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Little changing for Rev sugesstion


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Revenant is a class with unused potential. A small selection of weapons and customizations with utility skills. That's why I'd like to show you my suggestions for little changes for this class.

1. add new legendary stance focused on invocation trait line and used in underwater

2. new profession skills - f2-energy recharge, f3-some support skill (condition cleanse or self/group buffs), f3 skill based on stance choosed , on Herald and Renegade elite spec just adding a profession skills (on renegade just meld f2 and f4 skill as one skill, so we would have f1-core, f2-core, f3-core , f4-bombardment f5-kalla fervor and agillity)

3. new core weapon- main-hand axe, greatsword, dual pistols, main-hand scepter or swaping shield elite spec weapon to core weapon with one that I suggested earlier and remaking shield skills

4. forth utility skills for each stance


Other suggestions or changes are welcome

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you talking about Core Rev as I don't see any basic changes being made to Core Rev in the same way I don't see any basic changes being made to Core Necromancer. At present we already have 3 underwater Legends but I honestly don't think that's an issue since underwater gameplay is pretty much non-existent and they won't add new Legends to core Revenant any more than they would add new abilities to core Necromancer. I mention Necromancer only because they keep telling me that they are worse than Revenant. I'm a little unsure what profession skills would fix or bring to the table as I think issues with Revenant go beyond not having F1-F3 type skills. Energy recharges automatically so I don't think there is a benefit for a skill that does that and we already get group support and CC cleanse via traits and utilities. I'm meh on the idea of adding a new weapon outside of adding a new weapon to the mix as I don't think that actually addresses an issue, just look at shortbow. Finally, a fourth utility doesn't actually change anything. Putting aside for a moment the fact that I think the way their utilities is set up now works fine and is fun, adding just one more utility does nothing. Unless the new skill is OMG WOWZA it wouldn't really see use. Even then if it did see use it would just mean that the new skill is always used instead of one of the older skills and thus in practice we are still just using a set of utilities locked in by the Legend. The only way that adding an additional utility would be beneficial would have been if the utilities a build got weren't tied to the Legends. So long as that remains adding just a single utility changes very little.


Really, at this point, I think a good Elite that works well with the current set of core Legends will help buff up Revenant. Otherwise what you are basically suggesting is rewriting what Revenant is mechanically. I think both Herald and Renegade are steps in the right direction, each adding elements that should be built on. I think the Herald's aura spam is a good idea that should be used in future Elites that would help make how it supports other professions feel unique. I'm pretty sure no one else has an aura spam, but I haven't played Mesmer yet. I also think Kalla's Favor is a good idea and again something that should be built upon. It's for those reasons that I think if Revenant leaned in hard on being the best support profession in the game that it would be a stronger profession that brings a lot more to play. Thus the next Elite weapon should also be more support in theme than pure DPS.


That's where I think a lot of suggested Elites go astray. Instead of focusing on power or dps or tanking that Revenant should corner the market on being the best support in the game.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> not sure why necros thinks they are worser off than Revs, they got scourges.


The best I have been able to gather is that Scourge is basically easy mode as it doesn't require much skill and because Necro isn't good in PvE and no one wants them in raids. Therefore it is the worst profession in the game, even worse than Revenant. I pointed out that Revenant was at the bottom and they wanted to dispute the idea that they weren't at the bottom and the worse profession. Honestly, I have never seen people argue so hard to be thought of as the worst faction in a game.

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I've got this core weapon idea right here, in Offhand Focus.


Skill 4 - Ethereal Blast/10e/.5s channel/15s CD

Summon energies from the Mists at target location, applying boons to allies and conditions to foes based on the current legend.


Damage: 550 (0.5)

Range: 900

Radius: 300

Targets: 5

If Jalis: Retaliation (3s)/Weakness (3s)

If Mallyx: Resistance (2s)/Torment (x3-5s)

If Shiro: Might (x3-10s)/Vulnerability (x3-5s)

If Ventari: Regeneration (5s)/Blind (8s)

If Glint: Protection (3s)/Chill (3s)

If Kalla: Fury (5s)/ Burning (x1-3s)


Skill 5 - Roam/20e/.75s channel/20s CD

Slip into the space between dimensions, avoiding attacks. Gain endurance upon leaving.


Duration: 3s

Evade: 3s

Endurance gain: 25

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