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The new EOTM arena is nice, but far to small


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We'll have a larger version coming out in the nearish future.


It needed a larger version indeed, but overall the new map-arena is so beautiful! Please don't remove anything, specially the river, keep all of these environments! :)

Such a beautiful map, like a forgotten mystical Aztec theme, love it! :heart:

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We're increasing the size of the Mists Arena rather than adding an additional one. For reference, I'm including some size numbers I received from the map artist.


> Obsidian Santcum is about 3.6k x 3.6k

> Current Mists Arena is approximately: 2.9k x 3.3k

> The updated version will be about 3.5k x 4k.


I really do appreciate this, atleast we are getting something for GvG's


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To be useful for something other than just two balled up blobs running into each other, it needs to be much bigger, with height changes too, so that some tactics are involved. Flat surface is just for mindless gvg ball blob fights- and then it can be as small as you like, as they are all balled up anyway.


A couple of objectives with bonuses could then be introduced, a couple different paths, maybe a guild lord and some guards and ooooohhhh look, gvg! Then a league, different size fights from 5v5 to 25v25, imagine! It would almost be like gvg used to be for the first 5 years of the real Guild Wars game, and only 5 years after GW2 came out...


But that would involve balled up blob guilds having to use actual tactics as well as some actual work from the devs, so I'll just go back to dreaming now.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We're increasing the size of the Mists Arena rather than adding an additional one. For reference, I'm including some size numbers I received from the map artist.


> Obsidian Santcum is about 3.6k x 3.6k

> Current Mists Arena is approximately: 2.9k x 3.3k

> The updated version will be about 3.5k x 4k.


You actually responded to the feedback, wow. Now the only question is, when will this happen and will it happen at all.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"muerte.3842" said:

> It would be nice if we had somewhere that was determined as it aint nice coming through the portal to people waiting to gank you while you load


We're adding some drop off and LOS at the spawn in points, so should be harder to get ganked while you're loading at least. Also going to turn off siege in the area.

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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> As large as the OS arena please. Make the GH arena as large as the OS arena while you're at it please. No siege there please. Polls would be a good way to decide these things prior to spending the man hours coding it.


Like all the polls done during the debate about DBL? Honestly, while sometimes I cringe at Anet's decisions, I still prefer they THEY are the ones that make decisions instead of the community.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > As large as the OS arena please. Make the GH arena as large as the OS arena while you're at it please. No siege there please. Polls would be a good way to decide these things prior to spending the man hours coding it.


> Like all the polls done during the debate about DBL? Honestly, while sometimes I cringe at Anet's decisions, I still prefer they THEY are the ones that make decisions instead of the community.


You forget that it was anets decision to introduce dbl for more than 6 months after HoT release in it's broken state without rotating with abl?

You forget that they had planned on quarterly rotation of that map with abl until it was suggested to run 2abl1dbl instead of rotation?

Like anet's decision to design dbl the way it is without input from the community until it was put into the last minute beta stress test?

Yeah, no, anet's decisions isn't always the greatest either. Like designing a new arena that had no area restrictions from previous content, yet still ended up making it smaller than the guild hall arena that they were told for 3 years were too small.


They still need to take player input on things, which as we see now has already resulted in improvements for this new arena.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > As large as the OS arena please. Make the GH arena as large as the OS arena while you're at it please. No siege there please. Polls would be a good way to decide these things prior to spending the man hours coding it.


> Like all the polls done during the debate about DBL? Honestly, while sometimes I cringe at Anet's decisions, I still prefer they THEY are the ones that make decisions instead of the community.


At least with player input they get an idea of what we want rather than some of the weird(putting it mildly) decisions they have made on their own. They have the option to ignore poll results (2month rotation versus the one month rotation we voted for), but at least they would know what the majority voted.

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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > > As large as the OS arena please. Make the GH arena as large as the OS arena while you're at it please. No siege there please. Polls would be a good way to decide these things prior to spending the man hours coding it.

> >

> > Like all the polls done during the debate about DBL? Honestly, while sometimes I cringe at Anet's decisions, I still prefer they THEY are the ones that make decisions instead of the community.


> At least with player input they get an idea of what we want rather than some of the weird(putting it mildly) decisions they have made on their own. They have the option to ignore poll results (2month rotation versus the one month rotation we voted for), but at least they would know what the majority voted.


In the rotation poll one month wasn't the majority. Actually, there WAS no majority. However, 3 months and 1 month both *combined* received greater (albeit just slightly greater) than 50% of the votes and were the two that received the most votes.


They split the difference.


Which underscores the major problem with polls here: everyone is convinced that those who voted against the 'right' answer are filthy casuals and shouldn't get a vote.


Come to think of it, it kind of mirrors politics in the new millennium.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"shaggy.2768" said:

> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" is there any idea on when the new arena will be coming out? when four winds ends? or abit later since its from the ground up again?


> looking forward to test it out


Ben said, "We're increasing the size of the Mists Arena rather than adding an additional one. "

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Frick.2635" said:

> > The new, updated arena looks fantastic, great job


> Did they change the EOTM one already?


Sorry.. got my answer


Edge of the Mists


Increased the size of the Mists Arena.

Siege equipment can no longer be placed in the Mists Arena.

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