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Should the difficulty level of skill rotation reflect in the amount of DPS? Or being melee/ranged?


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> @"eldain stenlund.4306" said:

> It is very very easy to balance a game... even if it has PvE and PvP.... Ranged and Melee....4 buttons or 10 buttons.


> But, what most seem to miss, is that the most important objective to have when designing a game.

> Is to make a game that is FUN to play., and which gives players many options to choose from.


> Example: (note: the warrior does NOT work like this in the game currently, and never has, but they should!!!)

> Lets take Warrior...

> Warrior specc X is more direct dmg, and not dots.... dps at end is 35k dps. (just a number).

> Warrior specc Z is more dot dmg and less direct.... dps at end is 35k dps.

> Warrior specc melee, is direct dmg, and no dots and dps is 35 k.

> Warrior specc melee, is dots dmg, and dps is 35 k.

> Warrior specc ranged rifle is direct dmg and no dots and dps is 35 k.

> Warrior specc ranged rifle is dots dmg, and dps is 35 k.

> And the same SHOULD go for all classes..... It should not matter if you specc ranged or melee or direct dmg or dots... the end result should be the same.


> Typically, it should not differ in dps if you play with 4 buttons or 10 buttons...(as that should just be a playstyle).

> (IF there is a difference in dps in 4 buttons vs 10, then you create imbalance, and you FORCE players in a special direction

> "kitten off, you need specc X for raiding or PvP with your class".... something that should NEVER be allowed).


> The more options there is to choose from, the longer the game will live, as it gives the players many new ways to play.

> "iam bored of playing warrior GS.... lets change to Ranged rifle........ or hammer... or sword/sword... or Mace/mace.. or Axe/axe".

> If it does not matter which weapon is picked, then you have a happy warrrior player base, as they can then change around for FUN and still yield same result at end.


> Ranged or Melee.. or Rotations..... should not matter at all if you design the game correct.


> Melee classes need a gap closer to get into melee...

> Ranged need a disengage to escape the melee...


> If these are fulfilled, then they should deal the same dps at the end.... since a player skills should be the thing that change the outcome NOT a players class.

> And it should not matter either if you have 4 buttons or 10 buttons....the dps at end should still be the same... (inside the 5% rule).



But if you have easy builds and complex builds then it's not the player skill that changes the outcome, it's the picked class. And it turns out easy builds are objectively superior to complex ones, because they rely on less factors - both internal and external - and they produce higher damage output more consistently. As evidenced by what happened to condi engi back when it was top dps on small, but by such a small margin that nobody actually wanted to play one or with one.


Balance isn't as easy as you think.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> But if you have easy builds and complex builds then it's not the player skill that changes the outcome, it's the picked class. And it turns out easy builds are objectively superior to complex ones, because they rely on less factors - both internal and external - and they produce higher damage output more consistently. As evidenced by what happened to condi engi back when it was top dps on small, but by such a small margin that nobody actually wanted to play one or with one.


> Balance isn't as easy as you think.


Balance IS easy....And more easy than you think.


Player class Ranged Necromancer deal 500 dmg Dot special on skill 1.... 2...3...4.

Player class Warrior deal 500 dmg direct special on skill 1...2...3...4

The only difference is that they do it in different ways.... But the numbers are still the same in the end..... hence, balanced.

(the option is to the players, do they want to play ranged or melee, dots or dd).


Playing with more or less buttons, should be in the players hands as an option..... NOT the developers as something they FORCE.

The players, should have the choice and option to play with 4 buttons or 10 buttons or 100 buttons.

But the end result, should not change.


saying 4 buttons in GW2 is kinda stupid, since its basic core need 9.....


4 weapon skills and 4 utility cd skills + F1. = 9 buttons. <--- ONE weapon type use only... Not swapping weapons.


If you swap weapons, you then have 13 skills to keep track on.

Which should be more than enough for everyone.


BUT, i know there are some nutheads that just want to have many buttons to press all the time.

Let them then... but it should not benefit them anything, as it will only be their choice to have more buttons to press.


9 buttons as basic.

and 13 with weapon swap.

THIS should be the CORE of every class.

(and every class should have weapon swap option to be able to balance).


But in GW2 this is not the case.

Some classes can get access to far more buttons like Engineers and their kits..... but Warriors can NOT, so should you punish the Warrior then ???.

