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Please rebalance healing skills


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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> what are you basing "viability" on? Because the fact you look down on Ether Renewal, when its currently the single strongest Ele heal, makes me wonder what you're doing that makes it not an obvious best choice.....


While I agree that Ether Renewal is strong, the glyph still offers more healing, faster, and grants a boon. So if you don't need condi cleanse, it's clearly the best choice.

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I agree with this thread title completely the but comments are out of touch from a pvp stand point. In pvp signet of restoration destroys the others if you take healing power. If you don't take healing power glyph can compete with signet. Ether renewal, arcane heal, and stance heal are all really bad.

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Most heals are balanced around healing you for around 50% of your HP, some have additional benefits or drawbacks. I don't think any of them are too weak. Also don't forget that not everything has to be useful in all scenarios. Ether Renewal is unmeasurably good in WvW where you get loaded with a bunch of condis in a matter of seconds, where cleansing them is very important.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Most heals are balanced around healing you for around 50% of your HP


Except they don't. Only the glyph heals for 60% of your health if you play DPS, Ether Renewal goes a little less than 50%, the rest don't go above 35% in a matter of burst heal, and in PvE burst heal is all that matters because most mechanics revolve around big chunks of damage to dodge and counter. There are very little damage over time mechanics on bosses.

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I think only the stance heal is truly garbage, the others all have uses, even if some could be better:


- Signet of restoration: great in PvP with healing power, or builds that benefit from not letting up pressure

- Glyph Heal: Best burst healing. Good for dps builds in PvE or PvP depending on their specific needs.

- Ether renewal: Good against condis, but TERRIBLE against power dps (or any kind of pvp where competent players can interrupt, like thieves who will eat you alive). I would LOVE to see this heal 2 condis/pulse and last half as long, perhaps with less total HP healed, so that it isn't so hard-countered by opponents builds. I sometimes take this in PvE when I don't want to take any other kind of condi cleanse.

- Arcane heal: Decent for DPS builds to have another blast for their fire fields. The fact that it has a blast is nice. This would be VERY cool with ammo but lower base healing, but it has a niche usage.

- Wash the pain away: good support heal, but it has been nerfed. It is still valuable and has its use.

- Stance heal: This heal truly has no reason to ever be used. It is like a worse version of signet heal in every way, as it can be interrupted, can be avoided for heal, gives less healing over time even if you hit everything...I don't know how this heal could be worse. This needs a redesign, but I'm unsure exactly what it should do. Should it reduce condi duration? Should it provide damage inversion like warrior's heal? Should it massively increase healing power (so your other healing skills become super-strong)? Maybe it should make you into a moving field so your blasts and leaps all get effect (this one could be super-cool, but maybe OP). Lot of ways to take it, but currently it might as well not exist.

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