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I don't see any "nerf this" in other subforums


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In other subforums it get ignored or shut down quickly, And yet here we have weekly at least 2 with barbaric complains "why soulbeast must have just one pet" one example.


But the funniest thing of all is the veterans of this subforum with proven experience in the class instead avoiding those troll threads and promote the ones focused to improve the class, they promote them make them even to get traction.


Think about it.

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People cant ignore hyperbolic bait, but there's always an attempt to at least reason with people who think "X is OP" or suggest ways to make things less problematic without trashing the profession and its functions in case Anet's watching.

Its not much different now with that whole 1 shot SB gimmick build debacle going on than it was with Druid being "too good".



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Are you living under a rock..? Topics for nerfs to DE are abundant in multiple areas of the forum, previously there were multiple cries for nerfs to Mirage, there's still a rather consistent stream of topics and remarks regarding Scourges and sometimes FB's...

Overstatement aside... All proper veterans and mains are like that, it's not limited to Rangers.

I miss the purpose of the topic.

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Well for the single pet one, most of us veteran rangers thought Soulbeast WOULD be balanced around a one pet system when it was originally announced, since it’d have been easier to just make it so F4 would swap from pet out to merge and would proc all your pet swap stuff and have the same CD or shorter as part of the spec.


Edit: just clarifying, none of the veterans are saying Soulbeast should have just 1 pet NOW, just that if it were to have one pet the whole thing would need an overhaul.


That’s why that forum has blown up more than it sliding into the depths of the forums never to be seen again. Incase you hadn’t noticed all the screams for nerfing Druids heals weren’t turned into a discussion they were either completely ignored or only got a few posts saying why it should/shouldn’t and then was forgotten about within a week.


And you must not go to other profession forums very often if you think other profs don’t get the same shit coming into their forum.

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I agree. Sick of ranger not being part of anything, brushed aside in WvW etc

I was in CO the other day and someone wanted a group to kill a bounty and said 'rangers need not apply'

Brings me back to my GW days trying to get a group to do missions before I joined my guild and either finding it hard or getting a group to just be kicked.

Rangers need some love.




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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> I agree. Sick of ranger not being part of anything, brushed aside in WvW etc

> I was in CO the other day and someone wanted a group to kill a bounty and said 'rangers need not apply'

> Brings me back to my GW days trying to get a group to do missions before I joined my guild and either finding it hard or getting a group to just be kicked.

> Rangers need some love.





It's been 6-7 years of being considered garbage. I don't think that's gonna change and I don't think Anet gives a shit. The only real small hope that I have is that something comes out of WvW being balanced independently now. But honestly WvW is already so power creeped into the gutter at this point that I don't even see that.

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