Obviously you should NOT punish a class over another class....If you do, you are stupid.

The Engineer class should be balanced in a special way instead.... (you can not fuck up 8 other classes because of one).


Engineers have access to kits.... bombs, turrets, flamethrower, etc etc.

Kits should be considered as a weapon swap, and balanced after such.

Since when you activate EX: flamethrower you remove your rifle,mace or what ever weapon, and instead get 4 new button skills.... hence "weapon swap".


ALL classes need also to have access to each debuff in some way....bleed, vulnerability, poison, etc etc...(they only do it differently, speccs/weapons).

If you have classes that can NOT apply a debuff that is needed, then it is a failed design... and can never be balanced correctly.

"we need debuff X, you are the wrong class for our group". <-- Should NEVER be allowed to happen.


So you see, balance is not that hard... if you just look at the whole picture while you do it.


CLASSES in a game.... is just a name of telling how they inflict their damage.

MAGE class. = Caster, Magician, Merlin, Wizard....uses spells, and ranged mainly.

WARRIOR class = Fighter, Lancelot, Conan, Uses weapons of all sort, Can be strong at melee and ranged depending on specialization.


MAGE uses Fireball, dmg 500. (mitigated by Magic resist)

WARRIOR uses Slash, dmg 500. (mitigated by armors).


After you have such core down, then you can do pretty much anything with it.... Have different spells do different things... weapons do different things, and yet keep it balanced at the end as dmg does not truly change, only the way it is inflicted.... with: Melee DD, Ranged DD, Melee dots, Ranged Dots.

Classes only show fancy ways HOW they inflict these damages.


Mages uses flashy light effects and cool hand gestures.

Warriors uses flashy movements and spins and slashes.


It is truly this simple...nothing complicated at all.

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> @"eldain stenlund.4306" said:

> Example: (note: the warrior does NOT work like this in the game currently, and never has, but they should!!!)

> Lets take Warrior...

> Warrior specc X is more direct dmg, and not dots.... dps at end is 35k dps. (just a number).

> Warrior specc Z is more dot dmg and less direct.... dps at end is 35k dps.

> Warrior specc melee, is direct dmg, and no dots and dps is 35 k.

> Warrior specc melee, is dots dmg, and dps is 35 k.

> Warrior specc ranged rifle is direct dmg and no dots and dps is 35 k.

> Warrior specc ranged rifle is dots dmg, and dps is 35 k.

> And the same SHOULD go for all classes..... It should not matter if you specc ranged or melee or direct dmg or dots... the end result should be the same.


If condition damage has the same dps as direct damage, why should anyone choose condition damage and wait for conditions to tick? Direct damage would be objectively better since it applies all its damage at the moment you hit your enemy and you don't have to wait for it to take effect. Condition damage has a ramp-up time, so at equal dps numbers direct damage builds will always kill faster.


If ranged builds have the same dps as melee builds, why should anyone choose a melee build? You can stand in melee distance with your ranged build and still do full dps, but can you do the same with your melee build at ranged distance? Using a ranged build you have a huge advantage when it comes to positioning.


What you're supposing would lead to a direct damage ranged only meta.


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> @"eldain stenlund.4306" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > But if you have easy builds and complex builds then it's not the player skill that changes the outcome, it's the picked class. And it turns out easy builds are objectively superior to complex ones, because they rely on less factors - both internal and external - and they produce higher damage output more consistently. As evidenced by what happened to condi engi back when it was top dps on small, but by such a small margin that nobody actually wanted to play one or with one.

> >

> > Balance isn't as easy as you think.


> Balance IS easy....And more easy than you think.

> Example:

> Player class Ranged Necromancer deal 500 dmg Dot special on skill 1.... 2...3...4.

> Player class Warrior deal 500 dmg direct special on skill 1...2...3...4

> The only difference is that they do it in different ways.... But the numbers are still the same in the end..... hence, balanced.


Yeah, sure, if you make carbon copies of skill then you can balance it easily. But it will end up bland and uninteresting. There's a reason why skills are different in virtually every game.

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I think neither. It should reflect ability to perform versatile tasks. For example strong and simple dps builds should be able to do dps but little more. While strong but complex rotation builds for example could share barriers, do some off-healing, do some fire field might blasting, be able to sneak in stealth or other short panic button defense that can be activated by changing the rotation etc.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> I think neither. It should reflect ability to perform versatile tasks. For example strong and simple dps builds should be able to do dps but little more. While strong but complex rotation builds for example could share barriers, do some off-healing, do some fire field might blasting, be able to sneak in stealth or other short panic button defense that can be activated by changing the rotation etc.


