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Guild Wars 3 vs Living World Season 5

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > New does not automatically mean better. I'd say improve on GW2 before starting something new. With MMOs there's also the fact that companies usually lose a big part of a very enthusiastic playerbase when the transition isn't done right.Sure, new players come in and start off, but you always have to weigh one against the other. I've sunken thousands of hours in this game and would probably not do so with a new one.


> This is why I think we're more likely to see a "GW2.5" revamp of this game than a whole new game. ANet may not have it in them to make a whole new engine for the game, but I'm sure they're at least keeping an eye on what's out there and considering the costs of replacing at least part of the game engine with something new. It wouldn't be cheap, but it would cost a lot less than making a whole new game and wouldn't lose them as much playerbase.


I'm very much of the same mind on this - the expense and risk of revamping (to some extent) GW2 seem much lower than those associated with launching GW3. Not knowing anything more specific, I'd very much like to see GW2.5 happen.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> Living Story 5 with narrative meeting Tengu and all paths lead to Cantha. Then expansion Cantha, Tengu new race, build templates, and duel spec. Then a Hall of Monuments type living story. Then GW3. What ever form that takes.


Nice idea, sound logic and something i would consider licking anets boots for if it could lead to that kind of future progression.... what are the chances of it happening though....hmmm we can but dream :)

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> If they do decide to go gw3 they better have created their own engine. The kitten show that is gw2 was confined to that kitten outdated unreal engine which seems was incredibly difficult for the devs to work with that they just gave up on so much because they didnt know how to fix it.


Needlessly negative in my opinion. Gw2 is a great game. And in a market where most MMOs are dead in their first 2 years Anet has overall done a good job with this game. Guild wars 2 is a mature game but there are still stories to be told before the natural progression to a Gw3.


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I think the game engine was created in-house, as in, Anet made it specifically for GW1. I know that GW2 is running a modified version of that engine, but I don't think it's the unreal engine. I can't find the article, but I remember reading that years ago playing GW1. I will keep looking and add the link when/if I find it.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> If they do decide to go gw3 they better have created their own engine. The kitten show that is gw2 was confined to that kitten outdated unreal engine which seems was incredibly difficult for the devs to work with that they just gave up on so much because they didnt know how to fix it.


GW2 uses a proprietary engine developed by Arenanet in-house, and is an upgraded version of the engine used in the first game. Where did you read that the game uses the unreal engine?

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LS5 is confirmed and will take 2 years to complete from now. We, almost certainly, know it already.


After that, there are several options:

1. The 3rd expansion will be released.

2. LS6 will start.

3. GW2 goes into maintenance mode and nothing else will be released, and GW3 will not be released.

4. GW2 goes into maintenance mode and nothing else will be released, and we go directly to GW3.


If I must make an assumption, taking into consideration the recent events and restructuring of ANET, I would say the possibility of the above options, IMO, are:

40% chance that LS6 will start

40% chance that GW2 will go into maintenance mode

20% chance that we will see the 3rd expansion

0% chance for GW3

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> @"Omernon.9762" said:

> Guys, take a guess or go figure out how old WoW is and other major players on the market, before you make age-related arguments. Given some effort; every game engine can be upgraded and current WoW is good example of this. The only reason Guild Wars 1 had a sequel was because ANet wanted to try their luck at the MMORPG market (GW1 was a CORPG and just by this reason it couldn’t compete with World of Warcraft and similar games). So if ANet ever releases GW3 it will be something entirely different, especially since MMORPG is a dying genre and it probably won’t be called Guild Wars 3 anyway. Also every new MMORPG is starving from lack of content. Many of you here complain about having nothing to do - if GW3 was ever released then in few months after the release you all would be in the exactly same position as you are now.


> MMORPGs are very expensive to develop, but they are good long term investment, especially since they keep growing rapidly after the release. New game would require big investments accompanied by big risks, because many players that now play GW2 wouldn’t want to abandon it, because of the time and money they’ve invested into this game. Me included. There is absolutely no point of making GW3 when GW2 is still very popular. New expansion will bring lots of veterans and new players alike, just like PoF did before.


> All they really need to do is to make new quality content and maybe add some refreshments to the core version of the game, so that the gap between old and new content won’t grow that much.


> Folks, stop dreaming about next installment because it is not going to happen any time soon. We’re gonna get new expansion next year and that is something worth waiting for...


I agree with this, i think they could update gw2 as they go rather than a new gw. I played wow forever and they did it just fine. If they arent working on anything else why not work on upgrading gw2. But in the end they dont see a financial return for updating the game so they wont do it, thats on them. You know you could promote the game better esp if you upgrade the broken old systems. Sometimes i wonder if they just figure the game is at its end of cycle and dont want to do anything major. Thats why the game will die because its being treated like its halfway there now. There is no reason gw2 cant be reborn and attract a whole new generation.> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> LS5 is confirmed and will take 2 years to complete from now. We, almost certainly, know it already.


> After that, there are several options:

> 1. The 3rd expansion will be released.

> 2. LS6 will start.

> 3. GW2 goes into maintenance mode and nothing else will be released, and GW3 will not be released.

> 4. GW2 goes into maintenance mode and nothing else will be released, and we go directly to GW3.


> If I must make an assumption, taking into consideration the recent events and restructuring of ANET, I would say the possibility of the above options, IMO, are:

> 40% chance that LS6 will start

> 40% chance that GW2 will go into maintenance mode

> 20% chance that we will see the 3rd expansion

> 0% chance for GW3


Wait...what?? 2 kitten years!! are you serious? Thats insane most games have expansions that come out in that time. Is it really 2 years between Living world stories? Wow that is not going to fly for me, thats way too long without anything.

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