they mess up and you live and delete them (cause full glass) or they hit you and delete you. I'm not saying all fights should last an hour but they shouldn't be decided in a single move/instant.


If a 'game' comes down to purely reflexes and does not incorporate moves/strategy it's no longer a game, it's a competition.

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> @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> The simplest fix would be to change Maul so that instead of triggering Moment of Clarity regardless of whether or not it hits something, you only get Moment of Clarity when Maul connects. That would prevent at least a part of the stealth-modifer stacking without the setup being obvious (a ranger running in to Maul you/someone in full glass without stealth is suicide as is).


That would fix nothing. You'd still have them gaining quickness and CCing you into a 30,000+ damage crit

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> *None of the classic "one shot" builds (shatter mes, signet backstab thief, power deadeye, pre-nerf fa ele) actually kill someone in one hit. It's usually multiple hits with various different skills and often requires a cc to pull off*


A true wordly impact combo uses at least 5 skills. Sic 'em, maul, hilt bash, maul, wordly impact. I think that counts as multiple hits.


The thing that really grind my teeth in this thread is how ya'll got the numbers on paper, and think 'damn. that's stupid.' While none of ya'll actually go in game, go on soulbeast, queue up and play this "absolutely broken build".


I've had holo overheat (traited) hit for 30k but no one complains about that.

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I remember the days when larcenous strike was "OP" because it did 6k damage on boonless enemies and got nerfed


Meanwhile in rangerville...


BTW, for those wondering, yes the cut is obvious that they set this up and the guy taking the hit probably had no armor on

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> I remember the days when larcenous strike was "OP" because it did 6k damage on boonless enemies and got nerfed


> Meanwhile in rangerville...


> BTW, for those wondering, yes the cut is obvious that they set this up and the guy taking the hit probably had no armor on


You can literally see my entire team complaining. I put the un cropped version as well if you bothered scrolling down slightly and looking at all the images.

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> That would fix nothing. You'd still have them gaining quickness and CCing you into a 30,000+ damage crit


It would mean that they cant Stealth>Sic 'Em!> Maul (on nothing to get Moment of Clarity)>QZ (Fury+Quickness and Remorseless)>Worldly Impact/Maul (to spike enemy) at the very least, seeing that the stealth burst is the biggest issue.

If they have to CC you with Hilt Bash/Takedown before landing Maul for MoC and then doing the above combo, there's much more room to react to it. It might end up looking like:

Stealth>Sic 'Em!>Hilt Bash/Takedown>Maul>QZ>Worldly Impact which, while still very dangerous, is much more easier to qounter


I still expect a slight nerf to the damage, but just flat out doing that while keeping a part of what makes the setup work so easily just hurts builds that use Worldly Impact across the board instead of targeting where its most problematic.

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> @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > That would fix nothing. You'd still have them gaining quickness and CCing you into a 30,000+ damage crit


> It would mean that they cant Stealth>Sic 'Em!> Maul (on nothing to get Moment of Clarity)>QZ (Fury+Quickness and Remorseless)>Worldly Impact/Maul (to spike enemy) at the very least, seeing that the stealth burst is the biggest issue.

> If they have to CC you with Hilt Bash/Takedown before landing Maul for MoC and then doing the above combo, there's much more room to react to it. It might end up looking like:

> Stealth>Sic 'Em!>Hilt Bash/Takedown>Maul>QZ>Worldly Impact which, while still very dangerous, is much more easier to qounter


> I still expect a slight nerf to the damage, but just flat out doing that while keeping a part of what makes the setup work so easily just hurts builds that use Worldly Impact across the board instead of targeting where its most problematic.


I don't understand you guys. You are defending a 60,00 damage hit? You want a slight nerf to that? 1 shotting someone or killing someone in a second is not fun for anyone.


It would not fix anything, he'd still be able to do that damage, but it's more than likely a bug that he is abusing

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"Shadelang.3012" said:

> > Its not normal. Thats some EXTREME scaling on that skill. I run a build using wordly impact in pvp with marauder amulet and leadership. The damage i can reach when buffed ranges from 15k(on a squishy target with no defensives up) to around 400( not uncommon for wordly impact to do minimum damage on lets say a holosmith with its cooldowns active.

> >

> > Thats not to say its impossible though. I dont fully commit everything to damage. if I did I could probably reach one shot levels of damage. I just feel the tradeoff wouldnt be worth it to invest on two burst sources (maul and wordly impact) yes you could farm some people with it. But all its gonna do is make you the focus target for the enemy team. Even just having one guy following you around is gonna make setting up your burst hard.

> >

> > Thats not to say its okay. Its not. I have always disagreed with this style of build. Not necessarily the people who play them because lets face it it has to be FUN to nuke someone like that. And mad props to them for doing the math and getting it to work. Seriously.

