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Need some mature folks to play with and help experience what the end game is about! (NA)

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So this might end up being a wall of text but I think context is going to be kind of important here. lol So I apologize in advanced, I'll leave a TL;DR at the bottom.


**Backstory (Don't need to read):** So I have been playing off and on since launch but by "off and on" I mean like playing for a month or two then taking a year+ break rinse and repeat. I have been playing entirely solo and only doing core PvE stuff. There is still so much to the game I am missing out on but being solo isn't motivating enough to keep me going for prolonged periods of time to learn it all or get involved in the end game. I love this game a lot but I have a lot of focus issues IRL so it's hard to keep going and try to get into some of the cooler stuff you can do. I'm also quite shy IRL so I'm not very good at joining random guilds and trying to get immersed into them, plus they always feel like they have some kind of "inner circle" of friends that play together a lot and everyone else is hardly noticed, or givin attention, unless you spend a lot of time and effort making your way into that inner circle. That doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. In short, I'm basically the kind of person where someone needs to grab me by the collar and say "You're coming with me/us!" and keeps me around. Sounds strange, I know. :/


**A bit about me and where I am at in the game:** I am a 28yr old stay at home father of 3. I have lots of time to play and can be on every day in the afternoons (Central US) for various hours of the day. I'm a very chill upbeat person despite how depressing the backstory might have sounded, it's easier online lol. I have 5 lvl 80's, at least 2 of which have full sets of exotics (I main a necro right now), however I still have so much left to learn about the game. There is very little I know and I get overwhelmed very easily so having someone around to drag me along so I can learn along the way would be super awesome. I don't want to end up taking another 2 year long break again. :(


I just started doing the PoF story and have only gotten a raptor and bunny so far but I am already starting to feel the lack of motivation at this point hence this post. It's pretty boring going alone, I don't need anyone to play along with in _my_ particular story though, I am fine just following around someone else, chatting, and doing whatever dungeons/instances with them. I have no idea what I should be doing atm, I suppose I should be running through achievements for a legendary or something but it's not a major interest for me at the moment. I don't really do PvP but I could be convinced. I haven't really done any of the HoT stuff other than hoping in a HP train every couple days (HoT looks really overwhelming and lame tbh), I pretty much only have _basic_ knowledge of core game content and only did fractals like once a long time ago. I have been playing multiple characters over core events and story that I have gathered an insane amount of crafting materials and other rare stuff and have no idea what to do with it. lol.


**TL;DR:** Looking for experienced player(s) to play with and drag me along on adventures. Prefer folks around my age (28), Available most afternoons (Central US). A regular friend to roll with. I can use Discord, speak English clearly, whatever it is you are working on or like to do I am open to roll with. Prefer to avoid being put into another guild and being forgotten again but if you have one and it'll be easier to do stuff together I am ok with it for that reason. Despite having 5 lvl 80's, I am still quite a noob to all the end game nuances of GW2.


You can just add me in-game but you'll reach me better through Discord, I am always online there: Prior of the Ori#6335

Oh, I am in the Sea of Sorrows server if that matters.

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Give this a shot, Guild leaders have been around since the start and specialize in their own game modes.


Most of us are adults by age, but same can't be said for our mentality, some of us are also parents too so we completely understand the need to suddenly be afk at lots of intervals.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26305/the-infinity-group-ig-pvx-gom-na-ocx-recruiting-for-multiple-roles


> Give this a shot, Guild leaders have been around since the start and specialize in their own game modes.


> Most of us are adults by age, but same can't be said for our mentality, some of us are also parents too so we completely understand the need to suddenly be afk at lots of intervals.


While I thank you for the offer and understanding, and I mean this _absolutely_ with no offense, that is exactly what I am not interested in. To me It looks just like another guild invite basically advertising what the hundreds of others offer in most map chats. Basically I would join and do my run of the mill introduction and say "Hows it goin?" and that is pretty much where it always ends. I'm not really interested in jumping into a crowd of people and hopping along with the group. I am looking for something a little more small scale and personal if that makes any kind of sense. :/


But again, thank you for the offer!

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Well, I have pretty much the opposite to offer. My guild is basically just myself and a lass in the UK, her kids (now adults, they weren't when we started - geesh time flies!) and a few IRL associates of her. We're pretty active in playing but we don't really do "guild stuff" (although we have all the guild services on offer due to her being an utter maniac in getting the things built and stuff).


You'd be more than welcome to join, but I time-zone might be iffy as we're EU based...

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> @"Kojack Stickyfingers.8516" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26305/the-infinity-group-ig-pvx-gom-na-ocx-recruiting-for-multiple-roles

> >

> > Give this a shot, Guild leaders have been around since the start and specialize in their own game modes.

> >

> > Most of us are adults by age, but same can't be said for our mentality, some of us are also parents too so we completely understand the need to suddenly be afk at lots of intervals.


