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Deleted a character that had bought items on it... RESOLVED

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Fortunately, this game is not other games. Most of us are pleased this is so.

> Regardless, you will have to work with the CS Team rather than the forum, as they are the only ones that can help you.


> Good luck.


In general, I'd agree with this, except that when I did something similar (I *wanted* to delete the character, but forgot to remove her unbreakable tool set before doing so), CS did what @"mykemyk.7456" wanted. They found the deleted character, asked me to confirm that they had found the right one, and then simply mailed the items to the next one of my characters that logged in.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Perhaps, the request asked to have the character restored, rather than requesting just the tools replaced.

> If the OP merely wants the tools replaced, make sure to request that, and only that in an update.


> Good luck.


Yup, Im guessing support thinks they are looking for the character to be restored hence the delay now,



> @"Boreall.4039" said:

> Why is it not as important? Because it was user error and it's non-critical to your gameplay.


Ok were you are technically correct, it does seem strange that you cannot delete something's in this game without a prompt yet you can delete and entire character with all them items on it without any warning other than typing the character name in, id say support get a fair few emails from players asking for items to be restored that where on old characters they deleted,


Im stunned they haven't put something into game that when you go to delete a character it doesn't pop up a warning that the character has Gemstore bought items on it, and are you sure you want to continue, or even pop up the items that are going to be removed if they delete it.



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  • ArenaNet Staff

I'm going to update on this and then close the thread:

* The reason that some tickets get a more immediate response, when not a *urgent* issue, is because we have people scanning the first-in (oldest) ticket as well as the newest ticket, to help us watch for arising issues. This is a good system, although it can result in a more-immediate response for a newer ticket. The newer ticket getting resolved "early" is not common, but it may happen. And when it happens, I believe it should be seen as a good thing, not something to be used in continued complaints. But hey, maybe that's just me. :)

* From what I can see in the ticket, you did not ask for the replacement of an item, you asked for restoration of the character. That takes time, and that does require you to have space for that restoration and to know some details about the character.

* As explained, we cannot "loan" you a character slot, but the inbound requests to do that no doubt delayed the resolution.

* In reading the ticket, it seems you were not able to provide information that was needed to restore the proper character. No name, profession, etc. I note your frustration with the questions, but I also note an agent going above and beyond, having to "take a guess" because they didn't know which character might apply, it not being the right one, having to do another restoration, etc. All of that takes time, and I believe all of that effort does not and should not be said to reflect poorly on the CS Team.

* Your item was replaced last Saturday, but the thread was never updated to reflect that. I've updated the title to make it clear this issue has been fully resolved.

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