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Post Balance Patch


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So, let's start with saying that it's not all about min/maxing and how SC thinks a warrior should be played. But for sure they know how to check the capabilities of a DPS class, and directly from their last update we've got to know that:

"With an overall DPS loss from around 10k DPS the DPS Berserker Build had to take the biggest loss of all dps professions, which makes it completely unusable in any PvE scenario."

Now, I've never whined about DPS losses or changes that have been made in the past, since all I care about afterall is the fun I get even without being meta. But my question is, how can you call "balance" sending a class from being top tier, down to the depth of hell of nothingness? I'm just curious. Are they planning to let warrior be a support class? Was it not intended? Was it intended?

I mean, a warrior should be one of the first classes you think about when you need a DPS, not the last, at least in my honest opinion. xD

In hope they revert a bit of these changes to at least let us warrior main pull our weight in a group without having to be there just for banners, I wish Anet's balance team a good work!

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SC left the information out, but it was a bugfix for the most part.


For anyone who wasn't aware Scorched Earth was nerfed around HoT launch with a 0.5s on-hit icd specifically to prevent it hitting foes more than once per second. Ironically on the largest hitbox Golem and mostly dhuum in real raids their hitbox was large enough to get struck by the fire field created by the slow-moving projectile of SE 0.5s after the first fire field was created - essentially letting Scorched Earth hit twice per second per cast, the very thing they nerfed before.


That's why the notes mention it as a projectile speed increase rather than a nerf.


It was never particularly good on any other boss before this balance patch anyway.


If you want to get upset about something talk about power warr or the unmentioned nerf to torch 4 (Blaze Breaker) adding an on-hit icd.

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