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Thf Vault

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So just to explain what happened there, right towards the end of the clip, you can see my original position towards the top of the ramp headed towards Graveyard. That's where I was, in stealth, before I engaged via Shadow Pursuit (Shadow Traps active effect, once someone triggers it, for those of you whom don't play Thief or have never even seen a Thief use the skill). You can see the initial vulnerability pop up from when I teleport, then the active of Signet of Shadows, then the Vault, in which I appear at my original position, before the game registers me being at my actual position, due to desync. You've likely seen it a lot when fighting Deadeyes, though in this case it's a bit more extreme due to the distance traveled.

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> @"Kawloon Fuathach.3807" said:

> So just to explain what happened there, right towards the end of the clip, you can see my original position towards the top of the ramp headed towards Graveyard. That's where I was, in stealth, before I engaged via Shadow Pursuit (Shadow Traps active effect, once someone triggers it, for those of you whom don't play Thief or have never even seen a Thief use the skill). You can see the initial vulnerability pop up from when I teleport, then the active of Signet of Shadows, then the Vault, in which I appear at my original position, before the game registers me being at my actual position, due to desync. You've likely seen it a lot when fighting Deadeyes, though in this case it's a bit more extreme due to the distance traveled.



so theres an exploit for a thf so that they can move faster then the game can register them?


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> @"Kawloon Fuathach.3807" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:


> > so theres an exploit for a thf so that they can move faster then the game can register them?

> >


> No... That's not what I was saying at all. I'm saying it was desync, not an exploit.


w.e about that....i just looked at the log and u vaulted me twice and only appeared once......ur 1st vault did 17k the 2nd did 19k....whats the deal with that?

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Kawloon Fuathach.3807" said:

> > So just to explain what happened there, right towards the end of the clip, you can see my original position towards the top of the ramp headed towards Graveyard. That's where I was, in stealth, before I engaged via Shadow Pursuit (Shadow Traps active effect, once someone triggers it, for those of you whom don't play Thief or have never even seen a Thief use the skill). You can see the initial vulnerability pop up from when I teleport, then the active of Signet of Shadows, then the Vault, in which I appear at my original position, before the game registers me being at my actual position, due to desync. You've likely seen it a lot when fighting Deadeyes, though in this case it's a bit more extreme due to the distance traveled.



> so theres an exploit for a thf so that they can move faster then the game can register them?



Works for every class. Server is bad so things don't show as they happen and lots of things happen at once, which instantly kills you.


I don't know what that Thief did to get 19k, but I did get 16k on a Vault against a light golem. If he's a zerker his health will be low enough that your own Thief can just farm him so it's not really a problem.

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Look at the score it was a big problem.......i feel if ur in stealth u should do 1/2 damage or even 25% damage reduction just for attackin in stealth....why should anyclass ever get a free invisa attack that can do more damage then most classes have hp, with no reprocussions even if it is dodged.

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I managed to hit even 22k damage with a vault. The key is Critical Strikes/Deadly Arts w/ Signet of Shadows and Shadow Pursuit, plus Zerk/Scholar and sigil modifiers. This is an RNG, one-trick pony build that relies on people stepping on your traps.


AOEs and other traps counter this build.


It's a cheese build and is fairly easy to break apart once the initial burst is blocked.

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this is not a normal/typical staff player. all i ever seen this guy play (said seen, not always watching) is this 1 shot staff. No one in the last ~2 years ( i'd go back about more than 2 years, but staff was cheeze then haha) have I seen do it as well. So when it happens once or I see Wilhelm I know to be "on guard" lol.




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Staff thief is high reward low skill high risk. Sure having that amount of spike damage from stealth might seem a little OP but you also have to take into account you were the one playing a 17K hp light armor class... Not to mention if he fails that attack he is extremely vulnerable as he is also glass with minimal escape potential.


There has always been controversy over 1-shot builds in GW2 but there will always be the higher end of the player base saying that their flaws are so big to counter-act their ability to 1-shot that there is no need to change how the skills function due to a build with the potential to 1-shot.


