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[PvE] WTB Dagger-Mainhand-Buffs


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At least for me, it's extremely unsatisfactory that Condition-Soulbeast is rather weak since the latest balance-patch (at least compared to its Zerker-counterpart and other professions). While it's good that there's also a Zerker-variant of playing Soulbeast, it's quite sad for me that it far outshines its Condition-counterpart as Soulbeast introduced dagger as mainhand-weapon which makes it feel like Soulbeast was intended to be a Condition-DPS-class. What's even more sad is that SB/SB is basically as effective as playing a more complex rotation with Dagger/Torch / SB which also has the melee-disadvantage when using Dagger/Torch. Not only that: Condition-builds have a disadvantage per nature due to phasing, ramp-up times and no cleave. Also in that regard, I think that conditions should be slightly stronger to compensate for these disadvantages.


I think it would be nice if dagger would be buffed to encourage people to play a more complex rotation since SB/SB is pretty braindead. Talking numbers, I think Condition-Soulbeast should be around 33~34k and Zerker-Souldbeast should be around 32~33k DPS.


Feedback please.

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MH Dagger could get an unique condition or buff, something like Pulmonary Impact (Thief) or Thermal Vision (Engi) but based on the number of conditions on the foe ? It worked well for Condi Engi with Thermal Vision.


MH Dagger leap (Instinctive Engage) should get an evade and should always apply Quickness like Radiant Arc (Holo Sword 3). It would work well with Essence of Speed.


MH Dagger of the Soulbeast should be the fastest of all weapons to make it valuable and interesting.


All condi OH need buffs.

Throw Torch is in a terrible state. Just look at Zealot's Flame/Zealot's Fire from Guardian Torch, it has more Burns and better power coefficient. The trait makes the skill very spam-able too. OH Dagger is just overall useless beside the evade in PvP. Lots of people asked for ammos, but I believe it still won't change the fact that Throw Torch and Crippling Talon are terrible skills. It would make them bearable.


Also, unsplit Ambidexterity, 90 Condition Damage difference is something :).

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Lol finally the pve ers are complaining! Make your discontent known!!


My dream of dagger is that it's defensive when un merged and offensive when merged and truely a hybrid weapon with good power scaling (since Soulbeast has alot flex with the pets)


(Skill 2 megred daze 1/4 sec unmerged projectile destruction 1/2) skill 3 evade when unmerged imbolize or chill when merged)


Anyways that's my dream doubt it will ever come to fruition.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> Lol finally the pve ers are complaining! Make your discontent known!!


> My dream of dagger is that it's defensive when un merged and offensive when merged and truely a hybrid weapon with good power scaling (since Soulbeast has alot flex with the pets)


> (Skill 2 megred daze 1/4 sec unmerged projectile destruction 1/2) skill 3 evade when unmerged imbolize or chill when merged)


> Anyways that's my dream doubt it will ever come to fruition.


I am PvEr and i am conplaining since October ^^

Would fit the soulbeast rune at least.

Lets say AA gets same animation pattern as Sbreaker and remove the initial Vuln attack and keep the condi ones.

2. Give it a flipover: Daze foe and your pet applies heavy poison, when you succesfully hit you gain acces to a second skill which grants protection to you and your pet and deals heavy power dmg.

3. Instinctive engage: does now evade attacks.


Predators cunning: strike your foe an additional time when poisoning and steal health according to the amount of dmg dealt. ICD 0.25

Dmg in about a one wolf pack range of dmg.

It procs per application not per stack, if you deal more dmg you gain more health back.

This would encourage real hybrid playstyle.


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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > Lol finally the pve ers are complaining! Make your discontent known!!

> >

> > My dream of dagger is that it's defensive when un merged and offensive when merged and truely a hybrid weapon with good power scaling (since Soulbeast has alot flex with the pets)

> >

> > (Skill 2 megred daze 1/4 sec unmerged projectile destruction 1/2) skill 3 evade when unmerged imbolize or chill when merged)

> >

> > Anyways that's my dream doubt it will ever come to fruition.


> I am PvEr and i am conplaining since October ^^

> Would fit the soulbeast rune at least.

> Lets say AA gets same animation pattern as Sbreaker and remove the initial Vuln attack and keep the condi ones.

> 2. Give it a flipover: Daze foe and your pet applies heavy poison, when you succesfully hit you gain acces to a second skill which grants protection to you and your pet and deals heavy power dmg.

> 3. Instinctive engage: does now evade attacks.


> Predators cunning: strike your foe an additional time when poisoning and steal health according to the amount of dmg dealt. ICD 0.25

> Dmg in about a one wolf pack range of dmg.

> It procs per application not per stack, if you deal more dmg you gain more health back.

> This would encourage real hybrid playstyle.



Ya duh and who you and wonderouswall? Given the fact that the pve community is bigger you'd think more people would talk about it. And ya as I said before I like your ideas on dagger

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Yes please, buff dagger! I am still holding onto the dream of playing a dagger/dagger Soulbeast in PvP and have it actually be halfway decent. A daze would be nice. And yes an evade too. I do worry about it competing too closely with sword's "identity" if it is evade-heavy, though.


