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WvW tournament like the ones from 2014


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Simple question. Why were the WvW tournaments removed and why have they not returned?


I ask this because my peak interest for WvW came from WvW tournaments. It gave WvW a purpose other than just a brawl. It was fairly balanced in the sense of worlds clashing it out for top supremacy. Atleast then PPT had a purpose but now it only serves as bragging rights with no particular motive for anyone to do it other than go up or down in tiers. Why did you have to take this away from us ANET? :'(

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> People burned out after a few weeks and decided they didn't want to continue wth it before they all started to hate their life


If I’m not mistaken they addressed that for S2 and it was much shorter and overall quite enjoyable. However I do recall one of the devs straight up saying, that they won’t host anymore tournaments like that due to the post season population decrease. Pity, I would’ve loved to get a follow up to the Mist Runner title.

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there is no good reason why it was removed. and so you got the state of the current game.


even me, a long time wvw com for 5 years play wow because wvw dont matter.


a suggestion


winning servers get a bonus win of tickets x marks. then less per server ranking.


having a reason to win will fix competitiveness.


players will stop playing if tired continue if not. tourneys was never the reason. some just could not accept they lost.


wvw is a server sport. team work is.they way.



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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> there is no good reason why it was removed. and so you got the state of the current game.


Funny how the feedback when the tournaments was on was about how players were leaving the mode as a result of them. And lo and behold when anet came out and gave us a reason it was that exact reason.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > there is no good reason why it was removed. and so you got the state of the current game.


> Funny how the feedback when the tournaments was on was about how players were leaving the mode as a result of them. And lo and behold when anet came out and gave us a reason it was that exact reason.


You forgot the /thread part :wink:

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> there is no good reason why it was removed. and so you got the state of the current game.


Sure there was, it resulted in a permanent drop in population, trying to force a competition on something that is laughable as a competitive game mode was unhealthy for the game. The current state of the game mode is down to it being 6 years old in a genre that is in decline, combat getting worse each expansion, nothing meaningful to support guilds, that they actually made WvW worse by making objectives harder/more tedious to take, buffing siege, etc and that the game mode as an RvR system has core design issues.


> having a reason to win will fix competitiveness.


WvW tournies weren't competitive that was the problem, having a reason to "win" actually made competitiveness worse as there was more reason to stack servers, drop tiers, etc.


> players will stop playing if tired continue if not. tourneys was never the reason. some just could not accept they lost.


No there was a notable decline after tournies, maybe reality hit home for the terminally slow who up until that point were deluded enough to think WvW was competitive, but then had it hammered home when they found themselves outnumbered 3 to 1 at 2 AM and it suddenly dawned on them most matchups were a foregone conclusion based on numbers/population imbalances.


> wvw is a server sport. team work is.they way.


WvW is nothing like sport, sports are competitive, WvW is a joke in that regard, you don't even have the most basic of competitive elements like the same sized teams.

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and even now ppl are leaving because there is no tournament. but back then - > @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > there is no good reason why it was removed. and so you got the state of the current game.


> Funny how the feedback when the tournaments was on was about how players were leaving the mode as a result of them. And lo and behold when anet came out and gave us a reason it was that exact reason.


ppl come and go. even now. and not only because of wvw

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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > there is no good reason why it was removed. and so you got the state of the current game.


> Sure there was, it resulted in a permanent drop in population, trying to force a competition on something that is laughable as a competitive game mode was unhealthy for the game. The current state of the game mode is down to it being 6 years old in a genre that is in decline, combat getting worse each expansion, nothing meaningful to support guilds, that they actually made WvW worse by making objectives harder/more tedious to take, buffing siege, etc and that the game mode as an RvR system is fundamentally flawed


> > having a reason to win will fix competitiveness.


> WvW tournies weren't competitive that was the problem, having a reason to "win" actually made competitiveness worse as there was more reason to stack servers, drop tiers, etc.


> > players will stop playing if tired continue if not. tourneys was never the reason. some just could not accept they lost.


> No there was a notable decline after tournies, maybe reality hit home for the terminally slow who up until that point were deluded enough to think WvW was competitive, but then had it hammered home when they found themselves outnumbered 3 to 1 at 2 AM and it suddenly dawned on them most matchups were a foregone conclusion based on numbers/population imbalances.


> > wvw is a server sport. team work is.they way.


> WvW is nothing like sport, sports are competitive, WvW is a joke in that regard, you don't even have the most basic of competitive elements like the same sized teams.


1. there will always be a drop in pop. players will ry new games and not solely because of the tournaments.


2. stacking is a strategy to win. this is a one week competition not 1 day or hour or minute. you may not like it but i do. hence we will not agree in this point


3. wvw was a competition in between servers similar to racing ironman man or marathon. not all games out there are like chess.




my insight here is massive nos not 15 vs 15 or equal nos.


in that point, anet could have made lots of money if they thought of a good gvg game mode.


fights get boring evenually. a leas for me. been leading and killing for 5 years in this game. i am beginning to appreciate the idea of sieging to take stuff. now anet needs to make it more rewarding. pat our ego, give us recognition x control.


on that note. i do not know what competition you have done irl. but as a former professional gamer, when you pit yourself against others, strive to be better than them, despite the odds, you are competing.


also ppl can choose to not play. meh, i choose to play wow, sc, diablo 3, rpgs, etc. so many excuses ppl make.


yes, it is ok to take a time off in the tourneys. and there will be new games out there soon and gw2 despite how good it is, ppl will stay or transfer.


tldr. gw2 is competition. players will change games. rewards could help attract players. we have different oppinions

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If you can't see this as something enjoyable then WvW has not hit you hard enough as it did for me when this was still the case. If this video doesn't make you admire how great people united and actually felt that there was a sense of purpose in WvW then idk what to tell you.