> >

> > I would say be very careful at where you aim the nerf though. What were looking at is an extreme case here. If you nerf the base skill you hurt every soulbeast in the game for one guys build. If you nerf some of the cooldowns he uses you nerf every single soulbeast in the game for one guys build. If you nerf the runes etc...hes using to further scale his damage you nerf EVERYONE in the game for one guys build.

> >

> > So just be cautious and think about what to nerf very carefully before you start pointing at anything please. Because I for one dont want to get nuked for someone elses setup. And odds are I will. Just my 2 cents though.

> >

> > Edit: One other thing to keep in mind. Any damage after your health doesnt matter. Yeah the number looks bigger. But it doesnt actually do anything. If your squishy 15k hits kill you the same as 30k. So dont be suckered in by the raw numbers so much. Note im not saying this isn't too high. My question is what really makes this different form being one shot by any OTHER one shot build in the game.

> >

> > Again Im not trying to downplay it. This needs to be looked at.


> Damage greater than your health does matter now a days. There's barriers now and that's not the point. I think it's a bug with a multiplier somewhere.


I think you're actually missing the point, it's literally been in the game since the Soulbeast spec was created , and it has been mentioned many times before alongside when the deer pet did 40kx2 damage hits and was fixed.


You're asking something that has been asked quite a bit before, hardly anybody takes it though because the trade offs are not worth it so for this reason it probably hasn't been touched , you'd have to perfectly hit the combo to land this kind of damage and you're more glassy than a zerk staff ele or a d/d thief. I mean, it's broken , right? But it literally is a gimmick build and nothing more, you will not see it in any serious competition.


It's just something fun thing to do and not a serious build and not many people even run it full glass except in WvW where you can hit even higher numbers, **if it gets nerfed I highly doubt people will care, the problem is , they OVER-NERF everything - so they will probably just make Wordly Impact useless on every build by trying to band-aid this issue that's been out for a while.**

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> @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > > @"Shadelang.3012" said:

> > > Its not normal. Thats some EXTREME scaling on that skill. I run a build using wordly impact in pvp with marauder amulet and leadership. The damage i can reach when buffed ranges from 15k(on a squishy target with no defensives up) to around 400( not uncommon for wordly impact to do minimum damage on lets say a holosmith with its cooldowns active.

> > >

> > > Thats not to say its impossible though. I dont fully commit everything to damage. if I did I could probably reach one shot levels of damage. I just feel the tradeoff wouldnt be worth it to invest on two burst sources (maul and wordly impact) yes you could farm some people with it. But all its gonna do is make you the focus target for the enemy team. Even just having one guy following you around is gonna make setting up your burst hard.

> > >

> > > Thats not to say its okay. Its not. I have always disagreed with this style of build. Not necessarily the people who play them because lets face it it has to be FUN to nuke someone like that. And mad props to them for doing the math and getting it to work. Seriously.

> > >

> > > I would say be very careful at where you aim the nerf though. What were looking at is an extreme case here. If you nerf the base skill you hurt every soulbeast in the game for one guys build. If you nerf some of the cooldowns he uses you nerf every single soulbeast in the game for one guys build. If you nerf the runes etc...hes using to further scale his damage you nerf EVERYONE in the game for one guys build.

> > >

> > > So just be cautious and think about what to nerf very carefully before you start pointing at anything please. Because I for one dont want to get nuked for someone elses setup. And odds are I will. Just my 2 cents though.

> > >

> > > Edit: One other thing to keep in mind. Any damage after your health doesnt matter. Yeah the number looks bigger. But it doesnt actually do anything. If your squishy 15k hits kill you the same as 30k. So dont be suckered in by the raw numbers so much. Note im not saying this isn't too high. My question is what really makes this different form being one shot by any OTHER one shot build in the game.

> > >

> > > Again Im not trying to downplay it. This needs to be looked at.

> >

> > Damage greater than your health does matter now a days. There's barriers now and that's not the point. I think it's a bug with a multiplier somewhere.


> I think you're actually missing the point, it's literally been in the game since the Soulbeast spec was created , and it has been mentioned many times before alongside when the deer pet did 40kx2 damage hits and was fixed.


> You're asking something that has been asked quite a bit before, hardly anybody takes it though because the trade offs are not worth it so for this reason it probably hasn't been touched , you'd have to perfectly hit the combo to land this kind of damage and you're more glassy than a zerk staff ele or a d/d thief. I mean, it's broken , right? But it literally is a gimmick build and nothing more, you will not see it in any serious competition.