I think this is nearer the mark for me. As with most raid oriented based thinking everything equates to rotation and dps, but outside of raid optimised groups other factors like defenses, cc, ability to pressure, ability to disengage, heal , burst etc all come into play, so the question for a profession is not whether a rotation is balanced with another rotation based on dps (it is relevant for raids and meter wars) its does the overall set of skills boons/offenses match up over time to other classes for a given context such as pve, open world pve, wvcw and offer engaging gameplay.


This is balance, the classic paper/stone/scissors, not just scissors in isolation.


edit : re difficulties, this is just a facet of gameplay, the difficulty if done right is the reward itself.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> Yeah, sure, if you make carbon copies of skill then you can balance it easily. But it will end up bland and uninteresting. There's a reason why skills are different in virtually every game.



I was talking basic core design....Which you first need to establish, before doing something else with it.


The suggestion you imply is to have everything random.....

So, just toss a dice for each class to make it "interesting".


class X gets High dice roll to skill settings....Every still will do 100 % more dmg.

class Z gets low dice roll to skill settings. every skill will do 20% dmg.

Well too bad for Class Z, its always now then going to be completely pointless, as class X gets the high roll and wins the dmg settings on skills.

But do not worry class Z, next month we make a new dice roll.......


Iam going to simplify it so you understand.

Basics first must be determined.

So, you want your classes to have a maximum of 40 k dps.

ok, next is... how many buttons are going to be used.

next is to determine rotation, and how many buttons you have to use.

next is to determine values on these buttons.... how much dmg will they give.

next is to determine cd on these skills to justify their dps.

etc etc.

If you have these basics, then you can mod the values and such how ever you want....as long as it is in the 40 k dps limit. (or what ever limit you want).


As i said.

It is not hard.

you just have to see the whole picture while you do it.

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@"eldain stenlund.4306" I think @"Feanor.2358" is talking about if anet do the "all class same dps", then next should be "all class same healing", then "base health and armor", then "stealth"....

At the end, you have carbon copies (with diffenet icons)

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> If condition damage has the same dps as direct damage, why should anyone choose condition damage and wait for conditions to tick? Direct damage would be objectively better since it applies all its damage at the moment you hit your enemy and you don't have to wait for it to take effect. Condition damage has a ramp-up time, so at equal dps numbers direct damage builds will always kill faster.


> If ranged builds have the same dps as melee builds, why should anyone choose a melee build? You can stand in melee distance with your ranged build and still do full dps, but can you do the same with your melee build at ranged distance? Using a ranged build you have a huge advantage when it comes to positioning.


> What you're supposing would lead to a direct damage ranged only meta.




You are not looking at the whole picture.

You first need a common core established, once that is done, you can change around how much you want, as long as the end dps is the same. (max 5% differ)

DD and Dots have different pro and con.

same with range vs melee.


Dots strongest pro is that it can put pressure on many objects at the same time.

DD strongest pro is that it can kill faster, but can only focus on one at time.


ranged vs melee.

Melee can LoS ranged, (sure, ranged can do the same, but why, they want to keep shooting...

Melee have gap closers and snares.

Ranged has disengage.

The one that can bait out and play better will win....no matter ranged or melee..... dot or dd.


Playing ranged or melee, should be a playstyle choice....not a "i win button" for either side.

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Dps should be rewarded for increased skill and intellect so intellectually difficult "rotations" should have higher dps.


However, this is also what I believe:

* Mechanically complex rotations do nothing but distract players from working as a team and responding to changing dynamics so rotations should have diminishing returns on complexity so players can focus on doing what is appropriate for the situation and not worry about cratering dps by interrupting a long sequence.

* There should be more value on coordinating with team members than there is right now. I would like to see some partial integration of voice chat in GW2 to encourage this.

* Combinations do not do enough. They should have stronger effects but be trickier to land and be split between PvE and competitive play so the reward for skill is higher and failure is more significant, too.

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > > > Ele's are still more desireable overall.

> > > >

> > > > [statistics](https://www.gw2raidar.com/global_stats "Statistics") disagree with your statement.

