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How do I spell Fee-to-pay

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I seriously don't care for the crazy game that was a product and now a free to play nonsense.

In order to make some understand I am a level 51 nobody in a level 40 dungeon.

It's a magic dungeon that can apparently be leveled with a simple level 151 character.

I would not beging to describe the issue here except that I paid for this experience. Anyone else? Or is it part of the game to feed the company?

P.S. I also have to feed myself.

It's just a serious issue to simply stay away from business with ArenaNet for life!

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So I'm not sure what your issue is. Could be that you need five people for a dungeon and if you list in LFG you might find some. They're not really meant to be soloed.


Or it could be that you can't get a group at your level. Not sure if that's the issue.


Without more clarity I can't answer you but I've done dungeons and still occasionally do them and don't seem to have a problem. Paying for an experience doesn't mean you don't have to figure out how to get the best out of something.

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It's still a bit difficult to figure out everything you're getting at here, but here's what I can comment on:


1. Level cap is level 80. There is no level 151; the person who joined up with you had 151 Mastery Points (something you get with the expansions). They were scaled down to level 40 for the dungeon you were doing, but they're just still stronger because of their gear being better and traits all being unlocked.

2. You don't have to own the expansions to play the base game. I mean, those of us who have been playing since launch (before expansions) managed to get through it fine.

3. I can't help you with your technical issues. Have you tried making a support ticket for that?

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_For those of you who still do not understand or refuse to believe._

**I paid for a product that I was expecting. Not support the welfare of a company.

The policy and the fees of the company do not concern me one bit.

I just don't understand how my value in investment can become nothing overnight after someone else decision.

My decision is to value my money and the products I decide to invest it in.**

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So what i can understand the problem stems from the fact you can't tell how powerful you are from zone to zone? So if you were level 50 walking into Queensdale and it scales you to the level of the zone you are upset you aren't just defeating enemies easier than when you started the game. That's not entirely true btw, gear matters, your stats just get set at the highest they can be per zone, and someone with simple class knowledge have no issues destroying enemies in any zones really.


Your right, A.Net doesn't know your computer, but they can based off metrics from crash reports and and a support ticket. However in order to design any wide reaching software (like video games or something more business related) they have to assume something about they're playerbases hardware. There is no way to 100% test for a specific hardware setup. Maybe you have something that is just different enough from the general testing that companies do to make sure their software can run on a variety of systems at a variety of configurations, but it isn't perfect. Also an update from Microsoft onto Win 10 could complicate or change something.


Beyond that your upset that it took you 2 hours to finish a dungeon? I would be upset at this too, but different players are comfortable with different parts of the game. If you don't know what your doing then no matter what Mastery level you are you can still be awful in dungeons.


Also you can finish the story with base classes. Many folks, myself included finished the story without Elite Specializations from paid expansions. And while content is easier with those elite specs, the game has plenty of people in different games modes running on base classes for fun, or because they, like you don't have expansions. And do just fine.


Beyond that I'm not sure why your upset (or trolling, I may have fell for some good ol fasion trolling)



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Why are you upset that you don't have to pay for a subscription anymore? You mention that your money is precious and that you have to feed yourself, so why are you upset that you can continue to get the same game with much less money now? You say that you spent money on the game for yourself, not for the growth of the company, so why are you upset that the company wants to make the game less financially hard on you?

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> @"Embered.5089" said:

> Why are you upset that you don't have to pay for a subscription anymore? You mention that your money is precious and that you have to feed yourself, so why are you upset that you can continue to get the same game with much less money now? You say that you spent money on the game for yourself, not for the growth of the company, so why are you upset that the company wants to make the game less financially hard on you?


And just to quote your words. I never had to pay for a subscription. This game was never designed like that.

As for the game I give it a 2 out of 5. Just because I can play it and mostly all that abuse get banned.

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> @"DaerMeanDal.9561" said:

> I understand that the dungeon I was in required 5 people to "compete".

> But, guess what?

> The party that I went in with only had 2 people, both well in advance with the marked level cap of 40.

> The end result was a 1 and a half hour grind that took care of 2 single bosses or if they are called bosses. Because right after both of us completed the 2 bosses we encountered a party of enemies that pretty much displayed the same amount of difficulty against ether of us which is a simple 3 times strike and a charm.

