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Zhaitan's weakness: lasers??

James Orland.9786

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> Zhaitan's weakness is his hunger for magic. In the personal story we systematically starve him of that via the last few parts of the campaign.

> This leaves us with little more to perform the death blow than hit him with a laser, We had actually been exploiting his weakness unknowingly all along.


> Not the best answer, but it is the official one.


> Now this thread may die.


Technically the official answer is that his weakness was his overreliance on specialized minions. He "gave" pieces of himself to certain minions - the Eyes and Mouths most of all - which meant killing them directly harmed Zhaitan. Combined with depriving Zhaitan of his six largest sources of magic (Artesian Waters and the five temples) on top of killing those Eyes and Mouths is what led to Zhaitan's weakened state in which we could kill him by almost literally poisoning the magic left within him. It'd be like force feeding bleach to a person who's been starved for a week while simultaneously beating them up.


That said, this thread won't die, because someone's just gonna necro the topic once again.

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Zhaitan's weakness was death. We killed his representations, he was weaken.


Dragons' strengths are also their weaknesses.



Josso Essher: The most important lesson an Exalted must learn is: though Elder Dragons are unimaginably powerful, they can be killed.

Josso Essher: Each has a distinct flaw.

Josso Essher: Mordremoth, for example, dominates thought. But its most powerful asset—its mind—is also its greatest liability.

Josso Essher: Kralkatorrik's unique strength—its power to crystalize objects—is also its singular weakness.

Josso Essher: Its creations share a fundamental resonance that connects them back to the crystal dragon and makes them vulnerable to each other


Aka that's why Aurene was that important, she was the last remaining character that could actually be successful with killing Kralkatorrik, she, like Glint and Vlast, was Kralk's weakness.


His weakness is Crystal aka his Blood, because we could see in War Eternal that his blood is actually millions millions of crystals.


Mordremoth's strength was his mind, controlling over people, over Sylvari mostly, but not only. But his weakness was his strength for we actually made him killable by shattering his mind in Hearts and Minds.




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Also Josso said that Elder Dragons can be killed. Well those Elder Dragons indeed can. Now Aurene is an Elder Dragon, but she can't be killed. She is like an Immortal Soul of Tyria.


First of her kind...



Aside from this topic I wonder if somewhere in near future she will actually become mother for new dragons, so they will be raised by her and presumably also by us to replace the Elder Dragons...



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