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will dolyak stance work as its supposed to be even after the stability boon been stolen or corrupt

Crystal Paladin.3871

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Coz during the recent pvp matches, when i tried to finish off a downed player, being aware of dolyak's 6sec duration with 6sec stability boon, I initiated the "finish them" and activated the dolyak stance... after 2 secs, my character was affected by "fear" disable condition and started running away from that place... last time i checked, the stance says, "Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, **feared** or taunted...." and "Gain defensive boons and remove conditions that impede movement. **Prevent application of such conditions while in this stance**"


is this a bug? or intentional? that the stance is just a display and it solely depends on the stability boon

I'm confused... so is there no respect for the stance at all? and in-turn no respect for the soulbeast profession?

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In the description it is stated the conditions are chilled, crippled and immobilised.

Fear, stun, launch, etc... aren't included.


So you see playing with the pewpew is not that easy as it seems... The longer you play with the class the more you'll be annoyed with those little details.


Welcome to the fold!

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> In the description it is stated the conditions are chilled, crippled and immobilised.

> Fear, stun, launch, etc... aren't included.


> So you see playing with the pewpew is not that easy as it seems... The longer you play with the class the more you'll be annoyed with those little details.


> Welcome to the fold!


but the stance says prevent movement impeding conditions... feared is also a movement impedig condition right? coz crippled reduces te speed at which you move and feared completely disables your movement(the movement from fear is that a movement here? if so, i won't use dolyak anymore anylonger...)



and btw, is there any counter to control condis?, apart from stunbreaks?

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> In the description it is stated the conditions are chilled, crippled and immobilised.

> Fear, stun, launch, etc... aren't included.


> So you see playing with the pewpew is not that easy as it seems... The longer you play with the class the more you'll be annoyed with those little details.


> Welcome to the fold!


> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> In the description it is stated the conditions are chilled, crippled and immobilised.

> Fear, stun, launch, etc... aren't included.


> So you see playing with the pewpew is not that easy as it seems... The longer you play with the class the more you'll be annoyed with those little details.


> Welcome to the fold!


and how do you know i'm using a pew pew? i just switched to pew pew recently, coz by old build couldn't hurt a fly... ;)

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > In the description it is stated the conditions are chilled, crippled and immobilised.

> > Fear, stun, launch, etc... aren't included.

> >

> > So you see playing with the pewpew is not that easy as it seems... The longer you play with the class the more you'll be annoyed with those little details.

> >

> > Welcome to the fold!

> and how do you know i'm using a pew pew? i just switched to pew pew recently, coz by old build couldn't hurt a fly... ;)


Simple deductions! a main wouldn't have this kind of questions as they are used to this kind of crappy mechanics for the ranger. Just wait until you experience the fun bugs this class still has.


Anyhow i'm welcoming you to the ranger experience.


Damage is alright, there one ranger one-shooting everybody in pvp but he is just the exception and don't expect to pull 25k mauls all the time.

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I just checked out wiki.... when a necro uses corrupt boon, dolyak's stability becomes fear... refer:"[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corrupt_Boon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corrupt_Boon "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corrupt_Boon")" so that could've happened to me :o ... hmmmm... I'll be careful next time while dealing with necros.... ;)


until jul10 patch i didn't have this problem... after jul 10 patch, they added a second charge for the boon corrupt... so necros can cast it twice with half second interval... it increased their chance of success

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Dolyak Stance is really good with those Soulboons running around with near perma stability. It's not specified in the tooltip that it applies to Fear, so it won't.


Fear can be condi-cleared or stun break'd, but that's it (or Stability). Like you said, you probably got stripped by Corrupt Boon, some skills or passive trait.

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > In the description it is stated the conditions are chilled, crippled and immobilised.

> > Fear, stun, launch, etc... aren't included.

> >

> > So you see playing with the pewpew is not that easy as it seems... The longer you play with the class the more you'll be annoyed with those little details.

> >

> > Welcome to the fold!


> but the stance says prevent movement impeding conditions... feared is also a movement impedig condition right? coz crippled reduces te speed at which you move and feared completely disables your movement(the movement from fear is that a movement here? if so, i won't use dolyak anymore anylonger...)



> and btw, is there any counter to control condis?, apart from stunbreaks?


So the Dolyak Stance skill is essentially a skill with 2 “parts” the first part is when you activate it, it clears you of cripple, Chill, and Immobilize (Movement impairing conditions), breaks stun, and gives you some boons, one of which is stability which will soak another stun/fear/daze etc.


The stance effect itself is a buff that makes you immune to the movement impairing condis, which fear isn’t. Which is sorta confusing since it does technically impede your movement by making you run in the opposite direction, but w/e.


For control CONDITIONS, aka Taunt/Fear you can actually break out of them with either a stun break or any form of Condi cleanse. So if you got feared while you had Bear Stance up, or were in your healing spring etc. there’s a chance the fear will get cleansed off and you’ll be free to do whatever you want again. If you run a brown bear for whatever reason you can use it’s F2 (assuming it isn’t also feared) to break you out of the fear too.

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