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[Soulbeast] List of bugged / non functional abilities and traits


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combat skills:

  • core ranger pet Iboga's skill consuming bite receives inconsistent benefits for conditions on a target. It appears to only grant the benfits once and not for every additional condition (neither stacking of one type, nor multiple different types - tested with poison, confusion, bleed, torment)
  • core ranger pet Jacaranda's skill call lightning (pet casted skill not player beastmode skill) stops to work when the ranger swaps the pet during the ability. The same issue happens when a soulbeast ranger enters beastmode while the ability is active. The ranger's death also removes the Jacaranda and therefore cancels the ability early.
  • soulbeast mode bird pet skill swoop travels 600 units instead of the listed 1200
  • soulbeast mode gazelle pet skill charge travels 1000 units instead of the listed 1200
  • soulbeast mode gazelle pet skill charge daze lasts for 2 seconds instead of the listed 1 second
  • soulbeast mode canine pet skill crippling leap travels 250 units instead of the listed 400
  • soulbeast mode canine pet skill brutal charge travels 130 units instead of the listed 600
  • soulbeast mode jellyfish pet skill dark water does not create a smoke field unless it successfully hits a target
  • soulbeast mode smokescale pet skill smoke assault does not grant the listed 1,5 seconds of evade to the player
  • soulbeast mode spider pet skill poison gas is always fired towards the max distance of 900 units even if the target is in melee range and the ability is fired directly at point blank range
  • soulbeast mode warhorn weapon skill call of the wild does not apply 4 seconds of unblockable to the ranger
  • soulbeast mode utility shout 'guard' does nothing. It doesn't apply the damage reduction on players around you, you don't take the dmg instead of them, neither does it grant you might when you are hit
  • soulbeast mode utility skill signet of renewal does not apply resistance to the ranger. does not transfer conditions to the ranger. does not strip conditions of any friendly target nor the ranger him/herself
  • soulbeast mode is canceled in lower level regions every time the player walks into a sub-area which triggers a level adjustment

onto traits:

  • soulbeast mode marksmanship minor adept opening strike: No compensation for the lost pet's opening strike (the player loses 5 vulnerable stacks)
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship minor master alpha focus: No compensation for the lost pet's opening strike (the player loses 2 seconds of cripple)
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship minor grandmaster precise strike: No compensation for the lost pet's opening strike (the players loses a guaranteed critical hit)
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship major grandmaster relentless: No compensation for the lost pet's regained opening strike (the player loses a guaranteed critical hit)
  • soulbeast mode skirmishing minor adept sharpened edges: The game does not compensate for the lost pet's bleeding on critical hits (the player's chance to proc sharpening edges stays at 33 % and the player only applies one stack of bleeding) - special thanks to RednoRurikhan for the 10 minute playtest to confirm this
  • soulbeast mode skirmishing major grandmaster quick draw The effect of quick draw is not consumed by greatsword weapon skill maul . The quick draw buff is not consumed and the skill does not get the cooldown reduction
  • soulbeast mode skirmishing major grandmaster quick draw The effect of quick draw is consumed by mainhand dagger weapon skill instinctive engage without reducing the cooldown of the ammunition system (1 charge should recover more quickly, but the recharge remains the same - tested for both two stacks of insinctive engage and for the last one)
  • soulbeast mode wilderness survival major grandmaster emphatic bond: The duration of conditions on the ranger are not reduced when in soulbeast mode
  • soulbeast mode nature magic minor master fortifying bond: This trait does nothing while the ranger is in soulbeast mode (which is confusing since we heal as one increases the durations of buffs on the ranger instead of sharing them with the pet while in soulbeast mode) - special thanks to RednoRurikhan
  • soulbeast mode beastmastery minor adept pack alpha: Pet skills granted in soulbeast mode do not receive the 20 % cooldown reduction
  • soulbeast mode beastmastery minor master loud whistle The game does not apply the damage bonus to the ranger for staying on or above 90 % health.
  • soulbeast mode beastmastery major master natural healing: The healing does not show up in the combat log (this is misleading players to think that it wouldn't work in soulbeast mode)
  • specilization soulbeast major adept unstoppable union Does not break the ranger out of stuns when activating beastmode to merge with the pet.

core ranger beastmastery minor adept pack alpha: The following pet skills of the new Path of Fire pets do not receive the 20 % cooldown reduction:

