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Since Worldy Impact has a 3/4th second cast now...


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Why take a reaper when i could take a Holosmith/Core-Guardian/Spellbreaker/Power Mirage/Revenant/Scourge.


Assuming you had the choice.


I dont doubt that there are dedicated Reaper players but the argument could be made that if they took their talent onto a profession that is more updated with the current power curve they would be more effective.


I can't think of something the Reaper does that is sole unique to it nor anything that isn't done better by another profession specialization

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Hahahahaha reaper buffs? Never. They will buff scourge after nerfing it the previous patch before helping reaper or core nec. Necro is the black sheep of gw2. Had some over the top spammy time with scourge but its under control now. Reaper still lacks solid builds for these days.


Lol. Tell that to dragonhunters, tempests, berserkers, etc. When you face a oneshot comp then playing reaper can be tough because everyone just teleports on you. But Reapers are not so uncommon in higher tiers of PvP and offer several things, such as good AoE and cleave, party dmg buffing and rezzing. Reaper has been buffed several times this year. By no means necro is a black sheep of GW2.

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With corrupt well, wh4 and gs5, Reaper is the best class for downstate pressure imo, not to mention reaper still holds the monopoly in boon corruption, and is the best aoe corrupter in the game (it's the only class that could AOE stop stability immediately, another one is thief but not aoe)

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I have seen reapers carry games in high plat. Its a class that has a high skill floor on counter awareness map position etc but it's op when in right hands. I would say one of the most useful classes in 5/5. But the issue is poeple notice how bad it can be in the wrong hands. But I can say that about any class. As for the 1v1 reaper when played well counters eng ele war, some mes builds and core grd. It don't counter thf, the thf just apairs dead next to you.

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