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So, I recently came back and used a level 20 boost scroll; have a question about gear and quests

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So, I have a bunch of characters and never used a boost. So i tried a level 20 boost on my elementalist just to be able to use the attunements. With that said, I thought it would be like the 80 boost and give me gear and stuff. Since it didnt, I decided to go back to the level 1-15 area and just play through to level 20 gear. But the game doesnt prompt me where to go now or give me tutorial hints. So, should i just do the level 10 story quest it says i have? How do i catch up to my level? Do i just have to find the gold heart quests on my own now until i get to the level 20 area?

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You can gain experience doing just about anything in the game. You can do the Personal Story, you can complete any number of maps, you can level up Crafting, you can complete Dynamic Events, etc.


You can choose different options for the Content Guide accessed via the 'Options' menu, as well.


You can purchase gear on the Trading Post, if you so desire; you can obtain gear from the PS or from Renown Heart vendors.


Just have fun, and good luck.

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Follow the story, first and foremost. Kill for XP. Explore all major cities for extra XP. Use XP boosts. Don't worry about gear, it doesn't matter that much until level 80.


Also, here are a few helpful links:

* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page - the main resource for all questions GW2

* http://gw2crafts.net/ - how to efficiently level your crafting disciplines (since @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" mentioned it)

* https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki - the best build resource

* http://gw2timer.com/ - all the big world events at a glance

* http://dulfy.net/category/gw2/ - news, guides and walkthroughs (only use if absolutely needed, else it can spoil the fun)

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You can follow the story, or you can simply explore the regions that are in your level range. Personally, when I level a new toon, I boost to 20, then I collect waypoints and hero points like a maniac. I join any events that I happen to come across and gather from nodes as well. By the time I reach lvl 80 without doing the story, I have 165 extra hero points to dump into an elite spec, leaving only about an hour's work gathering PoF hero points to complete the spec. Also, without the hero points you will have sufficient level to open up specializations but not enough points to exploit them all. So that's my personal emphasis.

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You can actually go to a level 20 area right now if you want to. Open your map and look for green numbers saying 15-25, which should be close to the map you're in now. Then you need to find the entrance - you can hover over the numbers on the map to find the name of the area and use the Wiki to find out how to get there. Or if you tell us which map you're in now we can give you directions to the nearest 15-25 map.


Or you can keep playing in the level 1-15 map. This game uses a system called down-levelling to make that worth doing. Your stats will be scaled to the area you're in (but you'll keep all the skills and traits you've unlocked) and you'll get XP and items for your level. So you can play in a low level map and still get level 20 items, including better armour and weapons, and XP which will help you level up.


As for what you should be doing I recommend playing the story. You get some nice items (once you catch up to your level, sadly story rewards don't scale) and it will lead you around the map. But you're free to go anywhere in the open-world any time you like. You can even go into higher level maps, although I don't recommend it because you'll have a hard time surviving. But just remember if at any time you get bored following the story or you hear about a place you want to go to you can do it, you don't have to wait for the game to tell you to go there.

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The one thing GW2 is good at is rewarding you for anything you do. Hearts, events, or just running around fighting random things gives you XP, karma, and level-appropriate gear. Just keep an eye out for upgrades to your current gear as you play. If you're just looking to level to 80, make sure you're always running with food, utility, and as many other buffs as you can get.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> As for what you should be doing I recommend playing the story. You get some nice items (once you catch up to your level, sadly story rewards don't scale)


Most of the specific item rewards don't scale, but almost all story chapters give out at least one loot bag, which seems to have level-appropriate gear. The story chapters do give decent XP if I remember correctly. They won't level you fast enough to just play through the story to 80, but they will lead you to the next decent zone to train in, even if you're not high level enough to do the next chapter.

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