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New player lf answers #2

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You can not obtain any expansion with Gems; cash only. You can, however, buy anything in the Gem Store with Gems obtained through the Gold-to-Gems exchange.

> Mounts are quite popular, as is Gliding; both expansions bring much new content to the game.


> Good luck.


But u need Path of Fire to get mount/mounts right? ;)

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Path of fire has it's pros but it's also not perfect, I'd say, it's worth it because for me without mounts the game seems to run dauntingly slow compared to the amount of content it has, so it depends if you're someone who likes to enjoy the view, or if you want it run straight into action.

And you can't use the in game gold convert until you actually buy a part of the game. GL

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Path of Fire was not a patch, it was the second expansion.

Mounts were not the only feature which was added, there are also new maps, new guild halls, tonnes of story content, new quests, new stat combinations, more skins and of course (arguably most importantly) new specialisations for every existing class.


Check the link for a more comprehensive list


> @"mikeeens.3542" said:

> Hi guys/girls.


> So about Path of Fire Patch... Worth or no?

> Only from that patch u can get mounts? Running around is pretty booring and slow.


> I see that u can convert in-game gold to "crystals" to buy i guess patch?! But then u need to grind a lot.


I can't see how much it costs in gems but the expansion is about £17 currently. For a newer player who probably isn't able to run t4s or CMs yet, the grind and conversion is really not worth it.



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> @"mikeeens.3542" said:

> So about Path of Fire Patch... Worth or no?


Absolutely worth it. Great story content, lots of fun.


> I see that u can convert in-game gold to "crystals" to buy i guess patch?! But then u need to grind a lot.


It's not a patch but an expansion. And if you call playing the game grinding, then yes, you will have to "grind" to get the mounts. Or just play the game and go do the tasks required to get them. ;)

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PoF is worth the price for the mounts alone. I'm like you-- the walking got _really_ old after a while. Mounts made the core maps a lot more fun for me and pretty much opened up the HoT maps too. It was a big game-saver for me, honestly. Plus a couple of the maps are a lot of fun.


I don't know what you'll think of the story. It wasn't my cup of tea, but lots of people love it.

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