Essence of Speed could also give 1s of quickness when interrupting an enemy in addition to its current effects, which could give it some nice interaction with more weapons and further synergy with dagger.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > Lol finally the pve ers are complaining! Make your discontent known!!

> > >

> > > My dream of dagger is that it's defensive when un merged and offensive when merged and truely a hybrid weapon with good power scaling (since Soulbeast has alot flex with the pets)

> > >

> > > (Skill 2 megred daze 1/4 sec unmerged projectile destruction 1/2) skill 3 evade when unmerged imbolize or chill when merged)

> > >

> > > Anyways that's my dream doubt it will ever come to fruition.

> >

> > I am PvEr and i am conplaining since October ^^

> > Would fit the soulbeast rune at least.

> > Lets say AA gets same animation pattern as Sbreaker and remove the initial Vuln attack and keep the condi ones.

> > 2. Give it a flipover: Daze foe and your pet applies heavy poison, when you succesfully hit you gain acces to a second skill which grants protection to you and your pet and deals heavy power dmg.

> > 3. Instinctive engage: does now evade attacks.

> >

> > Predators cunning: strike your foe an additional time when poisoning and steal health according to the amount of dmg dealt. ICD 0.25

> > Dmg in about a one wolf pack range of dmg.

> > It procs per application not per stack, if you deal more dmg you gain more health back.

> > This would encourage real hybrid playstyle.

> >


> Ya duh and who you and wonderouswall? Given the fact that the pve community is bigger you'd think more people would talk about it. And ya as I said before I like your ideas on dagger


Yeah we are probably the most prominent ones thats true.

Although we are exceptional in taking other gamemodes into account and realy try to improve things.

Although he is more conservative and cautious than i am.

PvErs (open that is) are mostly rather causual or less activ on forums than WvWers or PvPers.

Veterans like i am or closed PvErs are most often here an make suggestions.


Thx again for the encouragement. I try to get diversity up and meke stuff viable in as many modes as possible.


@""Pterikdactyl.7630" yeah but pls buff dagger OH too.

IMO they can slap dtalker strike onto sword 3 as chain skill and make dagger a pure utility weapon.

Crippling talon as unblockable 2 ammo teleport and a new skill with an evasion backwards and stealth.

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Giving Instinctive Engage an Evade-function would be nice.


The rest? Don't know. I actually want to keep Dagger as condition-option. There's already Greatsword and Sword/Axe for the Zerker-Build.


I agree that Torch could also be buffed. I just want to have more fun again playing a more complex and thus more rewarding rotation.


SB³ ist kind of lame gameplay-wise.

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I think the skills should focus more like the 2nd skill does: giving your pet a certain effect (and thus transferring that to the player in beastmode).


For the Auto Attack, I'dd say there should be something interactive indeed with beastmode. Think about:

"_Deadly Delivery recharges your beast skills by 1 second_" or whatever.


For the Double Arc, it is not a bad skills, but very boring and plain IMO. There is two ways this can go:

1. Just buff it a little -> I'dd preferably say to give it torment rather than poison (Making dagger a bit unique for the ranger)

2. Completely change it. Maybe something like, inflict poison if your foe has 3 or less stacks of poison. If your foe has more than 3 stacks of poison, consume the poison instantly to deal the remaining poison damage instantly. (Only works on poison you applied)


For Instinctive Engage, I would indeed say to make this an evade. Some passive effect could be applied aswell to make it more interesting, but I fear it would become overloaded then.

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Base ranger weapons have a skill that buffs pets. That makes sense since base ranger always has a pet. However, I realized there is no reason MH dagger for an elite spec needs to have this mechanic built in. No matter what the ability does, it's always going to be better to use while merged because the SB will always have better stats than the pet. So ideally the SB MH dagger changes functionality based off of merged status.



Dagger 3 Not merged: Leap forward and you and your pet gain quickness if you hit your target.

Dagger 3 merged: Leap forward and stun your target for 1 second.


What this does:

PvE: Merged DPS SB has access to CC and procs twice as vicious when merged.

PvE: Not merged DPS SB. Something has gone wrong.


PvP: Not merged SB with essence of speed is the "defensive" phase in which you stack boons, extend boon duration with d3/EoS and have your pet out and buffed. Fresh reinforcement caps you on quickness when you merge

PvP: Merged: You are now on the clock for how much quickness you have and need to unmerge to get more. Meanwhile, dagger 3 is now a stun to lock enemies down while you hit them fast.


Dagger 2 Not merged: Does decent power damage and gain protection if you hit your target. Protection has obvious synergy with wilderness survival and second skin.

Dagger 2 merged: Bleed and poison your target. Basically functions as the current version of dagger 2.


Dagger 1: The 4th chain of the auto should hit much harder/apply more conditions in beast mode. Maybe have more vulnerability on the not merged chain.


TLDR: Collectively, while not merged, dagger 1 isn't really worth finishing the chain, dagger 2 increases your defense and dagger 3 potentially extends the protection from dagger 2 and gives quickness. You merge with quickness because you want to boost your auto attack speed to land the merged 4th auto chain hit but you will run out of quickness and protection if you stay merged too long. Dagger 3 helps lock your enemy down so you can land the damage and dagger 2 becomes an offensive skill.


SB players now have a reason to merge/unmerge with the dagger.


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