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SoR! looking for info


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They currently being stacked by a couple of servers that could not defeat another other server. They are linked with HoD at the moment and probably double the population of any one server without a link at the moment. The toxicity is rampant already on the team chat. They will blame blah blah blah when they get trashed by even numbers from that server they couldn't beat before. Then they will blame the host server and get moved back to t2. No competition there because of population and they will get trounced in t1 again. This time they will turn on each other and then guilds will bandwagon some where else. Seen it happen a million times and it will end the same. One other thing I predict. When they go t1 the second time they will say we not want ppt, we a fight guild, server or whatever excuse it takes for getting beat by equal numbers. Sorry for pessimism, history repeats itself and will here too. One positive thing is that these bandwagon guilds spend a lot of irl money to do this. It pays for the support and the game that we all love and play.

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> @"atheria.2837" said:

> > @"pallypower.1246" said:

> > Hey, looking for SoR wvw info contact me in-gme


> Looking to jump off YB, huh?


> Good luck - bandwagons don't last long.


I'm split on this subject. On one hand BG is way too overstacked. So to actually defeat them, this is what needs to be done. But on the other hand it seems so cheap and petty, as if the end score of each week actually matters.

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> @"Slick.7164" said:

> They currently being stacked by a couple of servers that could not defeat another other server. They are linked with HoD at the moment and probably double the population of any one server without a link at the moment. **The toxicity is rampant already on the team chat.** They will blame blah blah blah when they get trashed by even numbers from that server they couldn't beat before. Then they will blame the host server and get moved back to t2. No competition there because of population and they will get trounced in t1 again. This time they will turn on each other and then guilds will bandwagon some where else. Seen it happen a million times and it will end the same. One other thing I predict. When they go t1 the second time they will say we not want ppt, we a fight guild, server or whatever excuse it takes for getting beat by equal numbers. Sorry for pessimism, history repeats itself and will here too. One positive thing is that these bandwagon guilds spend a lot of irl money to do this. It pays for the support and the game that we all love and play.


In almost 6 years of playing I had to turn /t chat off. Got tired of blocking people and the spam...

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JQ is the least toxic, most balanced (wvw/pvp/pve) server with a large friendly, loyal, dedicated player base. When JQ opens (and it will soon), it will be even better than before. Many have not heard of SoR till last week, it may as well be a fling this community needed, but JQ will last till the end of GW2 time.

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> @"Vicious.3042" said:

> JQ is the least toxic, most balanced (wvw/pvp/pve) server with a large friendly, loyal, dedicated player base. When JQ opens (and it will soon), it will be even better than before. Many have not heard of SoR till last week, it may as well be a fling this community needed, but JQ will last till the end of GW2 time.


Before the SoR bandwagon happened I would have strongly disagreed with you. But when I saw some of the names of the guilds that left JQ my first thought was, "at least now it will not be near as toxic there as it was before".


JQ may be down hard due to the exodus, but if ANET gives them a good link and they do happen to fall to medium status, I wager the JQ that stayed behind will have more fun in WvW than they can remember for a long time.


But SoR is a good community with a long if not rocky history too, hopefully they don't get too much grief from the new influx of people.

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This is too funny. ANET got TROLLED again! Another bunch of players gamed the system and stacked a server and ANET fell for it.


Even better are the BG players complaining about another server stacking even more than they did. LOL.


I don't know who is more pathetic, ANET for creating this fubar transfer system or the idiots that pay them for it.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> I don't know who is more pathetic, ANET for creating this fubar transfer system or the idiots that pay them for it.


The ones who superstack a server and then the ones that come in here to complain about stacking.

Not really anet's problem if they can't help themselves, they get money out of it.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> I wonder if GSCH is happy with their queues now and being closed?


Still happy. No shortage of people to play with. Queues arent even as bad as people claim. Played primetime tonight no queue on home bl at all. Well until we got there :D. Weve had full server and empty server and everything in between. The only thing that makes it miserable is people telling you you cant play till thursday so the good players can play. That crap sux.

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