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Another one of those "thank you" threads people are probably sick of seeing.

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tl;dr - Despite my own gripes and missteps in giving criticism about the game, I really appreciate ArenaNet for delivering an awesome game. Thank you for making this game.


In light of recent events, I've taken the time to reflect on my own role and part in being a fan or part of the Guild Wars 2 community. While I would consider myself now more of an outsider due to these events, it doesn't change the fact that I do support ArenaNet and that I do enjoy the game they have put out.


I'll be honest: sometimes I am part of the problem when it comes to giving feedback. I think we all are to a degree. One of my main and continuing gripes about the game is the story, namely in regards to unresolved/hanging plot threads. It frustrates me that certain things have been left hanging (namely with regards to Zojja but I know there's other unresolved things that matter to other people). Unfortunately, this frustration has sometimes lead me to posting snarky, snide comments about ArenaNet not caring. It's gotten me into trouble in the past and I know I've butted my head with a few people on here as a result.


I think we're all guilty of this and I think the reason we do sometimes act like we do is because we're passionate about the game. For all of its faults and shortcomings, something keeps bringing us back into the game. We want to see it continue to grow, to develop, to get better, no matter the game mode or element it is. I know I do. Sometimes, that passion gets so hot and so bright that we're blinded by it and we have a tendency to say or do things that are less than polite. I'm not excusing poor behavior. I guess I'm merely explaining it.


In light of what's happened recently, I think it's important to learn to temper and control that passion for this game. I try to do so through writing fan fiction and role playing instead of letting it overtake me and resorting to making the same snarky post that I'm sure many a moderator, developer, community manager, and employee have seen ad nauseum on the forums and on Reddit.


So I guess what I'm laboriously trying to get at is this: thank you ArenaNet for making a great product and I'm sorry that sometimes I end up being a part of that caustic fan base that ends up being destructive rather than productive. Sometimes my passion for this game overtakes me and it leads me to do and say dumb things. I don't necessarily agree with or like everything that's been implemented but I do genuinely love this game. Hopefully I can do better in the future about providing feedback by focusing and controlling my passion for this game rather than letting it overtake me and drive me to impulse.

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Want to add to the thanks if it's alright. (: Especially to Gaile Gray and her forum moderating coworkers. They are always putting up with us rowdy bunch and I honestly don't know how they do it day in day out. I know I would never be able to do what they do. I would probably lose my mind and I work in customer service haha.


The longer this whole situation drags out, the more I reflect on of some of the stupid feedback I've given or the things I've said. I find myself speaking like the very customers I hate dealing with at my own job, hah. It's way too easy to forget that people are human when you only see them as words through a screen. I'm very sorry for any of the dumb or unreasonable things I've ever typed as well. The dev team does a wonderful job and I can only imagine how this whole mess may have lowered morale. I genuinely hope they are well.

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100% on this. In all gaming communities, gamers should reflect on how we show our passion and love for the games we like. Giving suggestions and criticism is fine but, there is a point where players need to just take a step back and let the devs do their work. As well as just appreciating the game for what it is. I think it's important for creators and consumers to have a healthy relationship with one another. GW2 particularly has a great community and developers. I'd hate to see that spoiled because of recent incidents.


It feels like the developers really care about making a solid product. Sure it has "flaws" and what those "flaws" are change depending on who you ask. However, compared to other games- GW2 is pretty solid design wise. Which I think can go unappreciated if you haven't played another mmo in a while. Idk, I was actually thinking about it today and I think this game is still under-rated in the mmo community.

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I like reading happy posts.


Some of the people here post things that make me want to reach out through the screen and give their ears a good tugging, so I can only imagine how the Devs feel.


Positive feedback , happy posts...I like.


Constructive, neutral toned, "I don't like this, and this is why" posts I like


Heated, angry "Devs need to learn their game, I am quitting right now" Posts I hate.


So yes. Keep up with the positive feedback posts. Being called a "White Knight" is the worst this community can call you...and I think being a White Knight for a company that produces your favorite game is rather nice.



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Great post!!!


I've hesitated up until now to add my $.02 copper to the conversation that doesn't seem to have an end in sight atm. The person at the core of it seems to be trying to twist the narrative to summon sympathy for atrocious behavior toward GW2 players. Mind you, this wasn't the first time, either, in case some of you haven't looked into it.


My first thought was, "Wow, is this how they all feel about us?" Then she was fired. It was the right call. Can't blame it on reddit, can't blame it on twitter, can't blame the players or the rest of the Anet staff.


tl;dr my confidence in Anet is the highest it's ever been, which has always been super high


And so, I add my warmest thanks in this thread, to the team. <3

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