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[build] Power hammer scrapper for noob


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I'm rather nooby and had long break from GW2 so now I'm posting my builds on forum too seek any improvement and tips from community.

So guys, can you point out for me any flaws or changes in my build? I was using core engi healer in pvp, but now I'm trying power scrapper.

I know it's not optimal but I find it fun. Any ideas how to improve this build for pve and wvw


Thanks for insight.

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For PvE I don't think you need that amount of condition cleanse. If you're having issues with conditions in PvE, it's best to have at least one condition cleansing skill.


On the other hand, for WvW it's a really good tank build with great condition cleanse, making it useful if you're fighting against mostly condition players. While I'm not a big fan of A.E.D and I would much rather use Healing Turret or Medic Gyro, but don't let me get in your way of using this skill.

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imo the build (armor) is too defensive.

it might be **a good start**, when you dont know the mobs behaviour.

however, the more advanced you get (knowing combo fields, cc to remove the blue bar, when to dodge, when to use hammer 3+4) the more you want to invest into offensive stats (berserker, since oyu have plenty of +crit chance traits and dont need e.g. assassins)... makes killing a lot faster, therefore you dont have to handle conditions/damage received.

the learning curve for that shouldnt be too harsh, the profession itself is already very tanky without defensive stats.

in that regard, rune of the scholar is BiS aswell, since it adds so many offensive stats, that the 6th rune bonus is something you dont have to worry about, even if you can not stay above 90% health.


also think about using Applied Force (trait) instead of Adaptive Armor. its free quickness (because you gain plenty of might by just auto attacking) = faster skill execution.


the heal is also more advanced. for more consistent healing take the turret or the gyro (turret clears conditions aswell, if you struggle with them - and can be picked up to reduce its cd to 15sec).


i wouldnt reccomend purge gyro either. if you care about yourself it "can" be good. but in a group (pve and wvw) this gyro is super flawed, since it cleanses a condition from one ally at a time only (each intervall). if you are in a bigger event, you might not get anything from it yourself, because it picks "random" people to cleanse from and dies very quickly in aoes.

instead (ONE example) pick something like elixir gun - it offers a little condi cleanse for yourself on skill 5, a lot of condi cleanse for allies on skill 3, a little heal on skill 5, a ranged option for chasing targets when your hammer 3 is on cd, a nice aoe damaging field on skill 4, nice damage on skill 2 (stationary targets) AND a stunbreak on your f-abilities (that will save your live more consistently than a few purges).

if you dont like elixir gun, because its a kit - use elixir u instead. a stunbreak for yourself. quickness (skill and f-skill), stunbreak for allies (more rng than anything else), stability and vigor (more dodges), easy to use.


just to point out options and reasons. not saying you "have to" do anything.



is a completely different story. what do you want to do? roam or zerg? in both cases your armor is "okay" - but skills and traits dont fit the mode too well.

there are plenty of options.

what your build lacks in that regard is:

stunbreaks (elixir s, elixir u, e-gun f skill)

escapes/engagement skills (escpecially while roaming - rocket boots, elixir s, elixir s f-skill, sneak gyro)

reliable group support (e-gun, trait purity of purpose, med-kit, heal turret)

traits/traitlines that support your skills (alchemy, inventions, tools)


it is a whole lot more complex, since you do not engage mobs of a certain kind and predict 95% of their behaviour. unfortunately there is nothing like a build that would suit too many situations. for everything you want to do, you will have to specialize.


some very common skills (used very often and usefull in many situations) and therefore **almost** safe-bets are:

healing turret, elixir s, bulwark gyro... e-gun/elixir c (interchangeably).



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For PvE I'd suggest something closer to this: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scrapper_-_Quickness_Hammer or even a Juggernaught FT build. You don't need to run that defensive in Open World, which I take is what you mean by PvE. If you mean Dungeons/Fractals, then even those OW builds are going to be much better than your current one; the focus is almost always on DPS over defensive stats in PvE.

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I'm not quite getting the investment in the explosions line. Maybe I'm missing something. Try tools instead for lots of vigor to mitigate damage with dodge rolls, take down round, 10% damage boos while you have vigor, and more quickness from kinetic battery.



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> @"Frostmane.9734" said:

> I'm not quite getting the investment in the explosions line. Maybe I'm missing something. Try tools instead for lots of vigor to mitigate damage with dodge rolls, take down round, 10% damage boos while you have vigor, and more quickness from kinetic battery.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASnUUBdehlXBWXBEqilJjSsZKgAg+vr7Afc9ev4D-jxBBQBRSJYlU/pLK/gwFAIP6AO4+DA4BAAA-e


exlosives traitline has multiple damage multiplier.

glass canon 5% (or blasting zone... which is more consistent but less efficient)

big boomer roughly 10% (increase in crit-dmg. combined with firearms crit chance traits. without -> only about 5%)

shaped charge another 10%


edit: but i agree... its only pure dmg multiplicators. hardly any utility/boons. and besides 10% on vulnerable foes, it has quite some requirements to work (max crit chance, above 75% health). if that is what you meant.

its not entirely bad tho. like the OP got many suggestions and reasons already - and now its up to him/her to chose. right?

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Now that we're at it, what would be a decent rotation for this build? I used scrapper a short time before learning to metameme holosmith, but now that I got into HoT story I want to use Scrapper more instead of running a powercreep elite.

I used to just thunderlap -> rocket charge then just auto until things die but I dont know if that's the most efficient way for playing offensive Scrapper. maybe start building might with skill 1?

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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> Now that we're at it, what would be a decent rotation for this build? I used scrapper a short time before learning to metameme holosmith, but now that I got into HoT story I want to use Scrapper more instead of running a powercreep elite.

> I used to just thunderlap -> rocket charge then just auto until things die but I dont know if that's the most efficient way for playing offensive Scrapper. maybe start building might with skill 1?


hammer 2 on cd ! (or defensively, when you know projectiles are coming).

hammer 4 used to be better dps than auto attack too. havent checked it in a while... i use it defensively anyway (dungeons (fractals))



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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> Now that we're at it, what would be a decent rotation for this build? I used scrapper a short time before learning to metameme holosmith, but now that I got into HoT story I want to use Scrapper more instead of running a powercreep elite.

> I used to just thunderlap -> rocket charge then just auto until things die but I dont know if that's the most efficient way for playing offensive Scrapper. maybe start building might with skill 1?


Orbital Laser -> TC -> Charge, Electro Whirl, Auto, more Electro Whirl if you need to. I think the Block on H4 is weaker than autos, but in Open World it almost doesn't matter. When I do it I run Alchemy and pop B and U mostly on cooldown during anything Veteran and bigger too. I tend to run Elixirs with Hammer Scrapper, so I pop B and U off cooldown. I'm not sure if trying some SD/Gadgets build will get more DPS.

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