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Changing ur thoughts...

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If I read reviews or opinions, I always take them all with a grain of salt. I am a really opinionated person. I like making my own rule on stuff i'm interested in. I will still sometimes though read the QQ reviews. Usually even if silly or entitled reflect issues that might exist. Those might end up being non issues for me personally or not something I need to worry about for a long time.


Like, when I research a new game, something I look for is if it's open world pvp. I know lots of people like this, but I don't. I don't want to get ganked while going about my personal business. I've heard literally almost every argument about what it adds or brings as I once upon a time played Conquer Online which was a korean based open pvp kind of game. If people like that, good for them. I don't. I don't like to feel at war or competition with all of the players. I would rather make friends than foes.


I just cite that as something I go looking to get information about. Some of those games that feature that don't really list it clear enough to say if it is or isn't. On steam, I'll go and look at posts. Sometimes, one of my friends from gaia online/fb posts about a game. I'll go look it up. I always ask if it is open world pvp. As that will impact how interested i am. Then again, features like a cute character who can be a bunny or dress in bunny cosplay like get ups like the one race from tera will interest me enough to give it a try anyways.


However, when you get to whether any of that effects whether I consider a game good or bad. It wouldn't. I won't judge anything until I've judged it for myself to see if it works with my gaming style.

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Am I weird in saying that I can change my mind based on something someone posts-- reviews, arguments, heck, anything at all? I can't really believe I'm the only one :o


If the reasoning is sound, if the interpretation of facts fits, if new facts are brought to light... all of these are excellent reasons to change your mind, your worldview, your perspective. For games, I screen reviewers by how well their tastes tend to match mine. Do they point out things in games that I can't stand? That I love? If I hear something from a trusted source about the game stinking, I'll still check Metacritic, Steam, etc. then collate data and impressions. If it's F2P, I'll try it unless it rootkits my system, or has forced PvP because, why not? I may uninstall in five minutes (Occupy White Walls) or a few hours (WoW, Neverwinter) but I might also stick around for a while (GW2, SWTOR, ESO).


I was pretty sure for a long time I'd hate Mass Effect: Andromeda. Every single review I'd read called it, "Dragon Age: Inquisition in space." I loathed DA:I-- it was the second Bioware game I never completed a male main character playthrough. I detested Mass Effect 3 also. I read a wonderful, detailed review on Ars Technica that completely changed my mind. I even built a new PC for it. The magic words?


> If you’re a Mass Effect fan—the kind who created a custom Shepard and imported a single save game all the way through the original trilogy and has fierce feelings about the proper romance choices for Shepard—then you’ll want to buy Andromeda, because even though it won’t give you any more Shepard, it will give you more Mass Effect (and there are some hints and voice logs from familiar original trilogy faces to be found—if you look for them).




> Let’s get this out of the way right now: I’m playing on the lowest difficulty setting because I don’t particularly care about combat in BioWare games. I know the designers spend a huge amount of time on the combat experience, but frankly, I’m just here for the story.




And I had a blast! Once I get my mojo back, it's probably going on my, "Play it once a year" list like the first two ME games, KOTOR and KOTOR 2.


Editing: I missed a couple of posts. Whew! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

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