> While I thank you for the offer and understanding, and I mean this _absolutely_ with no offense, that is exactly what I am not interested in. To me It looks just like another guild invite basically advertising what the hundreds of others offer in most map chats. Basically I would join and do my run of the mill introduction and say "Hows it goin?" and that is pretty much where it always ends. I'm not really interested in jumping into a crowd of people and hopping along with the group. I am looking for something a little more small scale and personal if that makes any kind of sense. :/


> But again, thank you for the offer!


We're actually not like other guilds at all lmao, we still have openings for guild leaders because we're still trying to build up under a new guild name...


but that's cool, I'm not really the person to advertise as mine usually say "IG is bad, I'm bad and I need people to love me and protect me" as I haven't left the mists in 6 years or what ever haha but considoring we are linked with your server in WvW, hit us in game and maybe we can go for a roam/havok cuz so far we only have 3 of us out there, no need to join a guild for that :blush:

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**Stickyfingers.8516** : I too find the same sentiments going through my thoughts about this game that we find so interesting. I live in New Jersey, which puts me only 1 hour ahead of you, and since I am retired I can find time to do anything I want at the Time I want to do it. ;) The only fly in the soup, so to speak, and I'm sure it's a small fly, would be the servers we work on, myself am on "Anvil Rock." I don't at the moment know how to switch things a round but I'm sure in time it can be figured out. So, what do you say. lets give it a shot. My game name is DuiePyle.4398, Ive got three "toons" in all, Shinnatchkook, a lv 44 char Ranger, Isayhuh, a lv 9 Norn Necromancer, and Santo Del Esta, a lv 13 Human Guardian. My Toons are low because I had password troubles and was forced to make a new account, and start from scratch. OUCH! I had 2 80's :'(


**sephiroth.4217** : I also read your response to "sticky" and was wondering that I might avail myself of you web page. I also, would like to do other things beside soloing. Doing PvP, and WvW would, to my way of thinking, would be a nice change for once. I know it will take more commitment on my part to do these phases of the game, but after so many years of solo, I'm ready to stick my neck out a bit more.

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You might consider checking out my guild - New Outriders. They are a guild of older players with jobs and kids and a minimum of drama. I'd describe it as laid-back.


That said, they do organize guild content on a regular basis and have done raiding, guild missions, fractales and all that other organized group stuff. I don't think they require you to rep, so you can belong to NOR and other guilds at the same time, so trying them out doesn't hurt anything. Also, NOR is a multi-GAME guild. They exist in other MMOs like SWOTOR, Black Desert, Neverwinter Nights and others as well. So if you burn out on GW2, you can stick with the guild and follow them into other games.


Here's a website for you to check out if you are interested.



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> @"Kojack Stickyfingers.8516" said:

> While I thank you for the offer and understanding, and I mean this _absolutely_ with no offense, that is exactly what I am not interested in. To me It looks just like another guild invite basically advertising what the hundreds of others offer in most map chats. Basically I would join and do my run of the mill introduction and say "Hows it goin?" and that is pretty much where it always ends. I'm not really interested in jumping into a crowd of people and hopping along with the group. I am looking for something a little more small scale and personal if that makes any kind of sense. :/


> But again, thank you for the offer!


That's the funny part since your kind of trouble is often solved with guild community's.


A second to hear my thoughts:

MMos are games made to be played for long periods of time. Like if playing a game like "Zelda" for 100 hours is a lot, playing an MMo for less than 500+ hours means that you didn't even enjoyed the game. For example, I often cap the playtime of my past MMos around 2000~3000 hours before I start getting "tired".


Once you play a MMo usually players focus on long term objectives like "Completing every Raid", or "having a max level character with full equipment", "Being Good at PvP" and so on. So regardless of being alone or in group, you always have a set objective to work for. This is how I usually play the game as a mostly "solo" player.


Now, if you need interaction, you need to interact with other players. Despite playing solo most of the time, I usually spent the grind chatting with whoever is on map chat just to pass time. I also frequently take time to answer questions for new players and make calls for events on specific parts of the map. In the end this way I never feel alone.


Guilds are kinda of a step further on this, as you have a larger "friend list" and a specific chat to work with. And there is also the guild events which you should try to join whenever possible because this helps to melt the "inner circle" ice dilemma. In practice, most of the time it doesn't exist, but since you arrived in "the middle" your always start's feeling a bit off. Joining the discussion, guild events, asking questions, calling people for PvE content usually helps.


MMos have always being, and will forever be a game of community's. Doesn't matter what game you play now or in the future, you will always remember your best days as the ones you were interacting with guild and friends.




- Working on long term and short term objectives will make you stay engaged on the game. It can be a specific item, title, or merely story progress.

- As long you are following a set path, you will always find someone walking in the same road.

- Guilds are almost giant friend lists. You may need to be friends with everyone, but you can always find yourself in place with small groups inside.

