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Awaken the pain's fix ...


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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> Can anyone think of another non necro trait that has a negative effect in addition to the positive gain?


no, no other trait from any of the other classes do this, it's what makes us special. Personally, I'd rather see awaken the pain do what exposed weakness currently does, but with the added effect of gaining might when entering shroud to differentiate it.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> Can anyone think of another non necro trait that has a negative effect in addition to the positive gain?


Herald's trait _cristal hybernation_: It proc a skill that effectively root you while under 25% health. I think this is the closest one.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > Can anyone think of another non necro trait that has a negative effect in addition to the positive gain?


> no, no other trait from any of the other classes do this, it's what makes us special. Personally, I'd rather see awaken the pain do what exposed weakness currently does, but with the added effect of gaining might when entering shroud to differentiate it.


And to think we use to have the trait, before the specialization change, as the 3rd Curses minor trait (Target the Weak) :angry:

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > Can anyone think of another non necro trait that has a negative effect in addition to the positive gain?


> Elusive Mind and Unhindered Combatant come to mind. Difference is, those don't apply all of the time.


exhaustion? That can be easily bypassed by energy swap sigil.

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Tbh i think awaken the pain **is awesome** as is. Hear me out here:


Notice the snowcrow's test build - it using blood magic. Reason is - there is no damage to be gained by going soul reaping. And the reason for that is most likely current iteration of awaken the pain, that keep dhuumfire's damage lower with condi damage loss from mights.


But that's what makes it great - blood magic is our team support and ress line. Getting ~28k with selfish soul reaping would be a solid failfest. But doing ~28k while having blood magic out is a pretty meaningful buff if you ask me. Now reaper doesn't need to choose between having damage (which he needs badly) and saving downed nibs in your pug run only to be told to eat shit cause he's doing crap damage due to his "support".


Being able to passively stop their health degen when downed, then quicken their revivial by a country mile with Ritual of Life is no small deal when things aren't going "as planned" for your team. And that setup won't cost you any damage loss. If things are really dire you can lose a bit dps for transfusion. Pretty sure saved allies will forgive you 1-2k dps less in exchange for being able to mass ress them before getting defeated.


So i say, power dps boost? Fine, but leave awaken the pain alone. In it's current iteration it lets reaper support his team and save raids under the guise of "it's top dps", way better deal then being the 0 utility but let's say 2k higher dps bot.





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Spite doesn't need more reasons to be used in a condi build. If you're alone, you come here for vulni stacks, might generation and some corruption from spiteful spirit or superior sustain and mobility from signets traited with signets of suffering.


If you're with team, then assuming vulni stacks and mights are already provided from outside, you still have 4 core necro lines competing to be part of your build - the obvious Curses that provide all things condi, Blood Magic (for sustain and support), Death Magic - Death Nova and condition-build-friendly defenses, and soul reaping - obviously Dhuumfire.


Spite really does not need to join that fray, and if it did, we would have to see some power damage nerfs in this line while major buffs to other lines to keep it balanced and in check. Else suddenly most builds would be "Spite" + other 2 lines.



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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> too strong, if max it make it same as warriors Pinnacle of Strength

Considering the fact that PoS is a minor with no negative attached i dont see a problem something that you have to physically slot for being equal to it.


> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> The trait is good in design, but the drawback is not worth it. Either remove the drawback aspect and let it INCREASE condi damage or further increase the power gain.

> I would prefer the first solutions to give a little more reason to use spite in a condi build.


I don't agree that it should increase condition potential. Spite actually does quite a bit for condition as it is, but I do agree that the drawback should not be attached.


> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Elusive Mind and Unhindered Combatant come to mind. Difference is, those don't apply all of the time.


This is probably the reason I would not even apply those in consideration as the same thing. Its really not.


The only one that applies is Chrono's **"Improved Alacrity"** Im pretty sure thats the only other legit trait in the game that does a copy of what "Awaken the Pain" does for necro.

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