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Sanctum of Rall - The Final Chapter


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  • 5 months later...

> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> What happened to this project? Login into JQ has become a sad part of my life.


It happened, it failed, and now SoR is back to the dead where it should have remained instead of going through the past 2 months as a dead host.


Rest in peace Sanctum of Rall. May you never suffer the plague of badwagoners again.

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Wish we had this kind of attitude on EU servers, but most I heard of, and those I've been to, were filled with people who seem to either face difficulties in life, or they just enjoy indulging their dullness, so they log into a game to bully everyone around them and just vent their rage against the world. So toxic.


So when I read a friendly post like this I wish I was on that server, but it's not my time zone.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > What happened to this project? Login into JQ has become a sad part of my life.


> It happened, it failed, and now SoR is back to the dead where it should have remained instead of going through the past 2 months as a dead host.


> Rest in peace Sanctum of Rall. May you never suffer the plague of badwagoners again.


That's indeed sad.


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Indeed it is a Necro post just to smear mud. Sad that people feel the need to do such things. I'm surprised this post wasn't locked already. They locked every other post that had to do with Sanctum of Rall. Just mentioning the name somehow made it a "Matchup thread" apparently.


That said. I AM NOT SAD. I am not MAD. There are several guilds that are still here including FLUX, SF, WILD, and PINK all of which have been great allies to fight along side. Those are the 4 that originally made up the core of the people rallying to bring Sanctum of Rall back. The rest came over in the great bandwaggoning of 2018 which like the great bandwaggoning of 2013 was quick to arrive and equally quick to move on. Those guilds, we didn't connect with, we didn't expect them to stick around. Those who we've enjoyed fighting along side still are here.


You guys keep putting this idea that to have fun you must "Win". Thats not the case. I have fun every time I step on the battlefield. The things we've done alongside FLUX/SF/WILD/PINK have rejuvenated my love for WvW. While you guys complain about how aweful WvW is. We love it. We have fun. and We rock the bloody desert borderlands. You can try to rain on our parade but we're still here, still enjoying wvw, still having a blast with our allies. I have been playing and leading in WvW every single week since launch. Still not tired of it. Still not burnt out. Still look forward to stepping on the battlefield.


I'd rather fight with people who don't bow down when the road gets tough.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Bow down when the road gets tough? Ok, people might not wanna stay in T4 for months fighting nothing. Guilds are more important than servers my friend and if the guild is not having fun they are gonna move.


So why keep bashing Guilds that HAVE FUN on SOR? We enjoy it, We like being here, We aren't the ones complaining.

And for the record, the only reason we were in Tier 4 was because of the bandwaggoners jumping ship after pushing our pop so high to make us a host server. When are bandwaggoners going to learn they CREATE the situation that they keep finding themselves in.

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> @"Foghladha.2506" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Bow down when the road gets tough? Ok, people might not wanna stay in T4 for months fighting nothing. Guilds are more important than servers my friend and if the guild is not having fun they are gonna move.


> So why keep bashing Guilds that HAVE FUN on SOR? We enjoy it, We like being here, We aren't the ones complaining.


Not bashing anyone. It has more to do with the bad system Anet has in place with servers and tiers. There's tons of dead tiers, maps and servers. People are gonna move since that's the only way to ensure fun for guilds/players until Anet takes that away.

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I've played in all tiers. I can tell you first hand Tier 1 and Tier 4 are usually the most populated in WvW. When we have a T2 or T3 week it's rather tame. I typically find that both T1 and T4 are also the most salty. For me, personally I enjoy being a mercenary server as we get bounced around in all tiers and get to see every battlefield, fight alongside and against every guild. I just had the pleasure of fighting along side Rx for the first time after nearly a year of fighting against them. It's quite fun to have new allies every few weeks and get to see all tiers in the game. Best of all, when your a Mercenary you don't have to worry about server drama that comes with being a host. You just go out there, kill stuff, empty your bags, kill more stuff, and go home with a smile on your face.

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> @"Foghladha.2506" said:

> When are bandwaggoners going to learn they CREATE the situation that they keep finding themselves in.



