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calling it from now 2 rev , 4 slb in every single match !!

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> Changes to rev makes no kitten sense.

> Everyone agrees that they only needed more cleanses, but "hey, let's buff their already big damage".

> Soulbeast will be P/P thief on steroids.


Rev got nerfed this patch and it has pretty low damage given equal skill level compared to all classes.


Please bros stop crying because somebody is better than you.

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > Changes to rev makes no kitten sense.

> > Everyone agrees that they only needed more cleanses, but "hey, let's buff their already big damage".

> > Soulbeast will be P/P thief on steroids.


> Rev got nerfed this patch and it has pretty low damage given equal skill level compared to all classes.


> Please bros stop crying because somebody is better than you.


This thread is silly because everybody isn't going to switch to rev, but JayAction, I've seen your kitten posts about Rev being UP and having some of the lowest damage of the game, and I just want to know what you think you're accomplishing? It's well known Rev has some of the best damage in PvP, and they were buffed this patch. Stop spreading lies just to try to accomplish some goal.

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> Changes to rev makes no kitten sense.

> Everyone agrees that they only needed more cleanses, but "hey, let's buff their already big damage".

> Soulbeast will be P/P thief on steroids.


I'm waiting for renegade buffs

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > Changes to rev makes no kitten sense.

> > Everyone agrees that they only needed more cleanses, but "hey, let's buff their already big damage".

> > Soulbeast will be P/P thief on steroids.


> Rev got nerfed this patch and it has pretty low damage given equal skill level compared to all classes.


> Please bros stop crying because somebody is better than you.


Believe what you want to believe, i'll stick to constructive ideas here ;)

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So I'm seeing a lot of rev got insane buffs, but if I'm honest rev didnt get buffed that hard. They were all pretty minor buffs. In my opinion the only real buff to me was the off hand sword. Impossible odds only got its initial energy cost reduced. It still decreases energy at a rate of 8 energy a second. Also, IO is really only used with other skills and then turned off just as quickly since they changed it from the ultimate cleave to the second hit thing. The new trait is not even better than that off the old trait. It could be better if you could manage protection all the time. The only real buff is death strike which would never hit anything before without using it in tangent with the other shiro port. So not that much damage buffs to make any real difference other than off hand sword which just makes it easier to hit when not using phase traversal. Just wanted to address some stuff ive been seeing about the direct buffs to rev. Still weak to conditions witch is fine given the nerfs to some builds like condi mes and condi thief (which still hard counter rev). I also don't like it when people say in the hands of a good rev. That argument is pretty stupid given in the hands of a good player any class is good. Its not like scourge, mirage and condi thieves are completely dead which means rev still have a counter. Their were also already two revs sometimes before his patch went live. The rest of the buffs were for condi rev or pve which lets be honest need help. So it realistically rev shouldn't be that different. The only difference would be a lot of bandwagoners on the rev is now op train. I do love playing power revenant and am one that would like it to stay relevant but not be completely broken (cause then anet will throw down the nerf hammer to oblivion) which is bringing me a bit of ptsd from the many rev nerfs.

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Rev didn't receive any major buffs that make it suddenly amazing. What did happen is the 3 most popular condi classes received sizable nerfs, and condi is pretty much a hard counter to rev. The class has the tools it need to deal with power pressure and has always had some of the highest power damage in pvp. Also, thief S/D got some pretty big nerfs, which was another tough match up for rev. Basically the counters for rev got nerfed so it's very likely to see it rise in popularity.

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No, not happening.

Rev got zero damage buffs, they only made DeathStrike a reliable skill now. That shit was hard to land before.

Zero utility/sustain buffs. Still an unforgiving class and thats fine.


But they did remove the free boons bug on legend swap (easy quickness and protection uptime) and that used to be incredibly beneficial.

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To the people saying that Revenants didn't get massively buffed; No, they didn't. However, the only thing that kept Revenants out of the meta were the abundance of condition builds, such as Mirage on side-nodes and Scourges in teamfights. (To a lesser extent, condi thief)

With these condition builds being out of the meta, Revenants has a very well-defined place now and I'm sure we'll start seeing more of them.


This is like how Druid became the top-dog in HoT after condi-zerker got nuked. They didn't receive any direct buffs, but their counters got nerfed.

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