> It's just something fun thing to do and not a serious build and not many people even run it full glass except in WvW where you can hit even higher numbers, **if it gets nerfed I highly doubt people will care, the problem is , they OVER-NERF everything - so they will probably just make Wordly Impact useless on every build by trying to band-aid this issue that's been out for a while.**


That's what I'm worried about they will nerf the skill Worldly Impact when the issue isn't Worldly Impact it's the Marksmanship trait line just remove the 50% damage mod and change it to something else that's useful for all builds and not just gimmick build, nerf anything else and Soulbeast will become one of the stories they talk about in Lionarch while roleplaying with JP.


Think about it, Moment of Clarity and Remorseless are the main reasons maul and worldly impact hit so insanely hard. Address these 2 traits so they are more useful outside of a gimmick build and problem solved.

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> > > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > > That would fix nothing. You'd still have them gaining quickness and CCing you into a 30,000+ damage crit

> >

> > It would mean that they cant Stealth>Sic 'Em!> Maul (on nothing to get Moment of Clarity)>QZ (Fury+Quickness and Remorseless)>Worldly Impact/Maul (to spike enemy) at the very least, seeing that the stealth burst is the biggest issue.

> > If they have to CC you with Hilt Bash/Takedown before landing Maul for MoC and then doing the above combo, there's much more room to react to it. It might end up looking like:

> > Stealth>Sic 'Em!>Hilt Bash/Takedown>Maul>QZ>Worldly Impact which, while still very dangerous, is much more easier to qounter

> >

> > I still expect a slight nerf to the damage, but just flat out doing that while keeping a part of what makes the setup work so easily just hurts builds that use Worldly Impact across the board instead of targeting where its most problematic.


> I don't understand you guys. You are defending a 60,00 damage hit? You want a slight nerf to that? 1 shotting someone or killing someone in a second is not fun for anyone.


> It would not fix anything, he'd still be able to do that damage, but it's more than likely a bug that he is abusing


The combination of what that person you quoted doesn't hit anywhere close to 60k damage, it's just a regular, basic rotation, most of which has existed in the game since launch. I think that they're just commenting towards the general discussion being had throughout the thread.


None of us know how you got hit for 60k damage. Even with full might and damage multipliers I've only ever seen it hit half that, and the build we're talking about requires the use of every skill and trait in the build to contribute towards that damage.


Not that it's a justification, but simply serving as an explanation that it's entirely built to only do 1 thing, and requires roughly as much user keyboard interaction as any other 1 shot gimmick build in the game.


You're definitely looking at extenuating circumstances, because if it were the case that any of us could reproduce, you'd see a lot more of using it and have many, many more examples from different people and situations showing it off.

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> @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > > @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> > > > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > > > That would fix nothing. You'd still have them gaining quickness and CCing you into a 30,000+ damage crit

> > >

> > > It would mean that they cant Stealth>Sic 'Em!> Maul (on nothing to get Moment of Clarity)>QZ (Fury+Quickness and Remorseless)>Worldly Impact/Maul (to spike enemy) at the very least, seeing that the stealth burst is the biggest issue.

> > > If they have to CC you with Hilt Bash/Takedown before landing Maul for MoC and then doing the above combo, there's much more room to react to it. It might end up looking like:

> > > Stealth>Sic 'Em!>Hilt Bash/Takedown>Maul>QZ>Worldly Impact which, while still very dangerous, is much more easier to qounter

> > >

> > > I still expect a slight nerf to the damage, but just flat out doing that while keeping a part of what makes the setup work so easily just hurts builds that use Worldly Impact across the board instead of targeting where its most problematic.

> >

> > I don't understand you guys. You are defending a 60,00 damage hit? You want a slight nerf to that? 1 shotting someone or killing someone in a second is not fun for anyone.

> >

> > It would not fix anything, he'd still be able to do that damage, but it's more than likely a bug that he is abusing


> The combination of what that person you quoted doesn't hit anywhere close to 60k damage, it's just a regular, basic rotation, most of which has existed in the game since launch. I think that they're just commenting towards the general discussion being had throughout the thread.


> None of us know how you got hit for 60k damage. Even with full might and damage multipliers I've only ever seen it hit half that, and the build we're talking about requires the use of every skill and trait in the build to contribute towards that damage.


> Not that it's a justification, but simply serving as an explanation that it's entirely built to only do 1 thing, and requires roughly as much user keyboard interaction as any other 1 shot gimmick build in the game.


> You're definitely looking at extenuating circumstances, because if it were the case that any of us could reproduce, you'd see a lot more of using it and have many, many more examples from different people and situations showing it off.


I have been trying to recreate it with a friend. They are a ranger main and the closest they can get is 33,000 with a lot of set up that cannot be done from stealth. This would require them to do a ton of work while you stare at the ranger doing nothing. They recorded and will be showing it once they edit it I think, so thanks to them.