> > >

> > > Oh look it's Raidar, a part of PvE, one part of three available gamemodes. Meanwhile, Ele's are happy and dandy being accepted left and right in sPvP and WvW for multiple roles. On the other side, thieves receive all the blame for a loss in sPvP, and all the hate for daring to join a commanders squad in WvW. So yeah, that's still 2 outa 3, compared to thiefs 1. Overall, still more desirable.

> > >

> > > Just adapt, dude, no use being salty over this. Odds are really high that when the next balance patch rolls around, thief will be nerfed into the ground, so ride the meta, or wallow in self-pity until then.

> >

> > Thief is more meta than weaver in PvP.

> > Thief is more meta than weaver in small scale WvW.

> > Weaver is currently meta in large scale WvW only because of the meteor bug - we'll re-evaluate after.

> >

> > I agree that he's biased towards weaver for raids. That said, your assessment isn't exactly accurate. Eles aren't in a great spot in PvP or WvW and they definitely aren't being accepted for multiple roles. They're accepted for... bugged meteor. Before the nerfs weaver was a situational class in large scale, while thief is meta in pvp and small scale wvw.


> Are we talking Weaver or Ele in general? Since the latter is what I'm on about.


> sPvP, Ele's are still better at fighting on point, which is primarily what matters in sPvP. Thieves really can't, besides they are delegated to decap duty, which is basically like playing with one less player on your team until they decide to +1. Holding their own? Anet doesn't want them to do that.


> Don't get me wrong, Thieves when played really well can be a nightmare, but this is kitten RARE. You're either really good with thief, or you outright suck. Guess which side the majority is at.


> Really? I've seen more Ele's running around in small-scale the past week. Not weavers though, Tempest mostly. Maybe I don't see thieves because they're in the trend of being perma-stealthed lately.


> Weaver has never been situational in large-scale. The amount of hard-hitting AoE's you spew around you is asinine with Staff, and the ease you down and kill downed opponents from relative safety is a luxury not shared by many other classes. I play Weaver Ele's in WvW large-scale, and I always find something useful to do for any situation that is combat oriented. Only instance you're useless would be when you get caught on your own away from the commander fighting someone who's stronger in 1v1 fights, or doing something you obviously shouldn't be doing.


It doesn't matter if they mean weaver or ele in general, the whole notion that ele is better than thief in pvp is absurd and while technically just an opinion is pretty much a wrong opinion. Ele has been battling it out with previously rev and now perhaps ranger as the worst pvp class in the game ever since pof hit. Just watch any of the monthly AT or UGO streams and you will see tons of thieves on many of the top teams with finals frequently having thieves on both teams (double thief has even made it to the final at least once). Meanwhile ele is extremely rare in the higher tier tournaments and has not been used by the winning team of any major tournament since PoF. The same can be applied to ranked solo q as thieves are far more common in platinum/legend, at least from my personal experience as someone who has floated between top 10 and top 50 most of this season.


Also you are seeing more tempests in small scale than thieves the kitten? I guess if by small scale you mean groups of 4-10 tempest is ok but for solo roaming it is one of the worst 1v1 specs in the game having almost no winning winning matchups at equal skill and meh escape options to not get steamrolled by larger groups.

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The difficulty level of a rotation (or perceived difficulty) has no impact on damage output. It never did and never will.


Range is a different story. The ideas is the further out you are the less likely for you to be attacked and thus deal less damage. It does not always hold true, not always conceptually correct.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> The difficulty level of a rotation (or perceived difficulty) has no impact on damage output. It never did and never will.


Wrong. Condi Engi *just* got buffed with that very rationale:


>Core engineer gameplay has had a complex condition-damage rotation for a long time, which paid off with solid damage output. That has fallen off in part due to condition damage tweaks over time and other condition builds eclipsing it by nature of their simplicity. We're adding damage to some core skills, which we hope will entice engineers to take another look at them.


[source.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47306/game-update-notes-july-10-2018 "Source.")

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> @"eldain stenlund.4306" said:

> > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > If condition damage has the same dps as direct damage, why should anyone choose condition damage and wait for conditions to tick? Direct damage would be objectively better since it applies all its damage at the moment you hit your enemy and you don't have to wait for it to take effect. Condition damage has a ramp-up time, so at equal dps numbers direct damage builds will always kill faster.

