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[NA] LF Static around reset, multiclasser


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LF a static that raids at/around reset give or take an hour and ends at or before reset+3 Have cleared w1-4 in almost every role(okay, I can't HK, sorry! lol), have also cleared w5 but less experienced. I have every class geared and to 80 so I could play/learn pretty much anything. 250+ LI, legendary armor, ascended pretty much everything.


I want a group that wants to efficiently clear wings, works on improvement, willing to learn new roles if they don't know them, but are relaxed about it and still there to have fun. Plus if people want to work on CMs :) Preferably without drowning me in twitch memes, offensive jokes, etc. If you have a group that might fit what I want, please message me in game since I don't check the forum that often.

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I have a group you might be interested in... Two groups in-fact.... Also depending on your guild situation.


The first group runs 30 minutes after reset on Wednesdays and runs for 2 hours. They are a bit of a greener more casual group but they do have exp in all bosses and at-least 75 LI. They mostly work to clear W5 and whatever the call of the mists wing is that week, plus more when the time permits.


The second group is a CM group filling with those that we feel are competent enough to do all the CMs including Dhuum CM. This is still in the early stages of forming, being lead by a team member of a team that already has all CMs, and we have 6 members already. A date and time has not been established yet but we are looking at a time that starts 30 minutes after reset as well. Experience and DPS checks will be required to be part of this team to ensure the quality and being able to pass Dhuum CM with a reasonable amount of practice.


In addition we have runs on Monday and Tuesday with opportunities to fill if there are absences.


Since we are a community guild being a part of these teams would require you to join our community. The only hard requirements we have is that you must represent the majority of the time you spend online and you attend guild missions Friday nights, if you happen to be online during that time. Id this interests you I strongly encourage you check out the recruitment page and the raiding page on our website.




If you have any questions. The best way to get a hold is me is in game or in the discord linked on our website.


Look forward to hearing from you,


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