> All of that was simply passed within a 5 minute period right as my helping party member was able to attract attention from one of his level 151 friends, who brought an extra 151 level friend. Well, bringing the friend was not even remotely necessary as he with our so called "spectating" could have done himself.

> What part of my issue do you not understand?

> A. Do not play.

> B. Do no pay.

> C. Don't get ripped of.


> Here is a basic look at my experience here. The story might be remotely satisfying if the team had the spelling correct at least. And if the game functioned properly as far as getting all the text and instructions properly instead of just crashing. Beats me how the developers assume they know my PC better, but besides every update taking my time away they seems to move me out of the game if "currently" I am fine and playable.


> Even if simply the Windows 10 works.



> My experience from the game alone stands at zero ground just from changing my armor from level 50 to level 1 makes absolutely no difference. The level of my character as begging to the game makes an even less difference. Everywhere I go my level is adjusted down or up. The players are either autistic or psychopaths with no life if you assume that this makes a video game. Sure, let's purchase the 75 dollar pack. What changes from holing our pocket?



> I get a mount and the best running armor and weapon. I didn't get the expansions but correct me if I am wrong.



> **The final opinion here is I can not complete the entire standalone edition of the game without the extension.**



> And let's take a look at the original standalone game real quick.

> I doubt if I ever play this again. But the game has a single story for every character with around 5 chapters.

> And while doing all that why not do useless quests in the meantime.

> I get no support.

> I get no play.

> I get no feedback.

> To be honest I don't even know what the devs did to cover the huge hole they made with moving to free to play. Except leaving me with a bill.

> I can't tell if the game is any different from the original or is just the same. If the devs just left the game as is and just provide the extensions with extra dungeons and abilities. All I know is I have no reason to pay the company a single cent more if now I am less satisfied than I was at checkout.

> **Never Again!**


Ah, I see the problem. Your whole attitude is based on the idea that dungeons are somehow important to play and that you have to play them at that most people do....because most people don't, really most really never have. In my guild of 400 people only a small percent ever really ran dungeons. It's not a mainstay of the game.


So you either join a guild of casual people, or you get better at the game before you attempt them. Neither of them makes the game a waste of money.


Seems to me you don't really understand the game and you've done very little to explain it, except to come here with a complaint that your first dungeon run was a bad experience.


There are still guilds and players that teach dungeons. But they're not a mainstay of the game, they're not required for the game, and though they had a strong niche group that loved them, just as many never loved them. They're made for people who like a certain type of challenge, and were later replaced by fractals.


Your complaint is that people who are new at the game aren't as good as people who have been playing a long time and you felt carried through a dungeon and no one stopped and explained it to you. To me this is a baseless complaint. If you're not going to join a casual guild, and you're not going to look up a dungeon run online to familiarize yourself, you're going to not enjoy dungeons until you get them.


That's on you mate.

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> @"DaerMeanDal.9561" said:

> _For those of you who still do not understand or refuse to believe._

> **I paid for a product that I was expecting. Not support the welfare of a company.

> The policy and the fees of the company do not concern me one bit.

> I just don't understand how my value in investment can become nothing overnight after someone else decision.

> My decision is to value my money and the products I decide to invest it in.**


Your value can be whatever you want it to be. You can decide what you want to invest in. That's obviously true.


The fact that you draw conclusions from this experience you had as if they're the only experience to be had is my issue. Judge the game any way you want. Plenty of people leave every game and plenty of people stay in every game. But since you can't say the rest of the game doesn't exist and since you haven't experienced it, you can't possibly know the value of the game.


Let me ask you,. were you kicked out of a dungeon group by other people after showing you didn't know it? Is that what happened to you?

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> @"DaerMeanDal.9561" said:

> **The final opinion here is I can not complete the entire standalone edition of the game without the extension.**


Alright, so I'm gonna try and tackle this specific point, because this to me seems like your clearest complaint of the situation.


All the core content can be completed without any of the expansions. Some of the content may require other players (such as dungeons and fractals), but the rest is pretty solo friendly. Some of the dynamic events within the game are specified to be group content only by the marker of [Group] next to the event text at the top.