> >

> > If ranged builds have the same dps as melee builds, why should anyone choose a melee build? You can stand in melee distance with your ranged build and still do full dps, but can you do the same with your melee build at ranged distance? Using a ranged build you have a huge advantage when it comes to positioning.

> >

> > What you're supposing would lead to a direct damage ranged only meta.

> >



> You are not looking at the whole picture.

> You first need a common core established, once that is done, you can change around how much you want, as long as the end dps is the same. (max 5% differ)

> DD and Dots have different pro and con.

> same with range vs melee.


> Dots strongest pro is that it can put pressure on many objects at the same time.

> DD strongest pro is that it can kill faster, but can only focus on one at time.


> ranged vs melee.

> Melee can LoS ranged, (sure, ranged can do the same, but why, they want to keep shooting...

> Melee have gap closers and snares.

> Ranged has disengage.

> The one that can bait out and play better will win....no matter ranged or melee..... dot or dd.


> Playing ranged or melee, should be a playstyle choice....not a "i win button" for either side.


Hitting many targets vs hitting only one is AoE vs Single Target damage. Condi vs Direct is something different. Condi thief for example is strongest on a single target while direct damage ele uses 100% AoE spells. Dots ONLY advantage over direct damage is its higher potential dps. Mobs dying before the dps ramps up or (in PvP environments) cleanses drastically cut this potential dps down.


As for melee vs ranged, LoSing a target is already part of the combat activities. During this time you deal 0 damage. During a disengage to complete a mechanic or dodge an otherwise fatal attack, the melee fighter again deals 0 damage while the ranged fighter can continue to attack. If the dps of melee and ranged fighters on the golem was the same, then ranged fighters would always outperform melee fighters in a real combat situation.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> As for melee vs ranged, LoSing a target is already part of the combat activities. During this time you deal 0 damage. During a disengage to complete a mechanic or dodge an otherwise fatal attack, the melee fighter again deals 0 damage while the ranged fighter can continue to attack. If the dps of melee and ranged fighters on the golem was the same, then ranged fighters would always outperform melee fighters in a real combat situation.


It's complicated. In a real (pvp) combat situation it's never only about damage output. Both sides usually can have enough damage output to spike the opponent, but they also have counters to these. These are much more important, as they make the fight more fun and engaging than melees trying to charge head-on while ranged kiting them and wearing them down.


In PvE none of these really matter. Yeah, you can range the boss, but you don't want to. All the heals and all the buffs are on the boss. So no matter what, you lose damage by ranging. It doesn't matter if you lose all of it or just the majority - you still want to minimize your ranging time. It doesn't matter who has the better active defences, too, for the same reason. You don't want to use these, nor your heals, when dpsing. That's for the supports to take care of. The only thing that you can contribute aside from dps is some form of group support which doesn't interfere with your dps output (e.g. Firebrand applying Aegis because activating the heal mantra has no casting time).

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> Hitting many targets vs hitting only one is AoE vs Single Target damage. Condi vs Direct is something different. Condi thief for example is strongest on a single target while direct damage ele uses 100% AoE spells. Dots ONLY advantage over direct damage is its higher potential dps. Mobs dying before the dps ramps up or (in PvP environments) cleanses drastically cut this potential dps down.


> As for melee vs ranged, LoSing a target is already part of the combat activities. During this time you deal 0 damage. During a disengage to complete a mechanic or dodge an otherwise fatal attack, the melee fighter again deals 0 damage while the ranged fighter can continue to attack. If the dps of melee and ranged fighters on the golem was the same, then ranged fighters would always outperform melee fighters in a real combat situation.



Wow, amazing.

Humans truly are stupid on this planet.


I KNOW there is a difference in Ranged / Melee..... DD / Dots.

But that does not matter in the end if you use your head.


Let me ask you a simple question.

How do you build a house?

Do you start with the roof ??.. or the walls ?? or the foundation??.


IF the foundation is imbalanced when you build your house, the house will never ever be good, and it will possibly even be dangerous to live in due to imbalanced foundation.

You NEED to have a SOLID, PERFECTLY balanced foundation.... before you start building walls and roofs.

IF you have a Perfect solid foundation, then you can create what ever wall and roof you want... almost no limits.


Do you get the picture?

The foundation is the basic core needed.... 13 buttons 40 k dps.