Blackgate WvW tournament 2013 showcasing the guilds that got them 1st place:

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> @"Jovani.9207" said:

> If you can't see this as something enjoyable then WvW has not hit you hard enough as it did for me when this was still the case. If this video doesn't make you admire how great people united and actually felt that there was a sense of purpose in WvW then idk what to tell you.



> Blackgate WvW tournament 2013:




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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> 1. there will always be a drop in pop. players will ry new games and not solely because of the tournaments.


With the tournies there was a drop in players significantly larger than what you would expect simply from the passage of time, hence the tournies were bad for the game.


> 2. stacking is a strategy to win. this is a one week competition not 1 day or hour or minute. you may not like it but i do. hence we will not agree in this point


Which is not the same thing as a game being competitive, is one example as to why "winning" is meaningless and is one of the reasons people left the game after tournies.


> 3. wvw was a competition in between servers similar to racing ironman man or marathon. not all games out there are like chess.


> https://www.google.com.ph/search?client=ms-android-asus&ei=YQRDW5meF4PahwPzi6yIBg&q=define+competition


> my insight here is massive nos not 15 vs 15 or equal nos.



What? The marathon and ironman are competitive because you either enter it as an individual (so everyone is a team size of 1) or if it is a team event then you have say 4 people per team. WvW in sporting terms is like a football match that is firstly played with 3 teams (that is a joke in itself), then the match is played where one team has 11 players and the other has 7, then at half time most of one team don't come out again because they need to go sleep for their jobs/school the next day.


WvW is nothing like sport.


> on that note. i do not know what competition you have done irl. but as a former professional gamer, when you pit yourself against others, strive to be better than them, despite the odds, you are competing.


LOL, and how would professional gaming be if CS:GO for example was made up of games where one team had 5 players whilst the other had 2, oh yes, it would be laughed out of the room and wouldn't exist as a pro game, because no one would watch it, because it would be fundamentally flawed as a competitive game, yet basically that is the joke that is WvW.


Something being a "competition" is not the same thing as something being competitive, a distinction that in something that is trivial and optional like video games leads to failure of that game. (one of the big reasons PvP fails miserably in MMORPGs)



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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > and even now ppl are leaving because there is no tournament. but back then


> They are leaving because the mode is stale and the gameplay poor not because of no tournaments.


For me I think it is also due to balance (class/population), flavour&fun, and other motivational aspects. Also other/new games come on the side, so there will always be people switching over to other games/coming to this game. WvW is a fun mode (for me at least, in its raw core form - the fights, the defense), but I am willing to accept changes in order for it to stay relevant, as long as it doesn't override its core form until it unrecognisable. As for tournaments, I agree it isn't because of that.

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Server pride is pointless these days. WvW used to have a competitive edge between servers, even though winning a matchup was pretty much pointless, it was a common goal to aim for. For the most part though, that is gone now, since links can determine how much coverage a server has now, rather than the communities built around the players you had, on your own server.


So yeah, tournaments would be pointless now. The game mode for veterans, wouldnt be about winning matchups, especially with the current state of wvw and since so many of us burned out back then too.


There is a little bit of competition between fight commanders though.

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Hey rubio


> There is a little bit of competition between fight commanders though.


This gamemode has fights? I thought it was about structures.

This gamemode has commanders? I thought those were mythical creatures that went extinct in 2K15.

This gamemode has fight commanders that are competitive? :trollface:


In all seriousness, I don't see many competitive fight commanders going on. GvG is also dead. GW2 will continue to become increasingly more carebear; even PvP oriented modes such as WvW.


I think you can make servers competitive, you just need a group to /fully/ control them like a roster. Inviting and kicking players both. Competitive could never work if you can literally pay 500-1.8k gems to join the winners; or whoever you like; without effort.


I wrote a post about making servers competitive in this thread; but angry mods deleted it. I assume it's cause I said some servers were trash; but I'm not sure because literally anything offends them and they refuse to communicate regarding their constant overmoderation. Wouldn't want anyone to question your decisions or authority now would you. Tempted to just copy paste and repost but i'd probably just get instant banned.

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > even PvP oriented modes such as WvW.


> <.< >.>


> /goesOffToGetDailyNPCrelatedKillsInThisPvPOrientedMode


There are PvE dailies. I think players who only do the (easy) dailies and have no interest in playing the gamemode itself are a negative impact on the gamemode, their server and their servers community.


Maybe it's time to open up EOTM again.

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Meh, one day tournament after reset, ran over a few weeks to create a season would fix burnouts.


> @"Jovani.9207" said:

> If you can't see this as something enjoyable then WvW has not hit you hard enough as it did for me when this was still the case. If this video doesn't make you admire how great people united and actually felt that there was a sense of purpose in WvW then idk what to tell you.



> Blackgate WvW tournament 2013 showcasing the guilds that got them 1st place:



A person would feel pride I'm sure in winning, too bad it was the most stacked server in the game... the rest of us.. meh who cares.

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> @"Jovani.9207" said:

> Simple question. Why were the WvW tournaments removed and why have they not returned?


>It was fairly balanced in the sense of worlds clashing it out for top supremacy.


What world were you on? LoL


Players figured out after 2 tournaments it wasn't balanced. it was where you could stack cuz anet didn't add population restrictions.


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