- The whole inner circle is usually a illusion of someone that arrives in the middle of the road. As long you start interacting you will always be part of the group

- If the guild sucks, remember that this game lets you join multiple guilds at the same time. Keep in mind, guilds are not "Jobs", you won't betray anyone for leaving a guild and searching for something else.



Last tip would be a bit weird for most, but joining competitive community's (like PvP, Organized WvW and Raids) are actually a good way to find close groups. As these games modes usually force players bounds for better results. There is a bit of elitism? Yes. A bit of Toxicity? Yes. But once you find a good static group it means a lot.

Casual players are usually focused on their own stuff, so its hard to find close groups to party when everyone is setting the sights on different stuff.

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> @"DuiePyle.4398" said:

> **Stickyfingers.8516** : I too find the same sentiments going through my thoughts about this game that we find so interesting. I live in New Jersey, which puts me only 1 hour ahead of you, and since I am retired I can find time to do anything I want at the Time I want to do it. ;) The only fly in the soup, so to speak, and I'm sure it's a small fly, would be the servers we work on, myself am on "Anvil Rock." I don't at the moment know how to switch things a round but I'm sure in time it can be figured out. So, what do you say. lets give it a shot. My game name is DuiePyle.4398, Ive got three "toons" in all, Shinnatchkook, a lv 44 char Ranger, Isayhuh, a lv 9 Norn Necromancer, and Santo Del Esta, a lv 13 Human Guardian. My Toons are low because I had password troubles and was forced to make a new account, and start from scratch. OUCH! I had 2 80's :'(


> **sephiroth.4217** : I also read your response to "sticky" and was wondering that I might avail myself of you web page. I also, would like to do other things beside soloing. Doing PvP, and WvW would, to my way of thinking, would be a nice change for once. I know it will take more commitment on my part to do these phases of the game, but after so many years of solo, I'm ready to stick my neck out a bit more.


If I remember, bottom right of your login screen is "World Selection". That is what you use to transfer. You can see the list of servers and how much in gems it cost. You cannot move to one marked "Full".


Edit: Alt free option to transfer is put all your Account Bound items in your bank, bags too, then delete all your characters and start over with the world selection.

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I'm in a somewhat similar situation to you, but not too much more experienced unfortunately. Played this game "on and off" (very similarly to how you did) and just came back about 1month ago but have been enjoying it more this time around (probably because I have no interest for WoW anymore so this is my main game/MMO). Mostly been playing with 2 friends, they get on less than me though so I've been looking for someone or a small group to play with. So far I completed the HoT story, and like you, have only unlocked the raptor + springer mount (just got my springer a few days ago).


quick summary : 24 male, very relaxed just want a small group to do ANY content with (ive started doing some fractals, pretty fun) and try out new builds. I currently am playing mesmer but also have an 80 guardian and revenant. While I can't really teach you more about the game as I am relatively new, we can explore and learn the game together and maybe work towards some common goals (getting the other mounts, maybe legendaries, do fractals etc). I still want to see what else this game has to offer, and hopefully with some friends. Add me if you'd like, I play roughly 5pm - 9pm EST sometimes later, server is Darkhaven (i have no idea if this matters).

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> @"Nesmie.4791" said:

> I'm in a somewhat similar situation to you, but not too much more experienced unfortunately. Played this game "on and off" (very similarly to how you did) and just came back about 1month ago but have been enjoying it more this time around (probably because I have no interest for WoW anymore so this is my main game/MMO). Mostly been playing with 2 friends, they get on less than me though so I've been looking for someone or a small group to play with. So far I completed the HoT story, and like you, have only unlocked the raptor + springer mount (just got my springer a few days ago).


> quick summary : 24 male, very relaxed just want a small group to do ANY content with (ive started doing some fractals, pretty fun) and try out new builds. I currently am playing mesmer but also have an 80 guardian and revenant. While I can't really teach you more about the game as I am relatively new, we can explore and learn the game together and maybe work towards some common goals (getting the other mounts, maybe legendaries, do fractals etc). I still want to see what else this game has to offer, and hopefully with some friends. Add me if you'd like, I play roughly 5pm - 9pm EST sometimes later, server is Darkhaven (i have no idea if this matters).


Your server only matters if you plan on playing WvW with other players. You can't unless you are possibly linked with them and that only lasts for 8 weeks.


Edit: For example, Darkhaven is currently linked with Fort Aspenwood. You can play with anyone on that server.

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Servers only matters in World vs World game mode (WvW). PvP and PvE doesn't care which server you're on. PvE changed over to a "MegaServer" structure that bypasses this, so as long as you're all in NA or in EU it's all good, but the game still won't let you play NA and EU together.


TLDR: Server doesn't matter.




I can relate to this thread, I've ended up burning out myself due to lack of "static group" to enjoy things with. I'm in a couple of WvW guilds, and used to play that a lot, but as I slowly lost more and more interest in that game mode, I find myself just bored going back to soloing PvE. But alas my own life is a bit too chaotic to plan anything at all nowadays (random work days and work times just to start the crazy).

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