Although I think the reason many of them move around is to attempt to recruit more members. WvW is such a revolving door, and I'm not so sure that it's Anet's fault for that as much as it is toxic teammates.


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> @"Foghladha.2506" said:

> I've played in all tiers. I can tell you first hand Tier 1 and Tier 4 are usually the most populated in WvW.


My experience is actually the oposite...


T1 usually dies down after a few weeks because people get bored of seeing the same servers over and over (And most people despite "fighting" Blackgate).


T4 have the same issues but also the servers down there are not even populated... Have you even checked activity numbers of T4 and compared them to any other tier? Hell, I've logged a bit on my HoD account yesterday and I took about half of NSP BL uncontested during the afternoon simply because there aren't players out there outside a few hours into NA primetime.

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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> I never understood why you switch servers in that game. You can't win a week or you get nothing the 2nd or 3rd placed don't get That was a bit different with seasons, but after that?



It's a heck of a lot of money to waste if you ask me. I can see transferring to be around friends. But the whole "transfer for recruitment" doesn't make sense. It would make more sense to transfer to a Mercenary server. On a Merc server you will have a new recruitment pool every 8 weeks and wont have to spend a dime bouncing around. They are perfect for "Recruiting" because we have an endless supply of exposure to all servers not just 1. Gaiscioch is one of the largest Guilds in Guild Wars 2, currently rotating 755 active players (30-Days) through our ranks and we've existed on Sanctum of Rall the whole time. We get new members from every server we've been allied with. That argument is an excuse, but in reality it would be best served to join a mercenary server to recruit than it would be to go to an established host server to recruit.

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Many people don't play wvw for rewards at all. What they do care about is spending their time doing something they enjoy. Simply put, time >>>> gold, plus people have played the game to the point where gold has no use; they don't want legendaries anyways. I mean why would you want to stick around a "community" (not pointing at any specifically) that merely sees you as a vessel that they can ride on to PPT and karma train? Which are filled with players that don't want to get better and feel like they own you? Trash players that incessantly flame the tag for not wanting to defend a t1 tower from 4 people in an already settled matchup when they have 12 in the tower but constantly wipe because they jump out one at a time are the real toxic players that ruin the game. Almost as bad the guy that thinks they own the map and can tell people to get off because they spent some gold on a tag.


The bigger issue is probably a lack of foresight. People will go around and make the same mistakes and then things go south and they think it's other people's fault but they are actually the problem. (pretty much every bandwagon ever). There are very few "true" fight guilds that actually do take the challenge to move around and find the best fights. Most are merely in name only but just want easy wins/be carried. It does not help that the game mode has had any demand for skill bascially sapped away. The game's design in many places but espeically large scale content has always been one that inspires mediocrity. You do the minimum and just let others carry-- it's just gotten worse. This was never the best platform for competitive anything (just look at PvP, originally planned to be e-sparwts and look what happened to it) and many competitive minded players have found something else better to do, leaving behind a lot of has beens, wannabes, and never-was's. Nothing wrong with that though; it's just a game.


This is all moot though. I don't bother because to me it's like changing rooms on the Titanic. But for those that want to just get the last bit of whatever they can out of the game, it does make sense. But their methods are lacking I guess and egos too big. They'll always come up with some rationalization of why it didn't work for the 401st time.


Which is also why I have no faith in alliances. Honestly, if people are going to bandwagon, at least do it correctly....

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$20 to transfer and make the game enjoyable is far preferable to chucking the works and starting a new game out of boredom. For those of us who play more than a weekly guild event, the actual fighting quality is somewhat more important.


On the other hand, I have no doubt GSCH finds the wood leagues adequate to their needs and Fog can hardly be blamed for bias toward server loyalty after petitioning Anet to name one in his guilds honor successfully.




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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> I never understood why you switch servers in that game. You can't win a week or you get nothing the 2nd or 3rd placed don't get That was a bit different with seasons, but after that?



Guilds transfer for better match ups in higher tiers and if it bandwagons and Q's up it's time to move again i guess. No1 wants to be in T4 it's not active after the dust settles from re links and all the dead servers make their way down to T4.

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