The walls and roofs are the different classes and skills.


A house does not need to be a square or rectangle... it can be what ever shape you want, as long as you base if of the foundation.


Just google funny designed / weird houses, and you will see houses with PERFECT foundations, but very weird walls and roofs...and STILL perfectly safe to live in.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"eldain stenlund.4306" said:

> > You NEED to have a SOLID, PERFECTLY balanced foundation....


> No, you don't. The goal of a game isn't to be *balanced*. It is to be **fun**.


Except that no game is fun when some are more "balanced" than other. If some have fun in complexity, fine. But if some want to have fun in simplicity, they shouldn't end up being crippled due to their choice and have equal chance to play the content.


If you find your fun in complexity, good grief. However, don't use "fun" as as a metric to justify more reward for complex builds. A perfect balance would garantee all professions fairness in what they do. The only difference would be the gameplay. If you like complexe gameplay you just go toward complexe builds and if you don't like complexe gameplay you hop onto simple build. But in the end the result would be the same: same enjoyement (fun), same efficiency in game.


Obviously, balance wouldn't favor complexe gameplay, however, it would allow more player to enjoy the game and thus have "fun". Because if to play part of the game you have to use something that you find not fun, you don't enjoy the game. Playing difficult rotation shouldn't involve performances, it should be a choice on it's own without consequences on the sheer result.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"eldain stenlund.4306" said:

> > > You NEED to have a SOLID, PERFECTLY balanced foundation....

> >

> > No, you don't. The goal of a game isn't to be *balanced*. It is to be **fun**.


> Except that no game is fun when some are more "balanced" than other. If some have fun in complexity, fine. But if some want to have fun in simplicity, they shouldn't end up being crippled due to their choice and have equal chance to play the content.


However, this just ends in crippling the complex builds and people who prefer to play those. You're not solving the issue, you're only moving it.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"eldain stenlund.4306" said:

> > > > You NEED to have a SOLID, PERFECTLY balanced foundation....

> > >

> > > No, you don't. The goal of a game isn't to be *balanced*. It is to be **fun**.

> >

> > Except that no game is fun when some are more "balanced" than other. If some have fun in complexity, fine. But if some want to have fun in simplicity, they shouldn't end up being crippled due to their choice and have equal chance to play the content.


> However, this just ends in crippling the complex builds and people who prefer to play those. You're not solving the issue, you're only moving it.


Memorizing and repeating a very long sequence for the absolute maximum dps is not the same thing as playing intelligently. An intelligent player will respond to boss mechanics, boss and group movements, and party needs, as appropriate despite the loss of dps from a broken sequence. Because of that, rotations should not be overly long so they are less of a burden to interrupt. A very long and complex rotation is a distraction, not something to be proud of.


Rotations are also just one way to demonstrate skill. Consider Deadeye. High dps on an auto attack may seem unfairly easy but the Deadeye must maintain position behind the boss to avoid a large dps loss while staying close enough to the stack of players to keep all buffs up. The Deadeye must also trust the rest of the team will not forget about the lone player's health, too.


Epidemic needed needing because it was never intended to damage its target but smart players learned to coordinate with each other to "bounce" the conditions off an add mob back to the original. This was not a "complex rotation" but required arguably more intelligence and teamwork than a lone player cranking through a sequence of keys.


Mechanical complexity is not as awesome a profession trait as people think. What if some other player's chill field comes up when you meant to blast a fire field? Do you delay, switch skills, or keep going despite the dps loss? Super-long rotations are fine when you play alone against a training golem.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"eldain stenlund.4306" said:

> > > > > You NEED to have a SOLID, PERFECTLY balanced foundation....

> > > >

> > > > No, you don't. The goal of a game isn't to be *balanced*. It is to be **fun**.

> > >

> > > Except that no game is fun when some are more "balanced" than other. If some have fun in complexity, fine. But if some want to have fun in simplicity, they shouldn't end up being crippled due to their choice and have equal chance to play the content.

> >

> > However, this just ends in crippling the complex builds and people who prefer to play those. You're not solving the issue, you're only moving it.


> Memorizing and repeating a very long sequence for the absolute maximum dps is not the same thing as playing intelligently. An intelligent player will respond to boss mechanics, boss and group movements, and party needs, as appropriate despite the loss of dps from a broken sequence. Because of that, rotations should not be overly long so they are less of a burden to interrupt. A very long and complex rotation is a distraction, not something to be proud of.