  • Sand-Lion: Blinding Roar
  • Cheetah: Savannah Strike
  • Rock Gazelle: Head Toss
  • Rock Gazelle: Kick
  • Rock Gazelle: Charge
  • Jacaranda: Jacaranda's Embrace
  • Jacaranda: Call Lightning
  • Jacaranda: Photosynthesize
  • Iboga: Fang Grapple
  • Iboga: Crippling Anguish
  • Iboga: Narcotic Spores
honorable mentions due to the inability to access the core ranger mechanic 'swap' pets while in soulbeast mode
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship minor adept clarion bond: The 10 seconds of fury, 3 stacks of might, swirftness and the 3 seconds of unblockable can not be activated while in soulbeast mode
  • soulbeast mode wilderness survival major grandmaster poison master: The 2 poison stacks on the attack can not be activated while in soulbeast mode
  • soulbeast mode beastmastery major grandmaster zephyr speed: The 3 seconds of quickness and superspeed can not be activated while in soulbeast mode
  • soulbeast mode beastmastery minor master loud whistle The reduced cooldown on pet swap can not be utilized since pet swap can not be activated while in soulbeast mode
  • soulbeast mode nature magic major master spirited arrival The 8 seconds of fury and vigor can not be activated while in soulbeast mode
List of not mentioned as bugs mechanics due to the fact that the abilities to utilize said benefits are transferred over to the ranger as F skills while in soulbeast mode - therefore maintaining the benefit even though the traits/skills do not change when in soulbeast mode
  • soulbeast mode wilderness survival minor adept taste for danger: The vitality gain and expertise gain remains unchanged
  • soulbeast mode nature magic minor adept bountiful hunter: The damage bonus per boon remains unchanged
  • soulbeast mode nature magic minor adept instinctive reaction: The healing bonus percentage gain remains unchanged
  • soulbeast mode nature magic minor grandmaster lingering magic: The concentration bonus remains unchanged
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship major grandmaster predator's onslaught: The damage bonus remains unchanged
  • soulbeast mode utility skills all signets: the game does not compensate for the lost benefit of the signets on the pet while in soulbeast mode.
  • 26th of September
  • marked smoke assault evade as the issue has been patched
  • 28th of September
  • added skirmisher traitline issues with quickdraw
  • added gazelle charge (soulbeast mode) to the list
  • marked soulbeast mode cancel in lower level zones on lvl adjustment as the issue has been patched
  • 29th of September
  • added list of core pet abilities from the new Path of Fire pets which are unaffected by the beastmastery minor pack alpha
  • added unstoppable union not breaking stuns to the list
  • 30th of September
  • added Sand-Lion Blinding Roar to the list of core ranger PoF pet F2 skills that are unaffected by pack alpha
  • added nature magic spirited arrival to the unaccessible list during beastmode
  • marked quick draw fix for greatsword maul as the issue hsa been patched (dagger instinctive engage issue remains)
  • replaced removed listing points with strikethroughs for a better overview
  • 2nd of October
  • added Iboga's consuming bite receiving inconsistent benefits for one or multiple different conditions on a target
  • 5th of October
  • added Jacaranda's call lightning being removed by pet swap, soulbeast mode or the ranger's death.
P.S.: I'm doing someone else's work here ... someone is really bad at his/her job
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Great list, thanks Sedlina! Let us keep this list alive. Swoop actually does more then 450(at least now), I ckecked several times and I would say it is about 800: which still makes it completely useless since you will often not reach your target at all, wasting the Vulnerability effect. Apart from the annoyance that you are nowhere near your target yet.


The leap seems to consist of a jump and then a "flapping" part: this last part seems to be cut short, either that or the jump is too small.


I will be sure to add to and confirm bugs for this important list.


EDIT. as to Call of the Wild, Guard and Signet or Renewal: the effects you mention are linked to the pet, not to the Ranger so I guess we do not inherit these from the Pet when we merge.

This was one of the things I wondered when they released the first info about Soulbeasts. I think anything Skill or Trait related to the pet, we loose when we merge: what we get is the Buff, the signature attack(Primal Cry and such) and 2 other attacks from the pets themselves.


Edit 2: Gabrya, on the wiki it sais that since the Preview weekends, that trait only applies to the F3 Beastmode Skill. I agree this is confusing and disappointing, since the F2 skill from the pet when we are out of Beastmode is labeled as a Beast skill. Either they should remove the "Beast" flag from the regular F2 skill or let the trait work on that too(the better option off course).

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Keep in mind that you taunt enemies when you use protect me the way the pet would usually do it.

Guard on the other hand becomes an empty button. You can press it. You can start the cooldown. But it has absolutely no effect.

At least search and rescue still teleports players to you and gives out the regen buff on cast. (even though the pet is obviously missing for the increased ressurection healing - which should also be factored in to compensate for in beast mode)

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> @Tyncale.1629 said:

> Edit 2: Gabrya, on the wiki it sais that since the Preview weekends, that trait only applies to the F3 Beastmode Skill. I agree this is confusing and disappointing, since the F2 skill from the pet when we are out of Beastmode is labeled as a Beast skill. Either they should remove the "Beast" flag from the regular F2 skill or let the trait work on that too(the better option off course).


Yeah i know the wiki state this , but it write in the "anomaly" section , and it seems a bug since if someone wanna play soulbeast without merging (it can be really powerfull to just use the soulbeast branch ) he will not benefit from any of the first traits since they are all bound to beastmode merging ^^'

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> @Oberon.6071 said:


> I believe that moa posture is not applying the increase in duration of blessing


our testing confirms that Moa Stance works. You have to keep in mind that the cap on boon duration remains 100 %. So it doesn't matter how much boon duration you get on your character. anything above 34 % won't give you any additional benefit to moa stance

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> @Witimir.5982 said:

> Thanks for the list!

