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Helpful Starter Tips for New Players~

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#Exploration Bonus

There are numerous encouragements within the game to explore, take detours, and investigate the world, rather than following the herd from point A to point B, most notably an experience boost called "Exploration Bonus". It can be as much as DOUBLE the normal amount of XP for a kill.

This is applied when you kill a creature which has been on the map for a long time without being slain. So take the path less traveled!




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In open world, critters give an XP bonus depending on how long they've been alive. It can be profitable to kill yellow (non hostile) creatures when levelling, since most people don't bother killing these.


Levelling crafting to max at 500 grants you roughly 10 levels of experience.


If you have a targeted teleport, like Blink, you can often teleport up by targeting the underside of a walkway, for instance.


You can use Skills without a casttime during channeled skills. For example, start channelling Churning Earth and then Lightning Flash toward your target to land it during the channel.


You can get 18/20 slot bags very cheaply by going to WvW. There's a vendor on each map within your own invulnerable zone that's cheaper than anywhere else. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Outfitter


When deciding what ascended gear to go for first, remember that weapons and trinkets have the largest increase over their exotic counterparts.


You can cash in on all those laurels you stockpiled by buying T6 material bags from the Laurel vendor and selling the mats.

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This is really more for PvE map clearing but it can work elsewhere too.


If you're having trouble navigating to a certain point or place on the map but you can clearly see it on the "big map" (M), hit Alt + Left Click to place a Personal Waypoint on both the "big map" and the mini-map. It may seem simple enough but I wasn't properly using this after almost 4 years of game play and it is a VERY useful tool.

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#Personal Waypoint (Map Marker)

This is such a handy feature in the game, and distinctly under used. I especially appreciate using it when in a party, as everyone can see the marker~


It's name is a little misleading, fyi folks, it's only a map marker; not a portable pocket waypoint for teleporting. ;)

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## A quick tip about unlocking Living Story Chapters:


During the period that a chapter is free to unlock by logging in, you have to log **all the way in** on a character (any one of your characters) to get it. Pushing the "Log In" button on the client is not enough. Log in on the client, and then select a character and enter the world to actually unlock the content. It takes all of about 1 to 2 minutes, tops.


You don't have to play or start the story, and you can log right back out of the game. It unlocks account wide, so you don't need to unlock it individually on your alts. You can return to play through it at **any time** from then on. Even if you've unlocked others in the meantime.


I have had a few folks that I introduced to the game learn this the hard way, by "logging in" just to grab the story when they didn't otherwise have time to play, and I hope to help others avoid such tragedy.


It's not exactly intuitive to all new gamers. ;)

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#Breakbar & CC

If you are still having trouble figuring out how to set up your characters to deal CC damage and destroy those breakbars, this handy dandy list should greatly assist. :)




It breaks down which skills for which professions do what amount of Hard CC damage.

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Any of the Holiday foods, in fact, are superb and offer greater experience boosts, and come in various levels for access by all.

I personally really enjoy and recommend these for my lvl 80s when I'm working on masteries.


Nourishment(30 m): +30% Magic Find

+40% Gold from Monsters

+10% Experience from Kills

+10% Karma


And with food, you can also use a utility booster, such as this.


Nourishment(30 m): Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Precision

Gain Power Equal to 6% of Your Ferocity

+10% Experience from Kills

+10% Karma Bonus


And then atop that, you can ALSO use one of these boosters.



All at once. C:


You can check out all the foods, sorted by the type of boost they provide, here.


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#Chat Box

Here's some detailed information on the **Chat Box**, to help you understand and make the most out of it. =)


What the text colors denote, what channels are available, a bit of miscellanious info such as how many characters in a message:



A complete list of the **Chat Commands** at your disposal:



Have fun!

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These are a great way to add some flavor to your play and interactions. For a complete list, check this link:



For even more fun, try them out while transformed:



Bonus tip:

If you have a large character (especially a maximum size Norn or Charr) and are struggling with Jumping Puzzles, use a tonic to transform into a small create~ It makes a whole lot of difference! You can check the link above to see which tonics make this feasible, and experiment on your own as well.

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#Game Release Notes

Keep up to date with changes to the game! Every time there is a "New Build", a big patch, expansions, and even regular balance checks, you can see what has been done via this link:



It's worth reading, even sometimes has nice little story blurbs, and only takes a few minutes!

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I did a search but didn't see this mentioned yet.


# LFG (Looking for Group)

Please inform all new player about the **LFG (Looking for Group) tab** located in the **Contacts Panel** (usually the Y key). There are two types of groups, parties (limited to 5 players) and squads (limited to 50 players or 10 for raid-mode) hosted by a commander. The commander has a special tag.


Note that sometimes you may not appear in the right map/zone instance with a successful group or with enough players unless you join one of these groups that are recruiting. If you are not in the right instance, when you join a party or squad, right click on players in your group for the option to "Join in [Map/Zone Name]". (This was already mentioned above.) It'll take you to where the rest of the group is. You should see bright solid blue dots on the mini map/map for your group members.


There are sections in the LFG tab to find helpful groups to join for:


* World Bosses

* Helpful Hero Point or Mastery Point trains

* Meta Event Chains especially HoT maps

* Bounty Trains in PoF maps

* Collection and other Achievement groups

* Dungeons

* Fractals

* Help for Personal Story Instances

* And I have been starting Mentoring groups, and I think new players and experienced players should facilitate this more


Note that some of these kinds of groups may need to be found in appropriate categories or specific maps. So take a browse!




# Links

Other sites that I would consider to be the Gw2 "Bible" other than the comprehensive wiki and /wiki command in chat:


http://dulfy.net (latest news, guides, already mentioned)

http://gw2timer.com (Spawn times of World Bosses and big Meta events)

http://gw2efficiency.com (Account/Finances/Economy Management, Crafting Breakdown and Guide, etc.) [Connect GW2 API*]

http://gw2crafts.net (one of the handy Crafting guides)

http://gw2skills.net (for the Build Editor)

http://qtfy.eu (updated meta builds and benchmarking, meant for reference, not to follow absolutely)

http://metabattle.com (updated meta builds and benchmarking, meant for reference, not to follow absolutely)

http://gw2style.com (some fashion)


**GW2 API**

Some sites will access your account data (authorized sites are secure) by generating an API easily from your Gw2 Account page: https://account.arena.net/applications

Please be careful with the sites you use it on. But it is very helpful for instance on gw2efficiency, which will break down what resources you have and what you still require to craft something, your account and bank value, what is the amount of gold you can actually earn from your sellable items, history of your spending and so on. You can also view your character specs, inventory, your wallet currencies and more.

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My best advice to people is: only do things that are fun to you.

Guild Wars 2 doesn't have to be a grind MMO or you don't need a completionist mindset. Forget about zone completion % unless you really want to try it. Just have fun, try to be interested in something genuinely. The game has lots of interesting lore all around to immerse ourselves with for example. And rewards are plenty. XP, karma and gold rain from everywhere.

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I always suggest working toward map completion. Doing the heart quests always gives substantial experience. Completing any event is very helpful and I suggest that you help with any events that are nearby when you are leveling.


It always a huge plus to open waypoints when you are able.

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