While you seem to be at level 51, are you having trouble with dungeons or do you mean that your higher levelled friends cleared the level 40 dungeon without the recommended 5 player team?


And there's no such thing as "level 151". The maximum level of the game is level 80, represented by white text over a player character. What you may have seen is a gold star with a gold number, and that number has nothing to do with levels, in and of themselves. Those are called masteries, and masteries provide what's called horizontal progression. There are abilities (masteries) that are gained as a result of playing through the expansion content, but these abilities come in two flavours:


1. Only are useful/available within Heart of Thorns maps.

2. Are used for exploration within the world and don't really provide additional combat abilities.


Path of Fire introduced mounts, and all the masteries are associated with the mounts, which fall under the second point (and are not at any point required to complete the core game). Again, there's no combat enhancements that can only be obtained from the expansions. Ascended gear is available in the core game via crafting, the most powerful tier of gear available in the game, and does not in any way, shape or form require the expansions to be able to be used.


But mastery points are NOT levels. The golden star with the golden number next to it only means how many mastery points the player has spent to gain access to these abilities. They in no way, shape, or form, indicate an increased level with higher stats or more powerful abilities. Expansions DO provide access to elite specialisations with extra abilities, but no content in the game requires elite specialisations to complete. The core game always has and always will be playable and can be completed without the purchase of expansions.


Also, while you do pull the link for those guild wars 2 account types, you'll notice the second column that says "Guild Wars 2 Core account". By your ability to post on these forums, it seems you have a core account and not a free to play account. Therefore, you will not be affected by any free to play restrictions. You purchasing the game has no detriments, you did not _lose_ access to anything by the game becoming free to play. Only new players who have free to play accounts are bound by those restrictions. Not you.


You also have access to looking for group with no restriction, which should help you complete some of the group focused content in the core game, which I must stress can be completed without the expansions.


To make a final statement: **Everything in the core game can be completed using a free to play or core guild wars 2 account. Nothing in the core game requires either expansion to be able to complete.**


If you are having difficulty completing content, you may need to look at your current build in the game, gain more hero points to gain more abilities and more traits in the game. While it's difficult to try and come up with an efficient build below level 80, I'm sure you can ask around for advice for how to properly gear your character and get the most out of your abilities. Crafting is advised, but not necessary (I don't craft and haven't really had any problems). In the end, there's absolutely nothing that you cannot complete that is part of the core game. You can do everything in the core game without any expansion. If you're having difficulty, ask for help either through the forums, map chat or the looking for group feature.

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You're like watching a movie and decided in the first 5 minutes it wasnt good so you turned it off.

_**Learn more about the game before you make posts like these please.**_

"The story might be remotely satisfying if the team had the spelling correct at least." Cmon man... look at your own spelling and grammar.

"The final opinion here is I can not complete the entire standalone edition of the game without the extension." Yes you can. (Read the 2nd sentence again)

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> @"DaerMeanDal.9561" said:

> To be honest this is exactly the information I was looking for.

> https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/230165307-Guild-Wars-2-Account-Types-Free-Core-HoT-PoF

> So it's well guaranteed that some of the help I have been receiving in game is wrong. It would help to know that some people are not simply stubborn and are willing to help.

> And for some reply information I speak English jack and don't judge me for my ability.

> It's your own kitten problem if you don't understand.


Quite frankly I never got the clue you didn't know what different account types were and what they could access was the bases of your issue. You seemed to come in here on a rant that we were all trying to decipher. Our telepathetic powers just aren't that great, sorry.

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Be happy those ''level 151+'' (_mastery points_) characters players don't kick you for being still a core/vanilla player and still play with you in dead dungeons.

I always welcome everyone, noobs, veterans, to play with me whenever I am playing dungeons and we always have a blast! :)

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> @"DaerMeanDal.9561" said:

> _For those of you who still do not understand or refuse to believe._

> **I paid for a product that I was expecting. Not support the welfare of a company.

> The policy and the fees of the company do not concern me one bit.

> I just don't understand how my value in investment can become nothing overnight after someone else decision.

> My decision is to value my money and the products I decide to invest it in.**


Please stop speaking in riddles and clearly state what your point of complaint is. People are bending over backwards and making guesses here in order to try and help you out.

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