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So we wanted a charr motorcycle, we got an armadillo...

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"J envy.5270" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > @"roqoco.4053" said:

> > > > WoW, of course, has motorcycles, but it feels a bit ridiculous and unimmersive. Hope that GW2 doesn't go the same way. And that's from an RL biker.

> > >

> > > Yeah, the first time I saw one over there was about when I decided the game was not for me. Done right is one thing but just dropping a 20th century earth machine into a RPG? No, just no.

> >

> > bro the Charr Car has been in the game in 2012, its been parked in black citadel, show in core gw2 story in Orr, and used in WvW since desert bordelands came out with HoT expansion, people won't recommend it for the sake of HEY I WANT A BIKE, no dude, come on, its been in the game forever and the first thing people thought of when they saw the roller beetle mount for the first time, was oh man it would be cool to have that charr car/bike skin.


> Umm, wrong gender ....


> Anyway though, charrs with clunky machines work as well as asurans with magitech. Especially since they are not everywhere. The problem is in a motorcycle (or most machines really) from our world being in an RPG, not the bike itself. If you dropped in a harley or a Ducati it would just be plain wrong for an RPG. Wow does that but GW2 does not.


ok sry i generalize everyone in the internet as dudes unless a skype call, or voice coms, or otherwise. I get what your saying, don't get me wrong, it does NOT make sense to put a bike in wow for the sake of fan service, but the gw2 one isn't the same thing at all. Existing machines from either asura tech or blood legion war machines have been in the game since the game launched, these are nothing new, and all devs will do is reskin the roller beetle into the same existing charr vehicle, so we are not breaking any immersion in here at all.


In the event that maybe a future expansion or living world story, we go to the blood legion homelands and we finally see more of these charr war machines outside the places i mentioned before, are you saying that it would be plain wrong too? This is why there was such a positive response about this matter when they roller beetle was trailer was first released, because players finally found a way for existing data such as the charr car/bike in the game to be more widely used instead of them rotting and being forgotten by the devs.

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> @"J envy.5270" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"J envy.5270" said:

> > > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > > @"roqoco.4053" said:

> > > > > WoW, of course, has motorcycles, but it feels a bit ridiculous and unimmersive. Hope that GW2 doesn't go the same way. And that's from an RL biker.

> > > >

> > > > Yeah, the first time I saw one over there was about when I decided the game was not for me. Done right is one thing but just dropping a 20th century earth machine into a RPG? No, just no.

> > >

> > > bro the Charr Car has been in the game in 2012, its been parked in black citadel, show in core gw2 story in Orr, and used in WvW since desert bordelands came out with HoT expansion, people won't recommend it for the sake of HEY I WANT A BIKE, no dude, come on, its been in the game forever and the first thing people thought of when they saw the roller beetle mount for the first time, was oh man it would be cool to have that charr car/bike skin.

> >

> > Umm, wrong gender ....

> >

> > Anyway though, charrs with clunky machines work as well as asurans with magitech. Especially since they are not everywhere. The problem is in a motorcycle (or most machines really) from our world being in an RPG, not the bike itself. If you dropped in a harley or a Ducati it would just be plain wrong for an RPG. Wow does that but GW2 does not.


> ok sry i generalize everyone in the internet as dudes unless a skype call, or voice coms, or otherwise. I get what your saying, don't get me wrong, it does NOT make sense to put a bike in wow for the sake of fan service, but the gw2 one isn't the same thing at all. Existing machines from either asura tech or blood legion war machines have been in the game since the game launched, these are nothing new, and all devs will do is reskin the roller beetle into the same existing charr vehicle, so we are not breaking any immersion in here at all.


> In the event that maybe a future expansion or living world story, we go to the blood legion homelands and we finally see more of these charr war machines outside the places i mentioned before, are you saying that it would be plain wrong too? This is why there was such a positive response about this matter when they roller beetle was trailer was first released, because players finally found a way for existing data such as the charr car/bike in the game to be more widely used instead of them rotting and being forgotten by the devs.


No worries, it happens often on gaming/geek/computer forums. Especially if you are not using a username that is obvious (a name ending in an 'a' is usually a gendered cue in english but it comes from another language).


Anyways, yes, if we go to a charr-heavy region I would love to see a charr bike skin. I doubt I would buy it if it were as expensive as the armadillo but would have no objection to it on lore grounds. My complaint was some people using the fact that wow has motorcycles so we should when they were done the wrong way there. A skin that fits with lore is fine and dandy, one that is just done to do it is not.

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We already have airships,tanks and submarines but apparently for everyone motorcycles break their immersion. Also games like Gw2, FFXIV and WoW are not traditional fantasy. They are high fantasy/steampunk fantasy to some extent. FFXIV is having this discussion too because they are introducing clouds bike from Advent Children into the game now. It feels like the glass that holds most people's immersion is way too easily shattered.

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> @"Mepheles.2087" said:

> We already have airships,tanks and submarines but apparently for everyone motorcycles break their immersion. Also games like Gw2, FFXIV and WoW are not traditional fantasy. They are high fantasy/steampunk fantasy to some extent. FFXIV is having this discussion too because they are introducing clouds bike from Advent Children into the game now. It feels like the glass that holds most people's immersion is way too easily shattered.


The problem with having motorcycles is, if they are popular and I imagine they would be, they would be everywhere unlike the airships etc.


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> @"Elspereth.1280" said:

> > @"Mepheles.2087" said:

> > We already have airships,tanks and submarines but apparently for everyone motorcycles break their immersion. Also games like Gw2, FFXIV and WoW are not traditional fantasy. They are high fantasy/steampunk fantasy to some extent. FFXIV is having this discussion too because they are introducing clouds bike from Advent Children into the game now. It feels like the glass that holds most people's immersion is way too easily shattered.


> The problem with having motorcycles is, if they are popular and I imagine they would be, they would be everywhere unlike the airships etc.



You would think so but the roller beetle is not as used as it once was. People _do_ get bored of stuff you know. People will use the bike for a few weeks, but just like the rollerbeetle if it doesn't really do anything as well as other mounts it will be benched unless you just wanna go riding for long stretches.

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They have to sell the ugly stuff like misnamed pangolins, boulder elementals, a skritt in a giant hamster ball, baby quaggans in a fishbowl or a skin with a guild emblem before bringing up the big sellers, or people will get just the good ones.


If you show something like an asura Golem that turns into a ball or a charr unicycle chopper tank first, people will that, and then ignore anything else that can't possibly ever beat it.

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Charr car is FAR MORE logical than the roller beetle itself. Charr car fits more into lure while the roller beetle has a futuristic anti grav bike seat. As well if they can master anti gravity, why do you need the beetle at all? I mean you're already using power to float, so they can figure that out but need a beetle to master forward momentum? Ooookay...

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If people are worried about present day elements, put in one of the Flintstones cars for goodness sake... But the roller beetle isn't logical, it's kind of silly... lol AND ADD A REGULAR HORSE MOUNT, what is more classic than that? Make it a unicorn to justify the teleportation of the jackal for goodness sakes if needs be, just add one... I mean we have centaurs but no horses? Yea that's logical..

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