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If Anet would have to make a New Game, what would You like them to make?

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I have comply lost trust with Anet at this point being able to run an mmorpg or even an rpg game. I kind of hope some one else makes GW3. Anets better at platforming games with very strate forward game play and no combat with a silly cute story.

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:


> > But what I would love to see Anet making next as a complete new Franchise would be a MMORPG Game, that is not the classical typical medieval fantasy world setting, but more like a high tech fantasy mixture, which plays in the future - as a game that combines multiple diversive genres together.



> Wildstar tried that, and failed miserably.



Wildstar seriously failed for other reasons, than that, but one of the biggers reasons has been mentioned already before me, and that was that they tried to design the whole game for a "Hardcore Gamer" audience.. the problem the people behind Wildstar think think over first was just only, that theres no hardcore gamer playerbase at all, that is big enough to warrant the longstanding survival of such a game as like Wildstar, for why it was just only a short matter of time, until the game would fail and need to become free to play, because a game, thats designed to cate a hardcore minority of players in an sucribtion game, will never be enough to finanance the masses of players, that are NO hardcore gamers, but just casual players, which are about to hop off of the game the very moment, they are either done with the game, or so horribly scared off by the games hardcoreism fetish, that they quit it as quickly again as they started it, to continue their search for a game, they simply like significantly much better to their personal tastes for a game, thats designed around casual players and not hardcoreism fetish too much.


Wildstar had certainly a cool theme and design idea behind the game, but with their hardcoreism fetish the devs simply have driven the car into a wall from that the game was unable to recover itself from to ever become a strong contender for ever gettign near to become some kind of danger for the better designed and running GW2 and lastly naturally also as well too WoW.


However I think, if Anet would try on to make a game with the theme and style of Wildstar, with a story setting in some kind of futuristic scifi fantasy universe with a mixture of fun and some kind of neccessary seriosity in the storytelling - I think that ANet would make things definetely much better with such a game and woudl easily surpass with it Wildstar, making the things better, where NCSoft failed with Wildstar, if such a game comes with a scope and depth that rivals games like NMS, Eve Online , Osiris, Mass Effect, Star Ocean or upcoming games like Star Citizen.

all thats needed is to have a good vision for a game of such a type.. you want really know, intwo which kind of direction you want to go with such a game, you must be very iinovative with it, like hello games with NMS, making it possible with the technology of procedural algorythms to create basicalyl a game, that is able to create by itself its own content that palyers can then explore life the very moment you are there in the game, just like space itself expands itself every moment of our existance permanently since the big bang


I had in mind also, how GW2's worls could look like in some kind of paralell universe that plays compared to the current timeline like 10000 years in the future, where not Magic plays a role anymore, but high fantasy based super advanced nano magitech based on the combined technologies and wisdom of the 5 most advanced races would lead to a game, where these races become as an aliance together able to say goodbye to Tyria and explore the universe and have adventures out in space , experiencing completely new dangers that are of a completely different caliber,, than anything you could expect of now in GW2, where the world of tyria becomes only a microscopic fraction of a tiny puzzle piece, that is part of the whole picture of like a gigantic bigger scope, which you can realize and see only, if you explore the universe around of Tyria, where Tyria is just only 1 planet out of billions among its galaxy..


think about exploring lots of different procedural created worlds with the same as graphicalquality as of GW2 now, or eventually better the way how it works in NMS

that would be far much more innovative progression compared to GW2, than just to make a GW3, where everythign still is circling around only the planet of Tyria, but just only some time later

By making a completely new franchise, which still can be some kind of guild wars spinoff in the end with an other theme, I think would have ANet much more and better creative freedom with such a game, than just to make an new sequel of a previous sequel game. Guild Wars shouldnt turn into my eyes into some kind of Final Fantasy clone with endless raising numbers, until we reach somewhen in several decades of time a GW14 too ... thats not the spirit of Guild Wars to me

I think for ANet as a company it would be better, if they make soon an other new game franchise, cause that will surely enrich Anet as a company more, than to continue permaently only on the GW franchise and make never something else, because this will dull down only the creativity of devs, if you are permanently sitting all your life only on one and the same game franchise.

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Their best "game" would be remaking GW1 with the unreal engine 4, improved gw2 combat and Normal Mode of the open world not being instanced (Hard Mode would still be instanced for farming purposes). That would be the best thing that could come out from this dev by a long shot.

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