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1- well i see no necro in LFG ?


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2- anther question is the balance guy a brain dead creature ?

3- anther question can 2 devs play condi scourge and make a video off them finishing 99 or 100 cm fractal with any 3 other player and post the video here on this thread (just curious how 2 scourges in single party gonna deal with Echo of the Unclean and Temporal Anomaly when their full burst have 1 burn ) ? i am very reasonable man i asked for fractal and not a raid

4- is the forum modulator gonna delete my thread ?

5- will i get banned and live happily ever after ?


PC i don't care about PVP nerfs

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Dhuumfire: The scourge's internal cooldown for this skill has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvE only.

that answer my second question because this proof that the balance guy is a brain dead human like creature .

they dont get it do they?

how about 10 second in pvp and **NO ICD in PVE **


@ [ArenaNet](https://www.arena.net/ "ArenaNet") please answer my 3rd question about the fractal its a fair question

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> Dhuumfire: The scourge's internal cooldown for this skill has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvE only.

> that answer my second question because this proof that the balance guy is a brain dead human like creature .

> they dont get it do they?

> how about 10 second in pvp and **NO ICD in PVE **


> @ [ArenaNet](https://www.arena.net/ "ArenaNet") please answer my 3rd question about the fractal its a fair question


No they can't. I never saw an anet dev playing another build other than minionmancer on necro.


Maybe I'm wrong. But that's the only thing is saw them playing. So my guess is that they play mm and that's why they don't care about necro in raids or fractals

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > Dhuumfire: The scourge's internal cooldown for this skill has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvE only.

> > that answer my second question because this proof that the balance guy is a brain dead human like creature .

> > they dont get it do they?

> > how about 10 second in pvp and **NO ICD in PVE **

> >

> > @ [ArenaNet](https://www.arena.net/ "ArenaNet") please answer my 3rd question about the fractal its a fair question


> No they can't. I never saw an anet dev playing another build other than minionmancer on necro.


> Maybe I'm wrong. But that's the only thing is saw them playing. So my guess is that they play mm and that's why they don't care about necro in raids or fractals


So what should we do delete out necro because we have the best devz


Do you know the reason behinds the icd in pve also because they can't do the splits because of technical limitations


They had a choice between nerf the scourge or core trait and they went with the core


In spvp

They could remove cripple from sand shade for less conditions cover ups(and pve we don't need it). no nerf the burn

They could reduse the torment by 1 second from sand shade for less conditions damage. no nerf the burn

They could reduse the torment by 8 second from desert shroud for less conditions damage. no nerf the burn

If they did all that the scourge in PvP will get huge nerf and the pve scourge still viable.

Do they even know how hard for necro to enter a 5 or 10 man party 3 slots already been saved for chrono,slave banner and a druid that end up for us to compete for the rest witch is the dps slots guess what they nerf necro dps

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"DarkForcE.9210" said:

> > The moment you see this elitist LFG

> >

> > https://imgur.com/a/IZL4laF


> TBH with you this isn't elitism it's a fact because ANET listen to the community that scourge is op in competitive modes guess what they did nerf scourge in all game modes


Incorrect Anet listened to people QQing about 1 skill on a necro toolbar that they wanted nerfed, and Anet nerfed it, and it became instantly necro = kick, instead of Anet going, GEEZ I wonder why Necro is only used for 1 skill, when 1 skill is your entire classes reason for being in a group something is majorly broken, but instead anet went full ham as usual nerfed the skill, put the class even further to the bottom of the group and gave nothing back to them to being them up even a little bit,


Next update im expecting is, " we have listen to feedback, and decided to remove necro from the game "


I want perma invis instant burst classes nerfed to dirt but that doesn't happen, they just get buffed even more, but that is perfectly fine with Anet.


Even worse we wont even get feedback from any devs about necro, just more nerfs in next patch.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> Dhuumfire: The scourge's internal cooldown for this skill has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvE only.

> that answer my second question because this proof that the balance guy is a brain dead human like creature .

> they dont get it do they?

> how about 10 second in pvp and **NO ICD in PVE **


> @ [ArenaNet](https://www.arena.net/ "ArenaNet") please answer my 3rd question about the fractal its a fair question


Scourge was too OP in pve, said nobody ever. So its time to nerf it.

I dont get it... ok they cry about scourge in pvp, wvw... didnt saw anything in pve...

they ruin epidemic (epidemic was not problem, bouncing with more necro was) but they dont know how to solve, so ruin whole skill.

I personally put necro to ice... coz what they do... they ruin condi variants... and try to put something in power... where its still garbage.

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No necro build was too OP for PvE, if it was like that we would see elitist parties reserving a place for Reaper/Scourge.

For PvP yes, Necros become meta or OP from time to time, but never seen a Necro meta for PvE.

Reaper was actually in a balanced shape imo(balance of dps and tankiness), but the epidemic nerf killed it by 50% for me.

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