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Dont we deserve special skins for PVP/WvW legendary armor?

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From the last AMA on reddit (http://dulfy.net/2018/07/02/gw2-long-live-lich-developer-ama-summary/):


_There is no PvP legendary armor. We’re getting an updated skin in the future, but I’d never compare it to a legendary skin._


The devs themselves acknowledge that they didn't have and still don't have any plans to repeat what they did with the (actual) legendary armor. What we have is a compromise so you have more than one option of having armor that can switch status, nothing more. In many ways I think the answer would be that yes, they don't think WvW and PvP need such incentive, whereas raids somehow do even though they are much more infamous. Go figure!

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They said as far as i know that they are making a legendary set for pvp 2.0 but are gating it behind AT's, which in my opinion is the wrong thing to do. When this game came out its was play how you want and not play this because you are being forced into playing it to gain the latest shiny object! Anet need to stick to what made them in the first place, play how you want to not play this because you are forced in to playing it.

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> @"skillze.7689" said:

> They said as far as i know that they are making a legendary set for pvp 2.0 but are gating it behind AT's, which in my opinion is the wrong thing to do. When this game came out its was play how you want and not play this because you are being forced into playing it to gain the latest shiny object! Anet need to stick to what made them in the first place, play how you want to not play this because you are forced in to playing it.


I think they're doing a 2.5 version of the armor, but not a legendary version.

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No, you don't deserve it. And raiders didn't either.


In the end, the "legendary" armor skins just took too much time and resources to make. Months of wasted development time, when those devs could have been working on other things. And look at the results! Butt-cape, and a jacket that magically transforms into yet another effing trenchcoat! That's what they got after months of waiting and wasted dev time?


It was an experiment, and it failed. Nobody deserves to be drug through that again, not the players OR the devs. Let's all move on to better things.

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I don't like PvE legendary skins. I use only light armor body and skirt (on one female character). I will be happy enough if they will change "glorious" armor. Make it more attractive, more accurate with more details... may be add some glow, but i'm sure i don't need those combat animations. Just more fancy details.


Rework male light armor, at least shoulders and legs. This skirt just... facepalm... And don't! Do you hear me? Don't rework medium to another trench coat.

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> @"ezd.6359" said:

> I don't like PvE legendary skins. I use only light armor body and skirt (on one female character). I will be happy enough if they will change "glorious" armor. Make it more attractive, more accurate with more details... may be add some glow, but i'm sure i don't need those combat animations. Just more fancy details.


> Rework male light armor, at least shoulders and legs. This skirt just... facepalm... And don't! Do you hear me? Don't rework medium to another trench coat.


If you are expecting transforming Armor like Envoy, I hate to disappoint you. That being said, I think the 2.5 Armor should be flashier for sure. I kinda wish the Mistforged Triumphant armor had a bit more effects to it other then the chest piece.

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It's not about who deserves what. That 1 set of Legendary Armors took them 1,5-2,5 years to make(depending on when they actually started). It's simply not worth the dev/artist time. Those skins are assigned as raid content, and thus they can only be acquired from raids. There's plenty of other stuff there as well. If you want them, go raid.

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I personally really dislike the PvE legendary armors (heavy one is ok). They're just so over the top and honestly look ridiculous. The WvW imo are done just right, the base skins are nice and they added just enough visual effects. Current PvP armor is hit or miss, some pieces look nice for fashion wars, some like the heavy boots make you look like a child wearing adult boots.

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