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How to pick a class that you can play long term despite meta changes?


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All of them.


Regardless of how the forums go berserk, ALL of the professions and specs can do everything and happily do it well. People are just prone to crazy when others don't use the strongest stuff [ironically they don't use it either, yet demand others do] or when their mains are nerfed, regardless of how little it is [let me direct you to Overwatch, where people complained like crazy when Soldier:76's damage was reduced.....by 1].

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It's just tough trying to balance what i want to play with what people want me to play. I still believe that each profession should have its core theme and each elite spec extends from that. I think i'm just trying to find a profession that isn't reliant on a small handful of traits. It's why im considering ele just because it is a DPS class; needing pay off for skill curve/squishy? but also has healing/support role as well

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If you are willing to balance what you want to play vs. what people tell you to play, just take the class you like and run the meta builds on it. In the long term, there isn't a guarantee it will stay. Take each one. Most classes are reliant on a handful of traits, especially if you play meta.

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Or just ignore the meta. Play your way, if something works – great! If it doesn't, change it until it does. It's a game, if you find yourself playing something you hate just because it's effective, you've already lost the whole point of this being a game.

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> @"Manpag.6421" said:

> Or just ignore the meta. Play your way, if something works – great! If it doesn't, change it until it does. It's a game, if you find yourself playing something you hate just because it's effective, you've already lost the whole point of this being a game.


Blinding following the meta is unwise, but so is trying to ignore it. The conceptual approach to meta is fairly solid, but our use of it is fundamentally flawed. That is, its built on the idea that players understand buildcraft, and displays prominent build synergy, as well as interactions with other builds. But in practice its used to copy a build with little understanding of how it works, and get around comprehension through rout memorization of a rotation.


The biggest issue of this is how its overuse and tendency to overall specialize has forced the Devs into directly responding to it, and can be seen in POF's Especs basically built to counter an entire game wide meta. This further plugs into the Raids, which has created this feedback loop that only has good visibility on whats overly effective, leading them to target those more then addressing a more underlying problem. The irony being other builds are destroyed as collateral damage, because different builds don't scale consistently despite using common elements.

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I play whats fun and just ignore meta. If it's good it's good. If it's bad it's bad. But if I love my character then good or bad don't matter so long as I'm having fun. I mained Engie up until HoT and then I added Rev to my main list, replacing Necro. But I still find Necro fun, even if people say it sucks. The same with Rev. I know that Renegade may not be the most OP thing I could play but I find it to be a blast and so that's all that really matters.


But I do run several characters. I think the only one I have not created is a Mesmer, which I will get around too soonish. I didn't like my Warrior until I tried Spellbreaker and now I find that one more fun. So just play what's fun and you will be able to weather the good and bad.

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