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Constant disconnect [Merged]

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Hi everyone

Lately I've been getting almost periodic disconnects with the error 7:11. In worst cases it happens every 10-15 mins in instanced areas(WvW, PVP, fractals, story mode) and it's sucking the fun out of the game entirely. I've submitted a ticket 20 days ago with no answer. I've opened all GW2 ports and updated my modem's firmware, contacted my ISP, and they said I had a smooth connection. I'm guessing this might be a router issue or a packet loss issue. Is there anyway I can pinpoint the problem?

Also, I tried to play the game using a VPN, but there is no way in game to make sure the game is running through it. Is there anyway to check if an app uses the VPN?

Thank you all for your help.

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I'm also disconnecting since the patch today.


Doing any of the following gives me an immediate disconnect:

Mount skills

Leap attacks (Guardian Great sword)

Using Season 3 Portal Tome to Bitterfrost.


Ports are all open, checked my connection, ran repair tool, no luck thus far. I was playing early this morning with no issues.

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Same here. It keeps happening during story instances. Super frustrating because I've had to do one of the chapters 3 times over. I nearly finished another chapter tonight, got a d/c, and it brought me back all the way to beginning of the chapter. The chapter is just way too tedious to start over right now, so I basically wasted my evening...

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  • 2 months later...

Same thing here. Started a few days ago. Constant dc when doing anything more involved than one on one stuff. Story steps, dungeons, fractals anything with more complicated data streams just lags then dc's. Very, very frustrating. I've checked all connections on my end plus all other games run fine. What gives ANET?

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are some desync issues at times whenever I enter new "instances" - fractals, cities, zones - where I can either chat or cast spells seemingly fine, but not the other. My fractal group mentioned today that I was teleporting around and hadn't clicked the "Yes" button to confirm exiting when I did on my end. After 15 minutes of DCing, everything returned to normal. In another instance, I lagged and DCed trying to carve a pumpkin in Lion's Arch, only to return immediately from the login screen with no ping issues whatsoever. My internet seems fine and nothing else went offline.


I'm from SEA, if that matters. My guildie from the same country is also reporting such issues, albeit occurring more regularly during the night (GMT +8).

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Same issue as you guys. I'm from the Portland area. I don't know if this is a ME issue or an ANET issue. It's really frustrating. I've been trying to help my wife do the last mission of the core game for the past three nights and it's practically unplayable. I'm open to ideas that anyone might have on trying to mitigate the pain.

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  • 1 month later...

I just got off work and after logging in today tried to do my daily fractals and was getting the same disconnect constantly. error code 7 something i did all the fixes and its not a internet or ISP problem so it has to be server side. i would like to play this again so i hope it gets fixed soon.

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I got a new PC and after downloading the game I have been having this same issue my guild rosters will not show data I get a message saying guild data is taking a long time to load. This might indicate an underlying server or connectivity issue. also in WVW my skirmish timer isn't working nor can I see the condition of other maps when I pull up map. I've checked my internet connection and its fine. Its just since I received my new pc. My old pc the game is fine, so I'm wondering during the download of game was there a corrupt file. I tried the repair suggested by support but it doesn't work. HELP

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The game has been unplayable for most of the past few days since that once patch. I'm tempted to just give up trying to play until the event is over. I get sent to character select screen often, and when I do manage to play for a little bit without getting sent out there is still a ton of lag everywhere in the game and even on the website. I try to do the jumping puzzle and the snowball part is a pain because the timing with the rolling snowballs is really off.

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started about a week ago , never had problems before , took a several month break , now that I am back , both me and my girlfriend are getting random disconnects at night . Only game it happens on is GW2 , all other games and internet things have no issues at all. I guess you get what you pay for around here

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