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Game says X fps, is actually running at Y fps

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i.e. it will say 40 frames per second but actually it's stuttering and dropping frames so much in some areas that even though it says 40 FPS consistently, even when I move my mouse around, visually it appears to be about half of what it says - 20 frames if it says 40 fps. This only occurs in some areas and at certain times. I can't tell if it's my PC or just the game.

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I've never encountered any inconsistency between GW2's reported FPS via the Options window and other overlays that report FPS, but I also never encounter much 'stuttering' or 'hitching.'


i5-3570K @ 4.5 GHz (on Z77 platform). 16 GB (2x 8 GB) DDR3-2400 @ CL10.

GTX 1070 @ 2050 MHz (EVGA FTW). GW2 installed to a SATA III SSD.


I typically see around 100 FPS in newer maps and up to VSYNC limit of 144 FPS unless there's a large number of player characters or NPC models around.

Higher performance settings I stick with are Character Model Limit: Lowest, Shadows: Low, and Reflections: None.

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