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Need help from Rev mains (build advice)


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I'm new to this class and I am basically a WvW player. I read something on internet to check meta builds, now I am running a power Herald/Shiro Hammer build. This is working as intended, still learning but I get it.


I'll go straight to the questions:

- Rev can be a good tank in WvW? Dwarf and Herald stance?


- I think that Demon Stance has a lot of potential, but I saw that meta build don't use it much. Condi melee build is a thing? You need Renegade or you can go, for example, Demon and Herald?


Tnks to everyone

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Revenant is not the best tank, but can tank a little with Facet of Light, Rite of the Great Dwarf, Vengeful Hammers (20% Damage reduction!) and the Retribution traitline. Or for conditions, you'll want Mallyx and Corruption. Revenant is better at helping the group with boonshare I find, and Rite works on 4 other friendlies around you.


I can't speak much about condi melee builds, haven't played them in a while.

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atm its all about hammer 2, 3 and 5 - zerker/marauder.

tanky is gone since PoF got released.

...well its not entirely gone, but not that efficient anymore (perma resistance is not that big of a deal, since so many corrupts and boonstrips are on the field. with malyx you draw conditons to you - hence you kill yourself, once rsistance is stripped).

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I like the Mal, he's grown on me but I'll agree with the rest and say that if you want to tank there are better professions to do that with. I personally feel that Revenant is great at support, when you don't have to take direct heat. Glint can help you stay alive with Facet of Light but when it comes to tanking you'll be outdone by other professions. Most of the condi builds I see are Renegade though. I'm sure you can find a Herald condi build but I'm not sure it will be as strong as other Revenant condi builds atm.

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Thank you very much guys. Now I'll stick to marauder hammer backline, with some cool support abilities from Herald, and Shiro mostly to GTFO when things get ugly :lol:

I liked the idea to a Rev with Demon that goes with the melee group and helped with condi clear and dish some dmg.


I suppose that celestial gear is out of discussion?

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