They also tried from stealth like all of us are getting hit, the highest they could get was about 17,000ish. That's no where near 30,000+, let alone 60,000.


And they also tried it without armor. I didn't even survive long enough for anything and you can see me in mid fighting as a necro. If I had no armor at all, my team would have said something in both games, in the first you can clearly see no one said anything. I also wouldn't have lasted a min, 40 seconds in mid without any armor because you take a lot more damage without armor.


Again, like you can see my chat in the first screen shot that is un cropped(The 32,000 damage one), and they were all confused as to how he was doing it. We got no warnings, it was all done from stealth. I also edited my OP to show you another thread who ran into this guy, he also claims to get hit from stealth, so it's not just me.


Only he knows how he did it, and the only answer I got when I asked him if it was a bug or something was 'It's a commonly known build' And wouldn't share anything

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> @"ceces.9368" said:


> I don't understand you guys. You are defending a 60,00 damage hit? You want a slight nerf to that? 1 shotting someone or killing someone in a second is not fun for anyone. It would not fix anything, he'd still be able to do that damage, but it's more than likely a bug that he is abusing


I'm not defending that damage, as I did say I expect a potential nerf regardless (even managing 16k+ in sPvP is pretty high, stars aligning or not). I just dont want to see "Worldly Impact damage reduced by 80%" in a patch over a bug or exploit or whatever un-reproducable case this may be when they can keep a bursty playstyle functional by addressing some adjustable bits of synergy among traits/skills.


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@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


Ran a big test on this with @"ceces.9368" , who is the OP that created this thread. I'd like to say now that if anyone knows of some "big secret" to amplify the top dps I've achieved in this video let me know, I would appreciate it. If anyone can replicate this test and just plainly achieve higher dps in general, it would be nice to see the method in a video, or at least posted as a text walk through. As far as my opinion on the topic, I believe it is impossible to achieve 60k single strike worldly impacts in spvp, without some kind of bug or other measure in play. The video will explain.


I'd also like EVERYONE to keep in mind what @"Sol.4310" said about how "the problem isn't worldly impact, it is the marksmanship line," because that statement is very true.


Here you go:



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Worldy impact one shoted me with 23k in a single hit. I already posted that pic before.

point is, 60k-23k, it's broken. A single skill cannot just do that much damage at every 25 sec.

It's ridiculous!

FYI...other skill's from ALL classes are broken too.

Look it up.

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> i guess its possible if they did 30k damage without opening strike , Moment of clarity trait would allow them to be able to just use a cc and follow up with WI


> otherwise i guess it would need to gain a damage bump from sic em


It's not that simple. Watch the video I posted on page 3. It was the bottom post and then page 4 was created before anyone got to see that I even posted it. The video sheds a lot of light on how one would need to go about landing a 30k strike with Worldly Impact. There are certain things you MUST do and MUST not do, or your dps falls down into more 15k'ish range.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


> Ran a big test on this with @"ceces.9368" , who is the OP that created this thread. I'd like to say now that if anyone knows of some "big secret" to amplify the top dps I've achieved in this video let me know, I would appreciate it. If anyone can replicate this test and just plainly achieve higher dps in general, it would be nice to see the method in a video, or at least posted as a text walk through. As far as my opinion on the topic, I believe it is impossible to achieve 60k single strike worldly impacts in spvp, without some kind of bug or other measure in play. The video will explain.


> I'd also like EVERYONE to keep in mind what @"Sol.4310" said about how "the problem isn't worldly impact, it is the marksmanship line," because that statement is very true.


> Here you go:


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HQrDwsQ8o4&feature=youtu.be


will endure pains and elixiers stop the one shots or does damage go straight to 0?


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> @"Badcat.7320" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> >

> > Ran a big test on this with @"ceces.9368" , who is the OP that created this thread. I'd like to say now that if anyone knows of some "big secret" to amplify the top dps I've achieved in this video let me know, I would appreciate it. If anyone can replicate this test and just plainly achieve higher dps in general, it would be nice to see the method in a video, or at least posted as a text walk through. As far as my opinion on the topic, I believe it is impossible to achieve 60k single strike worldly impacts in spvp, without some kind of bug or other measure in play. The video will explain.

> >

> > I'd also like EVERYONE to keep in mind what @"Sol.4310" said about how "the problem isn't worldly impact, it is the marksmanship line," because that statement is very true.

> >

> > Here you go:

> >

> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HQrDwsQ8o4&feature=youtu.be


> will endure pains and elixiers stop the one shots or does damage go straight to 0?



No, endure pain/Elixir S proc once you are in the threshold and take a hit. This will just ignore everything and put you instantly into downed state

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