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Is it viable to use Berserker's on Deadeye?


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Hey guys, I've played Daredevil since it came out and have not switched to anything else, since I find it great fun and I love it. However, I've been meaning to try Deadeye for a while now, is it viable to use my Berserker's gear for it? Thanks in advance.

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_For context, I focus on rifle DE_




With world - sure, you'll need to stay on your toes but otherwise its possible. Tho really, its overkill. We do enough damage with Marauders, while enjoying a decent health boost.


Fractals - again, possible, you just give up some leeway for a little more damage. And I mean a little more - many would argue the trade off isn't worth it, favouring Marauders again.


Tho, to be clear, last time I checked and what I'm working with as a general rule of thumb: Marauders to around 15k health, then the rest Beserker/whatever.




Well, there's not much other choice - go for it. Low Tier fractals and Open world you'll be fine.



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It's viable, whether it's preferable is dependant on your build tho.


I run rifle on all builds, with gear varying depending on the off set. I have mostly zerk/valk gear for D/P for max damage, marauder weapons and armor with dura runes for S/X, and a troll set with valk weapons and armor with cavalier trinkets and daredevil runes for trolling while still being able to hit glassy builds for 20k backstabs. I mostly use CS/SA/DE, but I swap CS for trickery for sword builds sometimes.


I've had some success with trailblazer for deadeye although I find condi is easier for people to counter than power deadeye, I've heard carrion works too and I'm planning to make a grieving hybrid set next. Some on the forums have boon duration builds as well which they enjoy.


So yeah, pretty much any set is viable, what do you want your deadeye to do?

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