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How would YOU like to earn Ascended Shards of Glory?

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Hello all,


Recently I have been saltier than usual in PvP, and since I started I learned classes, playstyles, and how to be a jerk. My most recent game while I was farming zephyr boxes I was curious why I was losing so much. My first line started with "Kitten this," to an enemy ranger.


He lol'd.


We'll I'm a reasonable person so I ask in map "What's the enemy team's rank?" I explain to the ranger that I'm not salty, just curious as I've been getting stomped recently. I come to find out he's in Gold 1, and another person who answered on the enemy team was Gold 3. While someone on my team replied to the conversation, "Bronze 1." I'm not angry that I had a bronze player on my team; we all have different skill levels. I'm not even angry, I'm for want. I want a different way to earn Ascended Shards of Glory so I have a chance at legendary armor (I've already made a piece) instead of getting so salty every season that I contact support. I doubt that many people play PvP in order to fix the queue system, so how on earth am I going to get Ascended Shards of Glory?


How would you like to earn Ascended Shards of Glory?

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The current system works fine for me. Sure, handing out ascended and legendary rewards for mere participation killed PvP as a competitive game mode, but I'm just there for the shinies aynway and I am patient to get my stuff. I play as good as I can, choose a decent build that I can pilot and try to carry my own weight in every match I play. I just don't care that much if I win or lose. (Plat1 here, playing an average of 100 matches per season, I don't consider myself to be a PvP player)

Problem is that ANet can't make the rewards in way that would need you to win a match every now and then. Ppl would feel challenged and forced into playing different than they want(casually AA'ing from max range, still getting dat legendary loot) which is intollerant and evil, so we can't have that.

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The problem really is that the way Legendary armor thought of in the reward system, and how all of the biggest issues in obtaining it is community based. Let me explain..... in PvE, Leg armor is a Raid Exclusive collection. It requires you to do a lot of raiding, which given the concept of a Raid reward is ok. The problem starts popping up when the Raid community stopped being open to new PUGs, and fell into a Speed clear mentality. This was inevitable, given the how everything about the reward system is made to create a routine which has no alternative. Periodically there will be a resurgence things like training raids and new players coming back due to events. But once the initial hype has died down, it steadily decays back into mild toxicity, as established players start getting lazy, players in core roles get burnt out, and shrinking population distills the majority of raiders into static groups. Once the static groups hit equilibrium, they have no incentive to try and bring new people in..... and things tend to stay that way until the next big shake up occurs.


PvP and WvW players are at the mercy of their team's morale. If a player's team mates want to give up a fight, then theres nothing much they can do. WvW has a bit more flexibility in its zerg mentality; but if they suffer a crushing blow that costs them their Keeps, or can't even make head way to reclaim it, some servers will give up for the day, or even the whole week. This creates a huge incentive to stack servers or manipulate match ups, and the pugs will bandwagon to which ever option has the best odds to farm pips and/or bags. Even going as far as trading ghost caps of camps near spawn to keep participation going, but not make any serious attempt to compete.


All of that can be fixed by making Ascended armor just another crafting project, like the Gen 2.5s were eventually made into. And odds are, this is going to eventually happen given how balance hugely affects player psychology in the competitive modes.

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Thanks OP for illustrating **EXACTLY** everything wrong with the current implementation of PvP, it's rewards, and pretty much everything:

1) A lot, if not most people play it to farm rewards, not for the competitive aspect (which, lets face it, ended around season 5).

2) The matchmaker is struggling heavily to make same-tier teams.

3) Balance (not mentioned, but implicit)

4) All of the above creates an unfun environment, frustrates players and pushes them away, which just exacerbates the issues.


They need to move the farmable rewards to a farmable system (included in unranked), and then push for better more prestige rewards associated with actual wins and performance.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> The problem really is that the way Legendary armor thought of in the reward system, and how all of the biggest issues in obtaining it is community based. Let me explain..... in PvE, Leg armor is a Raid Exclusive collection. It requires you to do a lot of raiding, which given the concept of a Raid reward is ok. The problem starts popping up when the Raid community stopped being open to new PUGs, and fell into a Speed clear mentality. This was inevitable, given the how everything about the reward system is made to create a routine which has no alternative. Periodically there will be a resurgence things like training raids and new players coming back due to events. But once the initial hype has died down, it steadily decays back into mild toxicity, as established players start getting lazy, players in core roles get burnt out, and shrinking population distills the majority of raiders into static groups. Once the static groups hit equilibrium, they have no incentive to try and bring new people in..... and things tend to stay that way until the next big shake up occurs.


Totally agree with this


> PvP and WvW players are at the mercy of their team's morale. If a player's team mates want to give up a fight, then theres nothing much they can do. WvW has a bit more flexibility in its zerg mentality; but if they suffer a crushing blow that costs them their Keeps, or can't even make head way to reclaim it, some servers will give up for the day, or even the whole week. This creates a huge incentive to stack servers or manipulate match ups, and the pugs will bandwagon to which ever option has the best odds to farm pips and/or bags. Even going as far as trading ghost caps of camps near spawn to keep participation going, but not make any serious attempt to compete.


This is completely wrong. Getting legendary stuff in WvW has nothing to do with zerging or group moral or flipping T3 keeps. Basically, everything you said. All you need is enough participation, T3, in order to get pips. You don't get more pips with T6 participation, that has to do with your reward track. As a matter of fact, you are even encouraged to play on outnumbered maps to get 5 extra pips per tick. So the most efficient way is to play by yourself or in a small group on an outnumbered map. The only exception to this statement are the 1 or 2 extra pips you get for being in 2nd or1st place for the skirmish. However, it's not really an exception, because yoru server might still be placing 1st with or without your help, hense, you don't need to do the things you say. It is still negligible compared to the 5 you get from being outmanned. If you're brand new, that might be a big deal, but if you're a vet and already have a base of 10 pips per tick, then it really doesn't matter.

You'll finish diamond by Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Basically, just play and you get legendary rewards.





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