If you don't like getting 1-shot by 1-shot builds then play bruisers and/or tankier builds. Not to mention the fact you're decapping home when you had teammates on respawn and playing against a thief with shadow trap that you FULLY CAN SEE PROC FROM ITS ANIMATION and you could've played around that. These were mistakes that you made build choice,deciding to not react to shadow trap, and rotating to a point you could've predicted by this point in the game would have that trap on it and you still failed to do anything about it then blame the game for your short-comings.


I'm not flaming you i'm just pointing out there is nothing in this scenario that was out of your control to avoid. Its not the game's fault you died.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > the pvp in getting more and more brainless one shot festa

> > less fun and no chance to fight back at all


> I mean LITERALLY THE POST RIGHT BEFORE YOURS he explained multiple ways to avoid it, I don't know how you can not see that


I feel like you're missing his entire point or the point everyone is making against 1 shot clown shit, so I'll throw a brief explanation in.


When a game has one shot builds it leads to 2 types of players, those that abuse the cheese and those that despise it because it is just that, cheese. It's extremely bad for the health of a pvp game to have the "counterplay" to being one shot to randomly predict when a stealth person is gonna jump on you and blow you up, this is the same reason people wanted mirage nerfed, because no one has fun plying rng simulator with their life.

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The problem with one-shot builds is that there availability ruins the lower order gameplay and results in overall lower PvP population - the gameplay just becomes random and meaningless. Anet need to wake up to this, there is no point putting more goodies into the PvP game to increase usage when encourage - by added low handicaps -such builds in the game. In the low end PvP, HP, healing and Armour are completely useless stats - the best approach is never to be alone, because if someone one-shots you they just keep one-shotting you by following you around ganking at will. It's really dire gameplay, which chases peeps out of the game mode. If you hang around at spawn waiting for another you just get shouted at for being AFK.


ANet really need to put hard caps in place - giving their inability to balance - to give peeps a sense enjoyment in lower-end PvP. As is, it is dire.


As for - there is a clear amination argument - since when have thieves attacked from the front?

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If you can't handle a 1-shot build, your team comp is bad and your players are inexperienced. They have so much opportunity for counterplay, and are so RARELY able to fully 1-shot you.


They die when blinked at. This is a L2P issue at its core, and I know it sounds bad, but that just is what it is. Practice against the builds, you'll get better.

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> @"rigour.8749" said:

> Staff thief is high reward low skill high risk. Sure having that amount of spike damage from stealth might seem a little OP but you also have to take into account you were the one playing a 17K hp light armor class... Not to mention if he fails that attack he is extremely vulnerable as he is also glass with minimal escape potential.


> There has always been controversy over 1-shot builds in GW2 but there will always be the higher end of the player base saying that their flaws are so big to counter-act their ability to 1-shot that there is no need to change how the skills function due to a build with the potential to 1-shot.


> If you don't like getting 1-shot by 1-shot builds then play bruisers and/or tankier builds. Not to mention the fact you're decapping home when you had teammates on respawn and playing against a thief with shadow trap that you FULLY CAN SEE PROC FROM ITS ANIMATION and you could've played around that. These were mistakes that you made build choice,deciding to not react to shadow trap, and rotating to a point you could've predicted by this point in the game would have that trap on it and you still failed to do anything about it then blame the game for your short-comings.


> I'm not flaming you i'm just pointing out there is nothing in this scenario that was out of your control to avoid. Its not the game's fault you died.


I made alot of mistake...like me hand being off the mouse b.c i had an itch just befor he attack but still even if i was ready a invisable 17k vault followed by a 19k vault is still more hp then ill ever have.

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> @"Arbalest.4506" said:

> The fact that this ele is not pure glass build but still get downed in less than 2 secs is solid proof that thief need nerf so bad.


less then 2 seconds? Try more like .25 second the cast time for vault since his 1st vault did more damage then i have hp

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> @"rigour.8749" said:

> Not to mention if he fails that attack he is extremely vulnerable as he is also glass with minimal escape potential.


The teleporting stealth class that can spam evades through weapon skills is vulnerable with minimal escape potential?


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