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The changes necro and reaper needs to be useful in both power and condi in pve.


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I don't think any of this stuff is necessary. Really all necro needs is just a flat buff to DPS in PvE, both condi and power, so that it is in better situation for raids and boss encounters.


To accomplish this, you just split some abilities / attacks like is done with many for PvP, WvW, PvE, and you jsut flat out buff the damage numbers for PvE only, across the board. No need to rework or re-design or anything extensive. Just tweak the base numbers. You could just buff auto attacks and whatever the big damage ability is from whichever weapon and it'd be good.


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  • 4 months later...

For PvP against good players gravedigger almost never hits because the cast time is pretty long, it is only good for cleaving. Plus if you can land gs skill 3 it does pretty good melee damage so the two skills kind of overlap. Would be cool if gravedigger is replaced with a utility skills like a reflect projectiles or some sort of mobility. Because usually if you don't land your pull you are stuck in a melee weapon that hits wayyy to slow

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Necro is slow with garbage defenses, damage it does is not its problem.necro is strong in pve for soloing content until late game group comps are relevant than its falls on its face, it will alway suck in all pvp modes exept for against bad players because it’s imobile with crap defensive abilities compared to the rest of the professions. Even it’s own players hold it back by defending its state right now ontop of the other players that don’t play it that can kite or use their defensive in any decent manner also rally saying it’s fine cuz it’s an easy kill. So why bother just enjoy it for what it is now lol stop caring or play a different class,maybe pvp modes should just all be mirage,ranger,thieves,fb and scourge for aoe spam, so fun!

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