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Do you have other classes of the same race as your main?

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I have 27 mains. There are three of each profession. Six of them aren't level 80 yet, though, so maybe they don't count as "mains". I originally made them (and three mules) to see all of the storyline missions (without having to join other people in the missions).


If the game doesn't add any more classes or races, I'll eventually I may go to 45, so I'll have one of each race/profession pair. (Assuming they ever put character slots on sale again -- it's way too expensive already. My budget requires a sale price.)

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> @"jbrother.1340" said:

> > @"zenleto.6179" said:

> > > @"tanf.8917" said:

> > > > @"zenleto.6179" said:

> > > > I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to help much since I have 65 characters but did you give them all very different names? That should definitely be start on making them individually special. Run them around for solid chunks of time as well, get a real good feel for them.

> > > >

> > > > As for my guys, the oldest ones I consider my “mains”. They all get a run though and they all feel different.

> > >

> > > wow 65, must be very fun switching between them! and yes, mine all got different names. i always had the idea of having no doubles but i feel limited because i have a lot of awesome ideas in my head. (for example asura mesmer - time traveler, charr mesmer - dream eater/breaker).

> >

> > Then be unlimited! :) Let your awesome ideas run free and see where they take you. Just keep your imagination intact so you can see past the fact that eventually they’ll all be doing the same things story wise. There’s so much to do in the game now that you can have them do different things entirely if you wanted.

> >

> > And yes, it’s fun switching between them all :)


> How many of those are at 80 and geared? I am curious where do you find the time?


A bit over a third are 80 and geared to exotic level, with a few bits of ascended. Then there's one of each profession who aren't 80 that I use for PvP when I feel like having a run of that. I don't raid so I don't need whatever I need for that, and hop into low level fractals for a giggle. All the rest of my guys get the occasional run when I scroll through the roster and think it's time they stretched their legs.

As for time: I'm divorced so I have plenty of time!


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I have mostly 2 of each race with 3 diff charr and 3 lil rats thrown in (only 2 races that look good in ball caps). I use 7 mains all diff races and professions in case i need a chrono or druid just swap toons not builds etc while the others are mules. 18 toons total (all 80 and fully kitted)though only pro with 7 profs. Just never got the groove for ele or thief of any build.

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So far 15 level 80s and 2 that I’m leveling to 80. I have a mix of all 5 races, mostly female but a couple are males. As too which is my main, the answer is either all or none, depending how you look at it. While I have one or two that I prefer to use with certain specific content, for the rest each day I go to the rightmost character slot and play that char as it’s the last one to be logged on in that group. So no, having the same race as a char more than once isn’t a problem. With different hairstyles, skin and hair color and different armor weights and styles to choose from even the races with the same face look completely different.

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To answer the OP's original question. No.


My main is a Syvlari Ranger. I have no other characters of that race.


However I do have the following


Elementalist, Mesmer and Engineer - Asura - I picked that race because I personally think they suit the classes, being linked to the Eternal Alchemy and being inventors.

Thief and Revenant - Charr - Revenant due to Rytlock being one and me liking that particular look. The Thief is probably down to Tybalt being one of my favourite characters in game.

Warrior and Necromancer - Human. Just think the Human look (with an English Accent) suits the class.

Guardian - Norn - Big intimidating and like a brick wall. Has to be Norn :)


All of them are male. All of them are level 80. All of them have World Completion. All of them have completed PoF, however the Elementalist and Engineer have yet to complete the final mission in the personal Story of HoT. One day I'll get round to it!


I'll probably never create another character unless of course they add a new race or a new class.


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