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NA versus EU on the opinion of teams in ranked conquest.

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I was wondering if EU players typically have a different mindset from NA players (the server groupings atleast) about teams being allowed in ranked.


On your true main and home (most time spent, most work done) EU, or NA what do you think?


It may seem like another bring teams back to ranked, and it may e that indeed, but the true intention is to see if the desire differs from NA to EU.


It is not like we play against each other (normally)


Please choose your main region (North America (NA), or Europe(EU)) and your choice (YES, NO, or DON'T CARE).

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> you have so many options the poll is going to close with like 2-3 votes per category.


probably not even that many, this will likely get buried under the nerf this, buff that posts. i won't respond anymore because I don't want to bump my own thread unless it is a hot "potato"

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I never found premades to be too oppressive as they were quite rare. Besides I would like to join a team but there's just no place to practice playing in a team. AT's are too far apart for efficient practice, and match quality in unranked is too volatile to get realistic feedback. Only other option would be some kind of scrimming but I have no idea if anyone even does that anymore.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> Maybe now after we've figured out rating and region in relation to the Duo/Team Q yes or no question, maybe we need two more for age and gender.


oh yeah, people from different parts of the world do everything the same and think the same way, have the same views and beliefs.....duh i shoulds have knowns thats


why even ponder the situation further?

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