Much fun pressing 2 buttons to win?

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> No, you don't. The goal of a game isn't to be *balanced*. It is to be **fun**.


Yes, FUN is the most important aspect when you create a game.....if not, none will play it.

BUT, you have to have balance to keep it fun..... and in MMO settings balance is life and death.....with no balance the game will die as it will NOT be fun to play.


Just to give you a very very clear picture of how stupid your reasoning is.

Imagine yourself in football gear...... but you are thrown into a full contact hockey setting.

That is not very balanced... is it...... But that is how imbalanced the class system is in GW2 in its current state.

Sure, it would be "FUN" to watch from the side, or to be the one of the hockey players knocking the shit out of you..... but not fun for you, the football player....would it.


BALANCE is the KEY to FUN in mmo settings.


I am not all critical about GW2....i just seriously hate the class imbalance, as such imbalance does not have to exist.

Some things GW2 do great....Story is fun and interesting, graphics are different and good contrast to others, WvW is pretty decent, needs fixing but good start... etc etc.

But, that does not matter, if the class balanced is messed up...... as you will then have a stupid pointless football player against a team of heavy hockey players.


Let me make it crystal clear:

If you have a diamond with perfect cuts, it will not be valuable if it has a big crack, and risk falling apart any second.

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> @"eldain stenlund.4306" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > No, you don't. The goal of a game isn't to be *balanced*. It is to be **fun**.


> Yes, FUN is the most important aspect when you create a game.....if not, none will play it.

> BUT, you have to have balance to keep it fun..... and in MMO settings balance is life and death.....with no balance the game will die as it will NOT be fun to play.


> Just to give you a very very clear picture of how stupid your reasoning is.

> Imagine yourself in football gear...... but you are thrown into a full contact hockey setting.

> That is not very balanced... is it...... But that is how imbalanced the class system is in GW2 in its current state.

> Sure, it would be "FUN" to watch from the side, or to be the one of the hockey players knocking the kitten out of you..... but not fun for you, the football player....would it.


> BALANCE is the KEY to FUN in mmo settings.


> I am not all critical about GW2....i just seriously hate the class imbalance, as such imbalance does not have to exist.

> Some things GW2 do great....Story is fun and interesting, graphics are different and good contrast to others, WvW is pretty decent, needs fixing but good start... etc etc.

> But, that does not matter, if the class balanced is messed up...... as you will then have a stupid pointless football player against a team of heavy hockey players.


> Let me make it crystal clear:

> If you have a diamond with perfect cuts, it will not be valuable if it has a big crack, and risk falling apart any second.


Let me make it crystal clear:

You can't have a perfect balance, *ever*, if you want your game to be diverse. Skills have to be different, because otherwise they end up boring. Which isn't fun. Being different means some *will* be better in specific scenarios than others. You'll never have perfect balance, and you don't need it. You only need a reasonable approximation.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> Let me make it crystal clear:

> You can't have a perfect balance, *ever*, if you want your game to be diverse. Skills have to be different, because otherwise they end up boring. Which isn't fun. Being different means some *will* be better in specific scenarios than others. You'll never have perfect balance, and you don't need it. You only need a reasonable approximation.




If you read any of my previous... you know about the 5% rule.

5% rule is what i can accept in MMO settings made by others...... myself i am a perfectionist when ever i do anything.... its perfect, or not at all.

So if i was in charge and in full control over the design, i can most likely even cut down that 5% even lower as i would not accept anything else....but that is me.


There is how ever far more than 5% difference among the classes in GW2.... hence, it is imbalanced.

And in the end, it is not that fun if you are the football player because of it, and all you can do is hope, that the designers someday (unlikely) balance the game as whole and not just the few classes they play themselves.


But, great to see you understand some basics....you almost restore my hope on humans. =D


Did you read Arenanet answer on the meteor mess they made??..... another proof they are incompetent....meteor was 60% above intentions!!!!!... fucking hell.

"we missed the window for hotfix. it will instead be on the next update"...... just lol....

Such critical mess, and they do not instant fix it.......

What they SHOULD DO..... edit values on meteor, test it indoors a few hours, when that is done, release and force people to update right away, and compensate for their own stupidity by giving players something and apologies.

(and next time, test things before)......

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