> ..... waiting for corrections ....


I hope you weren't aiming for dmg tuning related points on the list with 'corrections'. The pet related F1 and F2 abilities (as well as the gazelle) had no proper number tuning yet.

That much is obvious and every ranger player is hopefully smart enough to know that such an imbalance won't last for long (gazelle 1 shots in particular)

Yet if they just toss a nerf for the gazelle out without properly tuning the other new pet elements the rangers will go rabid - At leas that is my take on why they are taking their sweet time to fix that broken one shot monster :p

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> @Sedlina.1097 said:

> > @Witimir.5982 said:

> > Thanks for the list!

> > ..... waiting for corrections ....


> I hope you weren't aiming for dmg tuning related points on the list with 'corrections'. The pet related F1 and F2 abilities (as well as the gazelle) had no proper number tuning yet.

> That much is obvious and every ranger player is hopefully smart enough to know that such an imbalance won't last for long (gazelle 1 shots in particular)

> Yet if they just toss a nerf for the gazelle out without properly tuning the other new pet elements the rangers will go rabid - At leas that is my take on why they are taking their sweet time to fix that broken one shot monster :p


I don't use a Gazelle basically.

Up: **Live Fast** is broken https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Live_Fast and don't works by me at all

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Great list, this is what we need!

One minor thing I noticed when I was playing around with spider:

> soulbeast mode spider pet skill poison gas is always fired towards the max distance of 900 units even if the target is in melee range and the ability is fired directly at point blank range

I'm pretty sure that it does not always fires on max range, already got it to fire on shorter distance.

Instead it looks like the poison ball that you fire aims for the enemies character model, flies right through the enemy without making contact and lands on the ground behind him, leaving the poison cloud at a seemingly random position.

That's some messed up coding.

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Twice as Vicious is acting weird for me. Or at least in a way that doesn't reflect the tooltip.

I can trigger ToV by using any disabling skill (LB4 is easiest) on an enemy with a breakbar, regardless to whether the breakbar is active. It just always pops the buff.

I also receive the buff when _I_ get disabled. Easily noticed when fighting sand sharks or when you get knocked off your mount.

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> @Chrury.4627 said:

> Twice as Vicious is acting weird for me. Or at least in a way that doesn't reflect the tooltip.

> I can trigger ToV by using any disabling skill (LB4 is easiest) on an enemy with a breakbar, regardless to whether the breakbar is active. It just always pops the buff.

> I also receive the buff when _I_ get disabled. Easily noticed when fighting sand sharks or when you get knocked off your mount.


Sand sharks are very inconsistent. There are even report of sand sharks giving players swiftness when they hit them. So I would guess that later part is more related to them and not the ranger.

The ToV trigger is weird to get it without actually disabling a target. On the other hand I can understand why they added the trigger just on the actual disable ability hitting a target - it ensures that the trait remains viable as a dps source. Otherwise it would just end up as a special snowflake that is constantly disabled in group pve content.


> @Witimir.5982 said:

> Up: **Live Fast** is broken https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Live_Fast and don't works by me at all


Regarding Live Fast. I've intentionally not added this one to the list. At least as far as the English language is concerned the description doesn't allow much room for interpretation. If the pet is using a beast ability, you aren't using it and the description is very clear that you only get the benefits 'when using a beast ability'.


Contrary to that for example the major grandmaster Invigorating Bond goes out of its way to tell us that the effect affects people around the 'caster' as the main focus. (and we know it works regardless if that caster is the pet or the player)


Also slightly related to that topic RednoRurikhan filed a report that he is not able to apply weakness to nearby friendly players when they are the 'target of his beast ability' spiritual reprieve when he got the major master wilting strike slotted. (again something that is not listed - mainly because I'm 99,9 percent sure that the devs do not intend for players to actually harm other friendly players like that - even though that spelling directly suggests that it should be possible)



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> @Sedlina.1097 said:

> Sand sharks are very inconsistent. There are even report of sand sharks giving players swiftness when they hit them. So I would guess that later part is more related to them and not the ranger.

> The ToV trigger is weird to get it without actually disabling a target. On the other hand I can understand why they added the trigger just on the actual disable ability hitting a target - it ensures that the trait remains viable as a dps source. Otherwise it would just end up as a special snowflake that is constantly disabled in group pve content.


I mentioned sand sharks particularly because their attack pattern is simple to test on. I'll keep an eye out as I keep playing but I started noticing the application after getting CCed by Branded Ogres. Djinn and some Forged also.


I agree that it's _nice_ that you don't need to actually disable harder targets for the bonus. Just maybe inconsistent? Do [Lightning Rod](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Rod "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Rod") and [Lock On](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lock_On "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lock_On") (among others) work the same way? I'll have to check.

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